My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3682: From Tianlong, Wanlong worship!

This is Yedi's kendo!

Ye Di, even played the sword to a new height, even in the face of such a powerful enemy, he seemed to walk in a leisurely courtyard——

In this way, it is enough to show Yedi's accomplishments in kendo!

"The master of kendo, oh-" Gao Yue saw a moment of loss, she felt that these Su Jin's little fans, like Su Jin is not unreasonable.

Swordsman, there is a natural cool temperament, plus Yedi is extraordinary, one-handed swordsmanship, enough to make the world surrender.

"Just kidding, the **** of slaughter died under the sword of the night emperor." The Chaosheng Banshee chuckled.

"Then can you give an accurate answer, Ye Di's unworldly power, did you lose it?" Gao Yue always felt that the Chaosheng Banshee was hiding something.

The Chaosheng Banshee paused and said lightly: "Didn't Ye Di tell you not long ago?"

"Tell?" Gao Yue was startled.

"Yeah, Ye Di told the people of the world that his origin is still there, don't you believe it?" Chao Sheng Banshee asked again.

Mentioning this matter, Gao Yue felt angry for no reason.

"Can you believe the little liar? He deceived me from Jiangdu City. If I couldn't hide it in the end, I'm afraid I can find a merchant and negotiate a good price--" Gao Yue exclaimed.

Chaosheng Banshee:...

Many beauties:...

Gao Yue is a little arrogant, but if she fights against Ye Di's low-level wisdom, she still doesn't know how far it is. Now she is embarrassed to say it, so she is not afraid of people laughing?

"I believe it." Xinyue Fox covered her mouth and smiled: "I believe what Ye Di said."

"Yeah, Ye Di said that if there is no, there will be no. Besides, don't you doubt it? The longevity palace seems to have performed wisely before. Maybe it helped Ye Di bless his power so that he did not lose his origin. "

"That is, what the world fears is not the world-honored, and it is impossible for Yedi to lose the power of the world-dominant--"


Gao Yue couldn't refute, and finally said with a cold eye: "The hypocritical lie will eventually be exposed. Even if the integration of the talents of the Four Tigers cannot tell the truth, our Protoss can easily see through it."

"What is Yedi doing here? It's not waiting for your king god, then you have to plead with Yedi, don't destroy all of your gods, it's better to keep some roots..." There is also Yao Ji to Gao Yue said.

"You..." Gao Yue turned her face to the battlefield angrily. These women are really crazy. In short, she doesn't believe that Ye Di has the power of the World-Venerable!

Too late!

The "Sword of the Nine Paths" in Su Jin's hand turned into ten thousand gods and sword marks, like ten thousand swords. At that moment, the colorful tiger's "Sword of the Nine Ways" was directly composed of ten thousand gods swords. withstand!

Even if Ye Di was in the center, "Tiger Roaring Wave" did not shake his divine body at all--

Seeing this scene, no one is impressed!

Outside the Emperor City!

Long Ruo’s body seemed to be taken away from her strength in an instant, she almost fell to the ground, despair in her eyes——

Still not working?

The power of Ye Di, the power of the master of kendo, there is still doubt about the origin of "No World Honored", even if the origin of the Lord is not there, Ye Di is still the strongest arrogant of this world!

call out!

call out!

call out!

Thousands of sword shadows seem to be turned into countless straight lines of sword blades between heaven and earth. The void where the colorful gods are located is like a mirror surface, and it suddenly seems to be in thousands of mottled!

"Sword, the sword that the **** of slaughter can't bear..." The colorful **** tiger is already a little struggling. If the sword power is stronger, even if their four tigers are talented, they will have to endure this defeat.

This is gorgeous, and it continues!

Su Jin is in charge of "Sword of the Nine Ways", and the Dragon Yin is vaguely heard from his right arm, and his right arm of the Heavenly Way seems to make the stars tremble slightly!

"Heavenly Dao, this is the role of his Heavenly Dao king bone!"

At this moment, the world is shocked!

Above the starry sky, the dragons of the heavens seem to be connected into a star map, constantly turning into the dragons of the heavens, and Su Jin's "Sword of the Nine Paths" seems to have been let go by Su Jin——


The sword of the Nine Ways began to swing, and in a vague way, the sword of the Nine Ways turned into a Wangpin Tianlong!

Tianlong rises into the sky, Wanlong worships!

The mottled **** tiger roared, and started to back up unceasingly. There are still thousands of sword marks on its body. Although the four tigers merged, it did not collapse, but the consumption was still very large.

"Wang Pin Tianlong! This Tianlong appeals to the Dao of Heaven! The Emperor's Heavenly Dao Wang Bone exhibits the power, and among the Wang Pin Tianlong, he also carries the sword power of the master of his kendo!" Someone felt a great event. No, his face began to look ugly.

"Broken and broken, the sword marks on the colorful **** tiger have not disappeared. This is enough to prove the power of the night emperor, and the appearance of these heavenly dragons is even worse!"

"The colorful **** tiger, is there only four magic skills? I don't think it is necessarily!"

"Of course not only, I feel that they are going to desperately... Otherwise, under the suppression of the Heavenly Dao of Wang Pin Tianlong, even if the four tigers merge, it will be impossible to escape annihilation!"

"it has started!"


Countless people shook hard--

The dazzling eyes of the tiger seem to represent the determination of the people of the world! It was a firm look that saw death as home!

"The tiger's ancestor does not destroy the blood, the soul! The past, the present, and the future in the long river of eternity. Reincarnation, cause and effect, and the tiger's soul do not touch! My four tiger bodies are not in the heavens, not in the world, I am in nothingness, assimilate time!"

The gorgeous tigers under the fusion of the four voices, as if with the supreme tiger, roar in unison! Its body is gradually turning into nothingness, and the disc under its feet seems to be turned into a glowing light! And in the void above the battlefield, there are only three horizontal and vertical phantoms of tiger heads!

Three horizontal lines and one vertical line, that is the word "king"!

The tone of this gorgeous tiger is too big!

Not in the heavens, as if assimilated to nothingness, this kind of method, even Su Jin, can't have it! You know, Su Jin has "The Secret of the Sky Without Words", this Secret is already the strongest Secret of the Sky, but it can't be done without being in the heavens and becoming nothing!

"Wow! Invincible magic, the biggest secret of the Four Tigers! This technique is already invincible!"

In the state of watching the battle, countless people started to flush! That excitement is hard to conceal!

"How is the Four Tigers so terrible... You know that there are countless strong families that surpass the Four Tigers in the Liuli Land, but their status in the Liuli Land is far superior to the others! This makes it difficult for many families to understand. Today... its secret has finally been revealed in the eyes of the world!"

"This is probably the biggest reason why the emperor has placed emphasis on the Four Tigers! Too strong, strong and invincible!"

"Ye Di is not in Three Thousand Avenue, not in Reincarnation, not in Liudao, but compared with this technique of the Four Tigers, these are simply too pediatric!"

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