My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3637: The strong and thunderous

An Yunzi’s current situation is...

Even An Yunzi himself, I'm afraid he didn't expect him to ask for help from Teacher Dijun, and the teacher didn't use any means! This vicious look seemed to be the last look he left to the world!

The huge vortex of the sky, a bridge of heaven and earth in the depths, becomes more and more hazy, as if it really leads to the distant past——

An Yunzi felt that his heavenly way was being shattered, and his divine body and bones were being rolled into twists. He was like a lone boat on a galaxy, drifting with the flow! From the beginning of the whirlpool, it has been led and disappeared by the bridge of heaven and earth!

Dragon Goddess Long Ruo! Now the inner fear is greater than ever!

The emperor... really disappeared——

The emperor... was led to the past five million years ago?

There are all kinds of magic in the world, is there really anyone who can understand the profound things so far?

"You should have gone with him..." The fallen angel master laughed and spread his voice to Long Ruo.

Long Ruo is silent...

After a short silence, Long Ruo looked at the coming fallen angel master with cold eyes!

"In my generation, the winner is king. As an emperor, An Yunzi made a life and death vow. If he loses, he is inferior to human skills." Long Ruo's face was complicated, "What do you want? Fight with me, or call Shang Ye Di to clean up me together?"

"You are not worthy to let Ye Di take action. If An Yunzi hadn't just taken action to kill me, you would have been defeated by me! Go ahead, I hope you can force my ultimate state out--" The fallen angel ruler said with a smile .

The battle between the two women seemed irrelevant--

Many people, even the Chaosheng Banshee on the Star Road, are still immersed in the horrible scene just now...

The land of colored glaze.

"We Hundred Thousand Supreme Heavens, at the invitation of the emperor, came to fight against the unworldly sovereign! But...but what kind of existence does this unworldly-honorable exist! Even the emperor... have been defeated and disappeared!" There are ten The powerhouse of Wan Zhi Gaotian, trembling constantly in a **** city.

"Is there really a magical way to the past? In my opinion, that An Yunzi was twisted by the whirlpool in the end. Most of them are dead. The reason why Ye Di said this is probably just to scare people—"

"Even if An Yunzi can be found by the emperor, the shattered and destroyed divine body of Heaven's Dao can't be completely healed. How many surprises are there if this is not the Emperor Ye Di?"

"That human-shaped star has not dissipated yet! Obviously he still has spare power to deal with the emperor with this technique! How can this be good! Who would dare to go up and fight next?"

"Emperor? The emperor will definitely not make a move first. After all, the power of the world-honored person has not really been used yet. This is probably the place where the emperor is most afraid!"

"Emperor Ye has repeatedly picked down the strong. First, the emperor left the emperor's prison, the gate that controlled the **** was beheaded, and then the **** of slaughter, now... even the emperor's end is so miserable! We are the highest God... can anyone dare to challenge?"


Although the strong men of the 100,000 highest heavens are stationed in the glazed land, their current situation is extremely embarrassing, as if there are no strong ones in the 100,000 highest heavens!



The void in the distance, when the rippling vortex slowly returned to calm, the heaven and earth divine bridge that seemed to lead to Xuan Ming's past was still there!

"One hundred thousand supreme heaven, land of glazed glaze, I...Emperor! Now fight against all of you strong! If there is, this king will respect you as courageous people, if not! Give me a dog, far away Lie down with my tail, to make way for the battle between me and the emperor!" Su Jin's voice echoed in the vast'Land of Glazed Glass'!

It's crazy!

Who else in the world can be so rampant!

Powerhouses without hundreds of thousands of the highest heavens are all blushing. Among them, there are some great identities, great practitioners, and they are the emperors who have opened up 8,000 star roads and solemnly invited! Now... but Yedi scolded him as a beast!

Forbearance... who can bear it!

"I can't bear it anymore!" There was a strong man of 100,000 high heavens. The battle body broke out. He was dressed in a golden red totem pattern and rose from a **** city to the sky. When he took the first step, after each step, My body is soaring to a new height!

"I'm coming too! The old man, the world's king, the grandfather of the Ji family, want to try "The Years of the Wind"

"Ming Tai Wang, from the dawn of the gods, would like not to test the power of the world-honored one!"

"Sky Sage, Overlord of the Sky Realm, here comes to learn!"


A strong man was angered by the night emperor--

These powerhouses are all people who are superior in daily life, so how can they be degraded like this! But as more and more powerhouses stand up, it also means that many people are still keeping silent!

That Yedi’s "The Years of the Winding Path" had just defeated An Yunzi... They are of course high above, but the more they enjoy, the more they cherish their lives!

"A lot of strong people responded! These are truly powerful! On the contrary, they are local strong in the Glazed Glass Land. No one has stepped out. Could it be... Could it be that they know the power of the emperor and dare not enter the winding path?" There are one hundred thousand high heaven powerhouses who begin to guess.

"Thirty... Thirty-five! Is there any super power to stand up?"

"Fifty! Fifty people broke!"

"What are you afraid of! Lao Tzu go up too! This Yedi is already suffering from a sword wound, a being tortured by the Dao wounds, how much power can he have after fighting An Yunzi with all his strength! He can scare others, can't scare them? I!"

Just half an hour!

The one hundred and thirty-nine strong men are all unfolding powerful ancient sages. These ancient sages, unlike ordinary strong ones, are all existences with a good understanding of the way of heaven! Most of them are the realm masters who hold a blow--

The lineup is extremely luxurious!

But this is far from enough for Su Jin——

You know, the emperor has set up 8,000 star roads, and the strong ones invited come from one hundred thousand high heavens! These over a hundred people are simply trivial!

"Do you still want to kill my night emperor? Don't be afraid to tell you, when I smash the glazed land and cut off the head of that emperor and old dog, you trash who are shivering in the cracks, don't even think about one. Flee!" Su Jin continued.


I don’t know how many people want to tear Ye Di’s mouth apart--

Shouldn't the so-called not being the world-zun be the world's best, to crush everything with real power? Why are you speaking so viciously now!

The number of terrifying people suddenly rose rapidly as Su Jin's voice fell!

In just twenty breaths, the terrifying power of the realm masters soared to 613. Each of them rushed into the void of the major **** cities with supreme anger and came!

There was Da Neng angrily shouted: "After killing the world-zun to death, I will refine his body into oil! I will extract his tendons and refine them into dog chains, and I will break his bones one by one. Feed the dog!"

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