My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3239: Demon battle!


"The Bell Without Beginning", which can kill the devil city, turned slightly in the sky, and the clock body continuously shuttled through the void inside and outside of the clock! The appearance of this clock exceeded everyone's expectations!

Mo Hongyu stayed in the court.

The surrounding wind seemed to be a lot stronger, the entire Demon City's magic repairs, clothes hunting and hunting, all looked up at the sky!

"How could it be...The Demon Umbrella was smashed!" It was difficult for a monk to accept it.

"Up and down this bell, there is an extremely majestic sage aura. The worst of this bell is also Xian Bao! But Xian Bao can only exert the greatest effect in the hands of a sage. It stands to reason that the Emperor Shi's magic umbrella should not be broken. "

"Look at Di Shi Mozun's face, he should know the origin of this clock!"

"There is a powerful sound transmission, this bell is from God without beginning! This is a bell without beginning!"

"Sure enough! How could Di Shi Mo Umbrella be the opponent of Wu Shi Zhong? Isn't he really the person in the desolate land beside me!"


No beginning bell!

Qingyun Dongzhu and Huanshi Dongzhu looked a little flustered, this person really has a lot of history, one bell town, does this person want to use a city's creatures to threaten three devil adults?

"He is the emperor of the night!" The host of the Tianmao had a grim face, and he roared directly.

At this time, the two words Yedi appeared in the Bianhuang Demon Earth in a real sense!

Why can the host of the Tianmao see through Su Jin's identity?

Naturally because of this "No Beginning Bell"! Their eighteen demon towers, as the master of the first floor, the Tian Demon master naturally knew that the master Tingxue was captured while doing the task, and became a prisoner of the Ye Emperor! And Ye Di formally participated in the test of fighting for the endless inheritance, so the Tianmao poster only confirmed his identity!

"Ye Di?" Qingyun Dong's face was puzzled.

"The Lord of Jingyue seems to care about this person's appearance. Since he is the emperor of the night, why didn't you tell me to wait?" asked the Magic World Cave Lord.

"Three caves, five houses, and eighteen demon towers, these three forces, each of them is in the same spirit, if I start to tell him that he is the emperor of the night, the two cave masters will take action without knowing their strength. Isn't it the same as the Elysium Demon House? It was wiped out in vain——" Mo girl looked at Qingyun Dongzhu and Huanshi Dongzhu and asked.

A cold sweat suddenly formed on Qingyun Dong's face.

The strange girl in front of her, although she is not long in charge of Jingyue Dongtian, she is their junior, but her mind has surpassed them! As Miss Mo said, if it weren't for Miss Mo to persuade her, I'm afraid they would be wiped out one or two of them!

"What is the origin of the emperor of the night? There has never been such a arrogant in the gods. He is even so arrogant that he can threaten the three demon adults!" The magic world Dongzhu took a deep breath.

"No beginning bell, a perfect no beginning bell!" Qingyun cave master sighed: "Di Shi Mozun has no restraint on this bell, but I don't know how many minutes Ye Di can control this bell—"

"He obtained the Originless Origin, how much do you think he can control?" Girl Mo asked rhetorically.

"No Origin!" Qingyun Cave Master said in surprise: "Perfect control!"

Di Shi Mozun looked at Wu Shi Zhong, and fell into a long silence.

"Lord Di Shi seems to be in trouble." The Unknown Demon Venerable laughed.

"I can deal with him alone, without you two." Di Shi Mozun's heart is fiery. Now Su Jin has shown the endless clock and the secret of the sky. As long as he can obtain it, the magic power will be towering. One more layer!

Su Jin said lightly: "I said, you alone can't stop me—"

"With this Wu Shi Zhong? If Wu Shi appears in person, I am naturally not an opponent, but Wu Shi Zhong changes hands, without Shi Wu Divine Will, you can't even use this clock's power of one ten thousand." Zun's demon body skyrocketed!

The whole demon body turned into a Nine Heavens Demon Body, and the whole person's head was submerged in the nebula, and he waved his arms and blasted on the endless bell——


The startless bell was struck, and the huge sound waves lifted countless magic repairs. With that kind of power, even the three-dong masters and the four-house masters on the scene felt qi and blood surge, almost unable to stand!

At least a million people fainted in the Tianma City! The slightly sober people are all bleeding from their seven orifices, and it is difficult to look at people!

Su Jin does not retreat but advances! The huge blood wing, like a blood-colored rainbow, stepped directly on the top of "The Bell of No Beginning"——

"No!" Mo Hongyu felt powerless, but even if she was powerless, with her level of existence, there was no way to compete with a Demon Venerable!

"This city has been banned by me with an endless bell. If I can't leave later, I will use the Great Ascension Technique to send you to the heavens!" Su Jin said to Mo Hongyu: "You have no choice."

"Go together, go together--" Mo Hongyu was paralyzed on the spot, knowing that Su Jin would never die in the face of the three major demons. Su Jin himself knew this very well.

"You forgot, I am the incarnation of the soul, my deity is still in the Tongtian Hall of the Great Moon Imperial City." Su Jin continued to comfort Mo Hongyu.

"The soul is gone, your body is just an empty shell! still want to lie to me." Mo Hongyu didn't believe Su Jin's words at all.

"What if I leave a trace of the soul?"

"Impossible! No chance!"


Seeing that Mo Hongyu refused to persuade him, Su Jin looked at Emperor Shi Mozun. This great demon was indeed the strongest enemy he had ever encountered!

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

The gray divine pupils directly radiated scorching light, wisps of curses and dead man's scriptures, as if they merged into a gray magic light, constantly shuttled in the void around him.

"What the hell!" Di Shi Mozun's body shook fiercely, reaching a state where all dharmas were not invaded, but he found that it was still a step too late. A wisp of gray submerged behind his arm, causing a palm-sized erosion. wound!


Di Shi Mozun let out a roar from the bottom of his exhausted voice. He used the monstrous magical power to stop the injury, but he felt that he would not be able to hold it for long. This son needs a quick cut!

"Scarlet Demon Imprint!" Di Shi Mozun fiercely waved his arms, and the demon imprints formed by the blood demon mountains directly manifested!

Boom boom boom boom! The magic seal keeps dropping, and keeps moving towards Su Jin's suppression——

Su Jin knew that Emperor Shi Mozun had started desperately, but it was a pity that this person was too strong, and at that blow, if he were to become a great evil god, he would be able to melt it into blood!


Su Jin looked at the devil seals heading the town, only to count, he expelled a few breaths of primordial spirit, and his expression was a lot of wilting!

"Just like you, a wicked animal, I don't know how much the deity can kill with a wave of your hand! You dare to use evil means to hurt the deity!" Di Shi Mozun knew that he was too careless, the injury behind his shoulder, although within a short time It's okay, but if you drag it for a while, I'm afraid it will spread. It's a curse wound!

"Don't worry, you three demons, I will kill at least two of you." Su Jin began to sit on the top of the'No Beginning Bell', surrounded him with divine power slowly, and then he continued: "Kill the emperor first. , The other two, you guys think about who will go!"

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