My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3364: Daxian died!

Immortal Emperor, saw death!

The surrounding "Heavenly Qi Gang" forms an almost invincible field of qi, and it is being eroded by branches of black willow branches. The black willow leaves are extremely terrifying, and they soon covered the entire field of qi——

"Not good!" the lord of the **** city yelled in fear. Where he stood, black willow branches drifted in the wind, surrounded him, the avenues were blocked, and he had no way to go.


The thunderous void, the endless black blizzard, seemed to become more active under the bombardment of thunder and lightning.

At this time, the Palace of Heavenly Kings!

On the top of the Palace of Heavenly Kings, the headless little **** show is standing here! The blood-stained monk's robe, the robe wafting, the black willow pattern on his body was from the soles of his feet, and he quickly crawled all over his body, until he finally climbed up to the neck, the'swastika' seal, on the neat incision in the neck, began to spin quickly stand up!

"Big Demon!" Old Fan suddenly turned his head and looked over the Southern Heavenly King Hall!

Nalanmoxue's heart tensed, and there was an indescribable throbbing somewhere in the south, and she soon understood what it was--

That is a headless demon! The whole body seemed to be in line with the sky, and the black willow-leaf pattern on both arms was exuding an evil black energy. This is the big demon that caused the storm and thunder!

Xiao Suxian, Heavenly Princess, Yuan Zhenzhen, all of them are pale!

I saw golden chains entwined around the body of the big demon! Every golden Buddha lock is burning with golden flames!

"Give you two deaths--" A giant finger entwined with a black willow leaf pattern probed from the sky above the Heavenly King Hall, and the heaven and the earth seemed to be small in the little **** show.

"Don't kill me!" The Immortal Emperor was terrified. He is now imprisoned on the spot. He can't even shake his shoulders. This great power is too powerful, so powerful that it makes people desperate.

"I am the Lord of the God City, I can't die!" The Lord of the God City burst out with all his power in despair, but even so, he couldn't even move half an inch!

You know they are Daxian——




The immortal emperor and the lord of the gods, point your finger to dust! Not even a trace of the aura of the great sage left, it will never exist!

At this moment, whether it is a monk from the Abyss World or a person from God's Domain, they all saw this terrifying scene! No one can imagine the strength of that person, even if he can't even guess it!

"The headless demon, kill the lord of the capital of God!" The power of God's Domain has an ugly face, and Daxian seems to have become a joke at this time. Daxian, in front of this headless demon, is extremely small!

"One of the great sage masters of the mysterious realm, the existence of the same level as the master of the **** capital... the immortal emperor is also dead!"

"The condensed body of the headless demon looks like wearing a monk's robe, this... this is a headless demon monk!"

"Who cut off his head and made the peerless and invincible strong man so angry, why did he want to attack our God's Domain so powerfully, why—"

"Ye Di! It's Ye Di again..."

"Damn it, how sacred is this night emperor, so that he has the patience to let this demon monk help him! If this continues, the leader of our scavenging alliance may not escape death!"


It's horrible, this change has come by surprise!

Su Jin's heart was tranquil. He carefully looked at the surrounding earth, the Buddha statues with endless vicissitudes, as if the Buddha's light was beginning to glow, and each Buddha's light had the Buddha's light condensed in the eyes, directly facing the direction of the Heavenly Kings Hall, spraying terrible Buddhist scriptures!


The little godxiu laughed wildly, and the golden scriptures beat her body! Standing on the headless body of the Heavenly King Hall, he suddenly had a terrifying blood stain, and he continued to laugh wildly: "I! For the little **** show under the seat of the holy Guanyin, why do my Buddha treat me like this! Why!"

Happiness~~~ Numerous Buddhist scriptures beat him, Xiao Shenxiu's whole body has no good place, he is still rampant, he is still laughing!

Dadiman was a little bit sighed. The Goddess of Mercy for the saint of the year is no longer there. Apart from a limited number of great abilities, who can control this little **** show——

At this moment, only Xiao Suxian noticed Su Jin's strangeness...

On the ground where Su Jin is standing now, there is a faint golden Buddha's light flickering!

What is he going to do?

Xiao Suxian's heart trembled slightly, and now all the Buddha statues in the place of Buddha have their eyes open, and the light of the Buddhist scriptures faded from the dimness. In this case, even Xiao Suxian can see the tragic scene of the small **** show in the southern "Tianwangdian" , She was afraid that Su Jin would do something under the other's eyelids——

But this seems to be just Su Jin's Buddhist and Taoist resonance.

Of course, Xiao Suxian naturally couldn't guess what Su Jin did! I don't even know that there are several stone Buddha statues rising from the ground in the nearby Buddha grounds, palms out the scriptures, and those scriptures are also slapped on the body of Xiao Shenxiu!

The Lord of the God Capital and the Immortal Emperor are dead! The earth savagely roared, and his body continued to rise as if he was inflated. With his ‘cloak warhammer’, Nalan Moxue had seen it earlier, but now seeing such a scene, this woman can’t help but feel palpitations.

"Senior Fan, this person, the city lord of the Dark Iron City, the survivor of the ancient giant, is very difficult to deal with—" Nalan Moxue raised his spirits and kept reminding the leader of the ‘scavenging alliance’.

"I've heard of some of the barbarians." Senior Fan said solemnly: "The little godxiu just made an agreement with Ye Di to kill only two people. He will never make another move! I will deal with this giant. Ye Di will be killed by you!"

"No problem!" Nalanmoxue smiled with joy. Although she couldn't beat the barbarians, she still didn't pay attention to a little Ye Di.

This is the confidence of being a great sage——

"Be careful." Xiao Suxian couldn't help being surprised, and took a step beside Su Jin.

"I'll hammer you old thief first!" The more excited the earthman became, the red copper radiance on his body became stronger and stronger. No one could imagine that this giant clan was like a treasure iron, but the whole body became stronger. It's like a weapon, terrifying.

"Old man, let's learn about the style of the ancient survivors!" Fan Lao's white robe swelled, and his whole body was enveloped in a light, and the wind and snow did not touch the slightest.

"Ye Di!" Nalan Moxue's eyes flashed with a strong killing intent, and he shouted at Su Jin directly, "You dare to fight with me!"

"How can you be free? Didn't you agree to Xiao Shenxiu, you want to take this step? Don't you want to delay the journey of Senior Shenxiu." Su Jin smiled.

"You--" Nalan Moxue's eyes widened, and her heart panicked. She heard Su Jin speak so plainly, knowing the power of this sentence, and the night emperor actually wanted the little **** to kill her!

"Let’s see Tianjinghai, but you still have to say whether you can walk there." Su Jin said weirdly: "Sister, you have to go faster, maybe when you get to Tianjinghai, I have already been there. At the feet of the Buddha."

"you shut up!"

Nalan Moxue is going to be mad with anger. She has only practiced for more than a hundred years. According to the age of a mortal, she is only eighteen or nine years old at most. This person's mouth is really cheap, and it makes people want to kill them!

"It's not that I don't want to fight with you, but you ask Xiao Shenxiu, can he wait?" Su Jin raised the bottle and motioned to Nalanmo Snow Road.

"Hit." The voice in the Jing Ping was vaguely hoarse, and it was inevitable that the invincible posture displayed by the little **** show gradually disappeared, and the earth seemed to return to darkness!


The murderous intent in Nalanmoxue's eyes became more intense, and he turned over and took down the green Yuqin!

"Sister, let's meet for the first time today. Maybe you didn't know that this king has a very bad habit, that is, not beating women." Su Jin's expression was extremely serious to outsiders.

"It's just right! If you don't hit me, I will be more relaxed -" Nalan Moxue is pressing murderously, "Ye Di! You have nowhere to go. After listening to my song "Qu Shang Liu Shui", you will feel no pain. Under the circumstances, the soul is frightened, such a way of death is cheap for you!"

"I advise you, don't go astray! Do you know who this king is? In the future, you will kneel down and beg me for mercy!" Su Jin said lightly.

"Whoever you are! I only know that you are the Ye Emperor, God Realm Continent, the Ye Emperor who is angry with God!" Nalanmoxue put her ten fingers on the Yuqin, "Collaborating with the Sea Clan, the crime deserves death!"

"It seems that a battle between you and me is inevitable--" Su Jin's face was solemn, "In that case, come and bite me!"


A star giant condensed in the deafening sound! Soon, Su Jin and the three fairy Xiaosu stood in the palm of the star giant, turned around and stepped onto the stairs that stretched down from the three temples!

One hundred thousand li Buddha ladder!


Nalan Moxue blushed, looking at the huge Buddha ladder to the north, and there were three Buddha halls in the sky over one hundred thousand miles in the far north!

On this Buddhist ladder, a monk with a stick stood quietly at intervals, Nalan Moxue tried it, and a sound wave swept across it, but was stopped by countless Buddhist scriptures. It was obviously impossible to use sound attack!

"I'll go too--" Nalan Moxue wanted to kill Ye Di too much, almost without thinking, stepping on the first Buddha ladder!

However, Nalan Moxue did not expect that she had just stepped on the Buddha ladder, and her cultivation seemed to be imprisoned! Then the stick-bearing monks on both sides of the Buddha ladder hit her fiercely!

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