My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3694: Suppress!

In the dark glazed land, the wind is getting stronger--

Su Jin's black hair rose up, and it was extremely evil and enchanted under the strong wind that protruded in the void.

In the face of Ye Motian’s arrogant provocation, Su Jin directly treated that kind of words as bullshit, and didn’t really listen. After all, the Xiaotian Fire God who had just released his rhetoric was pinched to death by him——

"You are very weak, I don't know whether the arrival of the king gods like you will satisfy me." Su Jin looked at the Ye Motian **** and the four meditations, and said lightly.

"Very weak? I will personally shut you up in a while." Ye Motian was really angry and said coldly.

Then, the Four Zen and Ye Motian looked at each other and nodded tacitly.

Riding the Four Chans directly gave a soft drink, bent his knees and folded his legs, his right hand condensed his **** directly, and he shouted: "The golden appearance, the golden sea!"


Strands of dark golden economy quickly condensed from the side behind the four meditations. A golden statue of Tuo rose behind him. It looked like a Buddha but not a Buddha. It looked like Tao is not Tao, but Zen.

The huge pressure seems to oppress the sky! Suppress the hearts of the monks in the Land of Glazed Glass! The vastness of Jin Tuo's facial expression can feel a deep suffocation even at the first glance!

"God, God's great means!" The monk in the land of glazed glaze said tremblingly.

"It feels so vast. A god's vision can be so vast. The power of this **** is really evil. If Ye Di doesn't treat it well, it might overturn the car—"

"The previous Xiaotian Fire God was also powerful enough, but I didn’t expect this unsurprising little old man to have such a powerful divine power. This feeling, Xiaotian Fire God didn’t bring me this kind of feeling. It seems that Ye Di was about to be hit hard. ——"

"Not necessarily! Yedi's origin of not being the world-honored person is still there. Although I don't know what happened, it is definitely the reason for the Palace of Longevity. As long as he is not the world-honored person, these little gods are not a big threat to him."

"Perhaps as Ye Di said, only King God can truly contend against him. Even if these little gods possess prominent means and power to shake the sky, it is difficult for Ye Di to see him."

"The Four Chans, the name is so weird, but he alone has such a powerful side as a god, what kind of power will the Skyscraper God exhibit that night?"


The common people are shocked-

Only, a few gods still have hidden worries.

The lotus goddess and Gao Yue are the most worried-

Gao Yue knows Su Jin's horror well, and she feels that Ye Motian and Cheng Si Zen have very little chance of winning.

"This human race called Yedi is the one who caused the warning of the spar idol. He is not easy to deal with. If the Four Zen and Ye Motian are not matched for a while, you and I need to act directly. You can no longer resemble the God of Fire. That way, let them die tragically for no reason." The lotus goddess looked at Qingming Death God.

"You have too many worries, how could he be the opponent of the two gods--" Qing Ming Death God shook his head, obviously not believing the words of the lotus goddess.

How worried.

If it were normal, maybe the lotus goddess would still have such an illusion, but that night emperor was too weird. A human race had such power against the sky, and the opponent even arrogantly challenged the king.

This is too abnormal--

Moreover, the lotus goddess felt that since the young Tracer was captured, everything seemed to be planned by the emperor, the other party was waiting for the gods, waiting for the arrival of all the gods!

With deep anxiety, the lotus goddess looked at the battlefield.

The performance of the four meditations, as always, is astonishing. This **** has the ability to rule the battlefield, and the lotus goddess nodded silently.

"Darkness plane! Ye Motian!" Ye Motian's divine body swelled rapidly, and his arms gently tore forward, directly tore a piece of time and space!

There...the first thing that appeared there was a vast Star River God Road. The God Road lens, full of prosperity, turned out to be an invisible plane!

"God of the plane! He was born from that night sky plane, and he is also the lord of the plane, and he is still a god..." In the land of colored glaze, the monks were all in an uproar!

Because everyone knows that the Lord of the Night is also the Lord of the plane, and the plane is still the ‘Sinluo Plane’!

A **** born from one plane, dominating the plane, the Sky God of this night is absolutely incomparably powerful in the eyes of many people. One must know that he is a god, and the use of the power of the plane is probably innate, and Su Jin can never Comparable!

Su Jin grinned--

His right hand swept away his clothes, his arms rounded, in the state of naked eyes, almost everyone saw a "Wheel of the Secret of Heaven" surprisingly began to condense out of nothingness!

The wheel of the secret of heaven, now and then!

Su Jin Tiandao's right arm, and the left arm of the plane's bones, seemed to emit two different kinds of red light. With this blessing, "The Secret Wheel" seemed to become the most domineering existence under the sky!

"What a strong momentum!" Cheng Si Zen was taken aback!

The huge dark golden divine vision, suppressed by the divine wheel that appeals to millions of luster, is trembling!

"The sea of ​​brilliant gold!" The Four Chans once again burst out, a dark golden sea of ​​economics, began to fold and glow, and in the hands of the golden gods above him, there was also a weird scepter turning——


The face of Cheng Si Zen suddenly changed!

The same is true for Ye Motian. He saw that his plane of God was swaying, and then, the entire plane seemed to be frightened by Ye Di's fierce might and was shaking crazily.

"This--" Although the lotus goddess is watching the battle, she has never seen this kind of scene shaking two real gods before, and... and the Ye Motian **** and the four meditations seem to be at a disadvantage?

"Nine songs of darkness, the wrath of the gods!" Ye Motian's figure shook, and he seemed to have briefly escaped the suppression of the secret wheel that day. There were **** characters in the sky, as if shattered the sky--

A black divine shadow emerged from the plane of night sky, each one seemed to possess divine power. These inexplicable existences that emerged from the darkness began to swiftly turn into wisps of black smoke and dissipate in the void!

Just rushing out of the plane of God Road, it turned into black smoke——

Ye Motian almost bit his tongue, his eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief!

Ye Motian was not convinced just now. He didn't think that Ye Di’s "Wheel of Secrets" had suppressed his plane. As a result, he couldn't fully use his methods now!

The vast "Wheel of Secrets of Heaven", the vastness of it, seems to be impossible to see with the eyes, the nine criss-crossing avenues, the extremely gorgeous roulette, standing under the sky, still suppressing the gods!

"How are you..." Ye Motian's face was pale, and the sound was transmitted to the Four Zen.

When I asked, Ye Motian heard a loud noise, and he quickly looked at the Four Zen...

The huge dark golden divine vision was directly shattered into uncountable fragments, and the four meditations were also directly stunned, and the blood of the gods was constantly sprayed!

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