My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3690: Catch the gods game

Xiaotian Fire God and Ye Motian God repeatedly expressed their opinions——

The lotus goddess is also cold-eyed, she has never seen such a bold mundane powerhouse, she dare to imprison the god, and dare to be so swagger!

It was unbearable.

Tracer was anxious, wanting to say something, but he was a prisoner, and he was afraid to make Ye Di upset. At this time, he was really scratching his head and being at a loss!

My companion is stupid, how can he be as stupid as him! Although this is a strong individual, it is by no means an ordinary ruthless person——

"Among these, is there your King God?" Su Jin shook the glass, the deep colored wine in it kept bursting with rich colors, he didn't even look at the five high gods, and asked Tracer.

"No..." Tracer sighed, he didn't dare to look down upon the emperor of the night any more, now he only hopes that the five companions who are still kept in the dark will wake up as soon as possible!

Su Jin frowned--

Seeing this, Tracer couldn't help but his heart sank. He saw Su Jin's displeasure.

"It's really troublesome." Su Jin said lightly: "If the king **** does not come for ten days, wouldn't the king have to wait in front of this temple for ten days."

"I really want to try to beat the gods--" The fallen angel master was eager to try, but unfortunately, she knew that she was not an opponent of gods, especially the divine might emanating from the opponent, it seemed to make the world tremble.

"Then give you a chance." Su Jin yawned, "Let you also experience and experience what it's like to grasp God, just play a game of grasping God."

Catch God? God catching game?

Gao Yue's face changed drastically. Although she believed that Su Jin could do this personally, it would be impossible for someone else to do it, absolutely!

Although Gao Yue and Tracer didn't believe it, most of the enchanting girls, including the fallen angel ruler sisters, were convinced!

Su Jin glanced at the Empress Princess——

The imperial virgin concubine felt a violent spirit. In the dimness, she seemed to hear a whistle of swords, and immediately the pink that appeared in her eyes became more and more intense.

Almost uncontrolled, the Empress Virgo trembled——


In the void, scenes of condensed mysterious scenes appeared vaguely! It was a star after another, and they were being gathered by a circle of Daoxia, and soon they formed a Virgo constellation scene!

The beautiful Virgo constellation seems to form a grand scene in the void!

The day is dark because of the piano! Under the gleaming light of the stars, on the Virgo's piano, the strings seemed to be jumping, clanking and crying--

"In this day, they can't hurt you a bit, who dares to be the first to catch the gods?" Su Jin felt the joy of this game more and more, and then looked at other people with encouraging eyes.

"I, I'm the first--" The fallen angel ruler couldn't wait, especially when she heard that those high gods could not hurt her, how could she miss such a good opportunity?

"You are alone, those are five gods, not enough." Su Jin said.

The maiden emperor said slowly: "I count one."

Finally, Xinyue Fox, Chaosong Banshee, Virgo Princess, Lord of Fallen Angels, Goddess of Time, directly walked into the void——

Humiliation, this is definitely a big humiliation event for Tracer and Gao Yue!

It is a game to talk about catching God alone!

Although Gao Yue and Tracer both admit that the Ye Emperor is very strong, this is enough to make all the gods in the sky go crazy!

"Five people, fighting five gods? How could it be possible!" In the land of colored glaze, there was almost a tendency to fall down.

"Impossible! But they are all the beauties that Ye Di loves. Naturally, it is impossible for Ye Di to let them show anything. I can only say that they let them try—"

"The game of catching the gods? The most ridiculous thing in this era is this! Each of these five gods is stronger than the previous Gao Yue. How did these five women fight?"

"There is also Ye Emperor. If he can't beat him, Ye Emperor will always help him, and you have seen that Tracer just now. Compared with the current Ye Emperor, the gap is not too big, and he can't compete with Ye Emperor. "

"The Virgo constellation, could this be a former imperial concubine of the emperor? Everyone knows that the emperor is old and can't carry the sword, so that the ambitious imperial concubine rebels and is captured by the night emperor. She was very moisturized in Yedi's—"

"Just use this constellation piano as a means of attack? Can you fight the opponent?"



Although the monks in the Land of Glazed Glass hated Ye Di, this game of catching the gods did make many people quite curious. The boldness of Ye Di’s ideas was enough to be reflected in this scene.

"How to attack each other?" The Goddess of Time is still a little curious and a little at a loss. Although she can be regarded as a very good powerhouse, she is very sober now. They are facing gods! The true god!

"Everyone holds a string and attacks with the string--" the virgin concubine understood Su Jin's meaning and said slowly.

"Okay! I'll come first--" The fallen angel ruler couldn't wait, and directly condensed the angel's wings. In fact, the strings guarded by each of them are like a divine path. It is impossible to say that it is not huge.

It would consume unimaginable power just to move it, but for them, this kind of expenditure can barely sustain it!

just now!

The five gods, the goddess of lotus, all have their eyes eager to breathe fire, and they are so angry that they are furious!

Five mortal monks must contend with five true gods! I really did this, so I didn't make the gods very angry. What made the lotus goddess angry is that the other party said this is "Catch the God Game"!

It's crazy--

I am afraid that the entire heavens will not find such a superb guy-

The lotus goddess coldly looked at the young man in front of the imperial palace...

It just so happened, knowingly, knowingly, that the goddess of Lotus saw that Su Jin was also looking at her——

"Bo~~~" Su Jin blew a kiss to the lotus goddess from the air.



The lotus goddess turned her head directly, just about to walk out——

"I am going to destroy the flowers today! Don't stop anyone, just me!" Xiaotian Vulcan squeezed his fists, walked directly out of the team, and walked towards the Virgo Qin in the void!

"You will die hard to see... Your fall will be a price for insulting God." The lotus goddess stopped and silently passed a voice for Su Jin and others to hear.

"I bet you, like this little brother, will be imprisoned by me in this time-space sword prison..." Su Jin pointed to the light prison and responded to the lotus goddess.

"Hmph--" The lotus goddess naturally didn't believe it. Although she didn't believe it, it didn't mean that she didn't hesitate. She saw Tracer's nervous face.

What did this guy go through... Why was he caught so badly!

See Xiaotian Vulcan coming!

The Chaosheng Banshee yelled, "Attention, he is here! Fallen Lord, you attack!"

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