My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3458: Dragon Snake

In the vicissitudes of life, there has never been a time when Gui Zang was so surprised--

When the ancient **** emperor heard the words of Gui Zang, he couldn't help laughing wildly: "Haha! Don't you guys see it yet! This is the power of the Heaven and Earth Sovereign he exhibited! The power of the Heaven and Earth Sovereign is perfectly used!"

"With this respect, can you kill the messenger of God?" Xiao Suxian asked hurriedly, looking extremely nervous.

"It's hard to say--" The Ancient God Sovereign shook his head, "But the messenger of God never defeated."

Never lost!

This is the angel of God!

this moment.

The people of the Supreme Ninth Secret, even the Dao-Zhan Dao Master who has already cut the five corpses, feel the pressure! They had thought that Ye Di had first obtained the "Heaven and Earth Sovereign" Tao fruit, it should have been too late for refining, but now...

Now the dragon and snake are on the ground!

On the ground, the shocking scene is suffocating! There is a horrible feeling that makes people suddenly arrested-

The mountains are turning into dragons and snakes on the earth, and they may exhibit the power of annihilating the world at any time!

"You, look at the top." In the Tianxu Secret Realm, there was a palace far away, and the crowd suddenly made a terrifying trembling sound!

Many people followed the sound. The man pointed to the **** stone pillar that supported the palace outside the palace. Dragons and phoenixes were carved on it, but at this moment, the dragon and phoenix seemed to be alive!

"What kind of method is this! Heaven and Earth Lord?" The monk who had the innocent way of Feng Yao ancestor was stunned.

"How is it possible! Ye Di only obtained the Tao fruit of the Heaven and Earth Zun yesterday, how can he display the power of the Heaven and Earth Zun today! And it is still perfect!"

"Ye Di! What level of evil is he? This shouldn't be! It shouldn't be—"

"Look! God's messenger seems speechless, and seems to have been frightened by Yedi's god-level methods. According to my record in Kanzhen Taozong's library, Heaven and Earth Zun's strongest method is'Tianfa Murder Intent' , Dou Zhuan Xing Yi'.'The ground is killing intent, the dragon and the snake rise to the land'! This heralds destruction!"

"Don't panic! We have an angel from the heavens! He can absolutely obliterate the Ye Emperor, even if he can perfectly use the power of the heaven and earth!"

"Our Song Patriarch seems to have been scared silly--"

"You know that you are guarding the Taoist realm and the spiritual palace, and you are not panicking now? Your Patriarch, but sent those two beauties to the altar of God, if the night emperor cares about these two women, your two secret realms, I am afraid that it is no better than the Tianxu How much better the secret realm!"

"Fear of a fart, God's messenger is omnipotent! And as you know, there are no creatures under Tianzhu! No matter how strong the night emperor is, it will be finished!"

"Now that the emperor is equal to heaven and earth, what if... I said, what if he survived?" The monk who knows how to guard the realm, said in a trembling voice, he felt that when he said this sentence It's incredible, because Ye Di's chances are too slim!

"The dragon snake is on the ground!"

A sudden shout made countless people quiet down!

The reckless land, the dragons and snakes transformed from the mountains and the sea, seemed to rise up. That scene was too creepy, and it made people bloody, and the face was flushed, so I didn't dare to speak!

Above the nine heavens, the snow-like moon girl seemed to go down from the moon! This... This caused Patriarch Song at this time to scratch his scalp!

God’s messenger, extremely calm!

"Lord Niluan, you try his power of heaven and earth ——" God's messenger suddenly said.

Inverse chaos domain master, surprised!

To be honest, he didn't want it!

The first thought that came to my mind was "Why me?" There are still many who are better than him in the opinion of the Lord of Inverse Chaos! For example, Song Zhentian, such as Dao Zhan Dao Master, why let him try!

"You have the potential of the Great Immortal Venerable. After the Ye Emperor is killed, I will find a way to grant you the Venerable——" the angel of heaven throws out huge benefits and said lightly.

This is is a great advantage!

There is a ‘Curse of Immortality’ on the Lord of Niluan! As the price of eternal immortality, he has to endure tens of thousands of times more pain than death, and sometimes even when there is no one, he tries to find ways to make himself fall--

That kind of pain, non-human and non-god can bear! But now the messenger of God wants to honor him!

"Isn't it painful for me after being conferred?" the Lord Niluanyu asked.

"Naturally, to gain a position of honor, truly immortal and immortal. Some, only bliss." The angel said.


The Lord of Niluan Domain knows that he is immortal, even if he faces the night emperor, he can not die, this is probably the original intention of the angel of God! And he didn't know what the God’s messenger was planning, why didn’t he start the God’s altar and descend the Heavenly Punishment!

"Could it be that the time is not right?" The Lord of Inverse Chaos speculated.

Of course, all this is not important to him! He barely hesitated and strode out!

Su Jin glanced at the lord of Niluanyu, and said lightly: "You don't look like a lord of the Supreme Gods' Territory, but you are like a dog. Whatever he says, you will believe in—"


The face of the Lord of Niluan has long been gone, all he remembers is hatred and hatred! In this life, I only want to kill two people, one is Ye Di, and the other is that Jin Wuxiang!

"If it weren't for you, Ye Di, to kill me so far, how could I end up like this!" The Lord of the Rebellion Domain glared.

"Are you stupid by a donkey kick in your head? Did I impose the curse of immortality on you?" Su Jin was really strange, and asked the Lord Niluan.

"There is another curse on me, which is also imposed by you! That kind of pain tears my body every day, I can't even die!" Niluan Domain Master shouted.

"Don’t be stupid. Although it only increases your pain, your body will recover after being torn apart. You will reincarnate endlessly. This is all thanks to the golden Wuxiang. You don’t kill him now, but instead follow He is in the same camp, what is this stupid?"

"Don't talk more! Jin Wuxiang, I want to kill, but now... you have to die!"

The lord of Ni Chaoyu exudes black energy, and he hit Su Jin with a palm—

Su Jin gently raised his hand, heads of mountain dragons and snakes, all began to rush! At that moment, the lord of Niluanyu was surrounded by groups, and immediately, the screams were endless!

That's horrible!

The pain of the Lord of Inverse Chaos is a hundred times stronger than the sound of killing a pig! Those mountain dragons and snakes constantly shattered his mutilated body, and the blood-red light of Heaven and Earth Venerable seemed to isolate him in a small world——

"Zhan Dao Patriarch, you have cut five corpses, I will use the price of adding one more corpse to let you make a move." The voice of the angel of the heavens spread to the outside of the palace, and was heard by the Zhan Dao Patriarch group!

Master Zhandao, don't want to agree now! The Lord of Niluan has an immortal curse and can bear it, but he doesn't have it. If you go to fight the night emperor, if one is not good, you will be dead if you die!

Although he dreams of Slashing Six Corpses, knowing that with his current situation, the future is impossible to achieve, but he still doesn't want to take risks——

"My Envoy...I..." Patriarch Zhandao was embarrassed and unwilling.

"The benefits are not enough? After the matter is completed, I will add you a corpse power, then you can become the old sage slayer, and I just let you try, but also protect you from death."

It is Gu Xian who cuts seven knives! Patriarch Zhan Dao was shocked, this benefit simply made him unable to refuse, after all, what is the difference between being an ancient sage and immortality!

"Good!" Patriarch Zhandao blushed, and continued: "It's just that I have a question, which is also everyone's question. Please also ask the messenger to solve the doubt——"

"Say..." said the angel of heaven.

"Why isn't the altar activated yet? Tianzhu, when will it be lowered!" Zhandao Patriarch asked.

"The hour has not arrived." The angel lowered his robe and pinched his fingers.

It turns out to be the same as most people think! It's really not the time! Dao Slash Patriarch's doubts are fully understood, he walks directly into the void and rushes towards Su Jin when the messenger of God promises that he will not die!

"In the Sea of ​​Lost, I haven't shown the strongest blow, you know what it is!" Dao Zhan Dao Master said to Su Jin with a sullen expression!

"I don't care what you do..." Su Jin felt that the other party was stupid, does he care? Don't care at all!

"When I am in the state of slashing the five corpses, I will slash the opponent's five corpses! You are careful!" Dao Taoist Master said triumphantly.


As soon as the ancestor Zhandao's words fell, a huge arm was suddenly pressed from the top of his head!

On the ground, the head of Master Zhandao was pressed into the soil! That was the heavenly arm of a star giant, and now the emperor is fully displaying the power of the ‘heaven and earth’. The star giant is no longer before, and now, under the blessing of the heaven and earth, he can gain endless power!

"Kissau!" Su Jin cursed coldly.

In the Song Family’s Zhan Dao ancestral door... every disciple looks like a dish--

Patriarch Zhandao, what a famous name! Today, there have been three shameful situations in a row!

One is in the "Golden Dynasty"! Leave with the disciples! That's all, it's not a shame!

The second is that I was just in the Lost Sea and did not dare to resist the power of the "Eternal Illusory God" of the ancient **** emperor! In front of everyone, I flee back in a desperate manner, that's all, after all, that is the eternal fantasy god——

But now!

Three times ashamed! This time it was even worse, the star giant Yedi pressed the head of Dao Slayer Patriarch into the soil with just a palm!

"Your ancestor is here to be responsible for the funny?" Some Song family asked angrily.

"You can try it! Or you can let your Patriarch Song Zhentian try!" In the Zhandao Ancestral Gate, a disciple said with a green face and angrily.

"You can't be so bad! The dignified ancestor of slashing the Dao, there is a rumored invincible posture, now that the emperor of the night is just a slap, let your ancestors name, the evening festival is not guaranteed?" There is a monk in the mustard valley, the same is not true Yue Road.

"It's not that the old ancestor is weak! It's that Ye Di, who has exerted one hundred percent of the power of the heaven and the earth! In this state, I am afraid that only the angel of God can do it! Don't refuse, our ancestors still dare Go up, what are your ancestors doing?"

The disciples of the ancestral sect of slashing the road continued to spit back angrily, and they did not want to see this situation!


Zhan Dao Patriarch's teeth itchy, his head was pressed into the soil, his hands and feet, all working hard, vowing to make the night emperor look good! !

After struggling for a while, Patriarch Zhan Dao felt as if he was crushing a world! There is no escape, there is no escape, and there is no power to break free. He is now moving his limbs, as weird as we are!

The messenger of God was silent. In the end, he didn't seem to want to wait any longer. He said indifferently: "Although it is not the best time, it is enough to kill you. I will sacrifice these two women now. When her breath disappears, Tianzhu will Will appear, and what can you do now?"


The altar began to have layers of exquisite Wen Luo swirling around, and the three divine incense formed by gathering clouds was directly lit!

The altar of God is activated! !

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