My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3392: Crazy move

Su Jin's heart is both excited and perturbed--

Although he knew that the hope was very slim, he was still full of expectations. If the Aotian Bone could evolve into a King Bone, it would be the first King-Rank Sky Bone he truly possessed!

Of course, there is still a king-grade celestial bone in Su Jin's sea of ​​air, but that king-grade celestial bone cannot be used by him, and has not yet been subdued by himself.

A circle of ultimate golden roulette slowly moved from deep space and stopped in the sky above Tianjing Sea.

Su Jin's eyebrows, the golden pupils of the years suddenly revolved, his Aotian divine intent seemed to have left quietly, constantly rolling in strands of golden time and space marks.

No one knows all this.

The monks of the instant gods' realm, now most of them have a dead gray expression——

In the face of real power, they found that they didn't even have a way to enter the Tianjing Sea!

"The five hundred great sages of Niluan Tianyu have sent the Lord of Niluanyu to the bottom of the sky, and now that Alien Time and Space, exhibiting a powerful time and space roulette, will go to the sea..." , Said bitterly.

"Little Godxiu, Ye Di, Lord of the Rebellious Domain, Different Time and Space, where is the leader of our Scavenging Alliance? Is there a way to enter the sea?"

"When the chaotic space displayed by the five hundred great sages stabilizes, the five hundred great sages can also go to the sea! However, the methods of different time and space seem to be more mysterious—"

"The golden roulette can actually isolate time and space, ignoring the repressive marks of the gods and Buddhas, the above... the woman wearing the crown, is it..."


On the golden roulette, Feng Gu's expression was cold. When she walked to the top, her father had informed her that she and the Golden Armored Warlord would go to the sea first, and at the same time gave an order that she had never expected!

If necessary, start a magical battle with Different Time and Space!

"Wang, the ancient **** emperor still has half a stick of incense to come. During this period, thousands of golden soldiers will continue to bless the ‘Ranking Different Sect’." The Golden Armored War Venerable also said on the golden roulette.

"If you see Ye Di on the seabed, you know what to do--" Feng Gu said lightly.

"I think that the heaven and earth are more important than the night emperor. It is better to seize the heaven and earth first." Jin Jia Zhan Zun frowned slightly, but his attitude was also very respectful, just made an opinion, not wanting Feng Gu Yi to be too high. Estimating the emperor of the night, avoid falling into the wind when competing for heaven and earth respect.

"According to what I said, as long as you meet the emperor, kill Wushen——" Feng Gu took a deep breath. She already felt very bad, but her father, the ancient **** emperor, would come soon, and she didn't have to be afraid of anyone. .

Chi Chi -

The golden roulette hovered in the sky of Tianjinghai, only about thirty or forty meters away from the sea. A pillar of virtual golden light slowly hit the surface of Tianjinghai in the center of the ‘golden roulette’.

Su Jin can't take care of anything at all now. He is sitting cross-legged in the underwater position of Mich, next to the big Buddha, with his hands folded. At such a close distance, the rhyme of time and space on the golden wheel is constantly Entrapped by Ootian divine will.

"The speed is too slow!" Su Jin was calm. At this speed, even though there are countless ‘Time and Space Dao Rhymes’ on the golden roulette, it’s difficult for him to sublimate the Bone of Aotian! Because the time and space Dao Yun that was rolled out by Ootian Divine Will, for that huge sea-like Dao Yun, it can almost be ignored!

Aotian’s bones are the ultimate celestial bones, and the Dao Yun that needs to be evolved is too huge. Su Jin felt that it would take at least a few years for the celestial bones to evolve in this way.

Obviously, golden roulette will not exist for that long.

Everything around is in Su Jin’s perception——

Including the conversation between Feng Guyi and Jin Jia Zhan Zun just above.

Su Jin opened his eyes slightly from the state of sitting cross-legged, Feng Guyi chose a very wrong path, if so, why should he be polite to the other party.

On the huge golden roulette, the figures of Feng Guyi and the Golden Armored Warlord slowly lie in the center, falling into the phantom golden glow. The golden glow seems to go deep into the sea without fear at all. Suppress the existence of Dao marks.


As soon as Feng Gu saw that she was almost standing on the water, as she continued to descend, she suddenly felt something was wrong, and hesitated, "What sound?"

The Golden Armored Zhan Zun shook his head, and he heard the same voice, as if it came from the different door of the wheel, but if it was just like this, he would not worry. The golden wheel is called the different door of the wheel, and it is characterized by stability. Blessing of soldiers, as long as ten million soldiers are there, they can protect the ancients under the sea for one week.

As soon as Feng Gu looked at his hands, his whole body was surrounded by circles of golden light enchantment. This enchantment Daoyun was connected to the'Ranzhuan Different Gate', allowing him to perform magical powers at will.

"Go on, try to avoid Xiao Shenxiu, if you really meet this person, I don't know whether you want to cooperate with us--" Feng Gu hesitated.

"If you seek skin from a tiger, you will suffer from it." Jin Jia Zhan Zun said.

"At the moment, Xiao Shenxiu is the strongest under the sea! If you don't try to cooperate with him, can you still cooperate with Ye Di?" Feng Gu said coldly, "Go to the sea."

As the golden light barrier stabilized, the figures of Feng Guyi and Jin Jia Zhan Zun disappeared on the sea.

It's now!

Su Jin's eyes are full of madness!

Immediately, Su Jin raised the right arm of the golden body and pointed directly at the golden roulette above the sea——

To win the name, the beginning of the sky, the beginning of the earth!

"The Sutra of the Heavens" was launched outrageously, and there was a sudden wave of waves in the nearby Tianjing waters of 100,000 miles!

At this moment, Feng Guyi and Jin Jia Zhan Zun directly became panic! Because they were enveloped by the golden light barriers, through the perception of time and space Daoyun, the face of the Golden Armored Warlord changed drastically for the first time!

"Who?" Feng Guyi forcibly stabilized the panic, and asked Jin Jia Zhan Zun.

"This kind of magical power is definitely an eternal technique. Could it be that who is attacking the'Ranking Different Gate'?" The Golden Armored Warlord looked at the situation that was about to approach the bottom of the sea. It is not realistic to go up at this moment. If he wants to To leave, you must use the blessings of the rotating different door.

"Perhaps the situation is not as bad as we thought--" Feng Gu looked at the golden light barrier in front of him, feeling that the barrier had stabilized again.

"Well, go to find the heaven and earth first, as long as the Golden Soldier is fine, the Rotating Different Sect will not disappear." Jin Jia Zhan Zun said.


The two did not know that the current surface of Tianjinghai is extremely exciting!

Below the golden roulette, the rhyme of time and space began to turn into golden tornadoes, as if raging on the sea, these tornadoes were shining with golden light, and they continued to flock to one place!

"Everlasting magic, who is working on the different time and space?" The five hundred great sages are still stabilizing the chaotic space on the Tianjing coast. When they saw this scene, every great sage's face was extremely shocked.

"Time and Space Daoyun is being looted in a frenzy! This technique should be called "The Sutra of Heaven" in "The Ancient Qi Men Dao Jing". It is an extremely terrifying method of plundering!"

"Feng Guyi and Jin Jia Zhan Zun have gone to sea, who is going to kill these two!"

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