My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3701: Roll back to the nest

Looking at the existence that is more like a **** than a god...

The lotus goddess wanted to move her lips. She wanted to say something, but she seemed to have something to her lips, but she didn’t know how to say it--

The four meditations were defeated, and like the night sky god, turned into ashes. This human race powerhouse did not cut off the tens of thousands of gold tuos in the Rune Land, but adopted an extremely overbearing method——

"Land of Runes" was erased by Ye Di Shengsheng.

Erased from these heavens, the four meditations of Yāngāna seemed to have never existed before, as if they had been here in the future.

God, just passed away--

After the God of Fire and the God of Ye Motian, the Four Zen is the third true **** who died. This result is undoubtedly the most surprising now.

Because at the very beginning, no one thought that the night emperor would be the opponent of the gods, but now...the true gods have lost three!

Qing Ming Death God looked at that lonely figure, and his heart was completely filled with fear. When he looked at Su Jin, he even felt his own insignificance. The method just now erased the method of "Rune Land", whether it was him, It’s still the lotus goddess, Tracer, and neither of them can do things that even gods can’t do, but they are easily solved by one person, a strong human race——

This is terrible.

"It's my time." Qing Ming's throat was a little dry, and there was a bit of bitterness on his face, yes, it was him, the lotus goddess can't move now, this goddess is being coveted by a candle dragon.

Su Jin walked in the void like a stroll, then raised his head, swept across the face of the lotus goddess, and finally looked at Qingming Death God——

"Can you not fight? We can't admit defeat?" The lotus goddess asked suddenly.

She is very embarrassed.

The true Protoss has already lost three of them. Although the Protoss in the heavens can bear this kind of price, they can never die again!

Su Jin shook his head.

"Can you represent the entire Protoss?" Su Jin looked at the lotus goddess and asked indifferently.

"What... what do you mean?" The lotus goddess seemed to understand, and it seemed that Su Jin had something else to say. She was even a little nervous. Perhaps, this is a kind of awe of the strong!

"Let King God take you back to the lair, and announce that "New God Era" has been terminated by Ye Di, can you represent the entire Protoss?" Su Jin asked again.


The lotus goddess sounded a little terrified, so that she gasped deeply!

What is she? The status in the Protoss is only in the middle and lower position, how dare to talk about representing the Protoss! And this Yedi's tone plane is too big, let the king **** take the **** and roll back to the nest?

Look, is this still human?


The young Tracer, who was far in front of the imperial palace, had an extremely embarrassed face. He knew that after Ye Di repeatedly killed three true gods, Ye Di began to be improper. Maybe now his kind of **** is in the eyes of Ye Di. The status of a dog is about the same, or even worse than...

"Since ancient times, God's arrogance will eventually pay for it..." Gao Yue sighed.

"Do you know that we are all here for you..." Young Tracer said silently to Gao Yue.

"I know. Like you, I thought that the gods are superior, and the superiors don’t know how much to wait, but I encountered a setback here. He defeated me and made me feel the gap with the human race. Therefore, whether it is a **** or a king **** , It's time to wake up." Gao Yue said coldly.

The gap with Human Race——

Young Tracer heard that although his heart was awkward and angry, but more helpless, he knew what Gao Yue meant--

"Human race, but it's the only one." Young Tracer got serious, and said slowly, clenching his fist.

"You are wrong, the great ancestor of the Kingdom of God who raised me is an ancient sage. He is a human race, and his strength should be higher than you gods, although he is not a king."

Gao Yue didn't wait for the young Tracer to refute, and continued: "Not long ago, Yedi used the tears of the seal to seal the living bronze heavenly emperor into the king grade Shenwu. I don't know how much strength the bronze heavenly emperor has, but if so It should be comparable to a king god."


Comparable to King God!

"The ancient sages are indeed powerful, but how many ancient sages can exist in the world? Far rarer than our Protoss. Now the human race is the most powerful at Yedi, but these worries will soon change. Just wait for King God to arrive." Tracer said.

"The Taiyang you mentioned?" Gao Yue asked rhetorically.

Tracer shook his head, "It's not... As far as I know, there are no fewer than nine kings, and even if there are others, they are beyond my knowledge."

Nine kings and gods!

How many people can come?

Gao Yue feels that it won’t be all coming. It’s the ultimate to have two or three of them. She still doesn’t know if there is a gap between Yedi and Wangshen. If there is a gap, how much difference... can you use ancient The power of the sages to make up for it, if that’s the case, the gods come to open up the "New God Era", I am afraid it is just a delusion!

God is talking--

The land of glazed glaze, the one hundred thousand high heavenly powerhouses, their shock is naturally far stronger than that of the gods!

"The super-god power of "Rune Land" has been wiped out by Ye Di's swordsmanship. This is already the third one to kill, the God of Fire, the God of Ye Motian, and the Four Zen! Three gods!" Some people are scared, this land of the highest heavens, is it to be dominated by the human race Yedi, he stays here, it is precisely to challenge those gods, those king gods!

"These gods are too useless, and the methods are slightly more powerful than some ancient sages. Ye Di is so relaxed, it seems that he can only pin his hopes on the gods of the gods——"

"Wang Shen, can Ye Di fight? Even if it is Ye Di, facing a king God, I am afraid it will be a headache?"

"At least it is much more powerful than these screaming fire gods and the four zens. Although the "Rune Land" of the four zens is amazing enough, it seems to be a lot worse than the swords of the night emperor. Seeing the negative corner of the Four Zen Zen stubbornly resisted, was he crushed to death by the Yedi's kendo instead?"

"I heard from the ancestors and said... Yedi’s current state is probably the legendary and mysterious "Treading the Path". Although he uses kendo, he is detached from kendo and can walk on kendo. This kind of power is already unimaginable. Up."


At this moment.

The lotus goddess could only shook his head for Su Jin's request——

She is not qualified enough, let alone her, even if it is a king god, she can't sit on this lord——

Su Jin understood, his eyes turned to Qing Ming Death God again.

It was this gaze that made Qing Ming's Death God seem to be agitated!

Then, Su Jin raised the sword in his right hand and pointed at Qingming Death God and said, "Don't say I didn't give you a chance, just like taking the Four Zen, use your strongest power—"

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