My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3163: For yourself!

In the dark night, the huge snow-white waves composed of monstrous electric lights are extremely eye-catching on this star continent——

Mo Hongyu's waist was trembling slightly. Just as she was about to react, an arm was suddenly added to the waist that was gripping Yingying!

Chi Chi!

Around Su Jin and Mo Hongyu, a gray-blue area like a mirror surface suddenly appeared!

Wordless secret!

"Release." Mo Hongyu hurriedly said. When the entire huge wave was covered by electric light, she stretched out her hand, and there was a nuclear boat carved from an inexplicable fruit core in her hand!

This cyan-colored boat carved with fruit pits drifts and rises in the wind!

Su Jin was a little surprised. He just used his avatar to participate in the test. It was not the arrival of the deity. At this time, even if the two are teaming up, they are not the opponent of this place, and this woman still has the means at the critical moment!

"What is the core of the magic drug?" Su Jin asked in a daze.

Mo Hongyu didn't explain at all. She was almost mad at this guy. Thinking about her pure body that Mo Hongyu has kept since she was a child, no one has dared to get involved. This guy is good, but when she encounters some difficulties, she just thinks. Take advantage of this opportunity!

"The world of wind!" Mo Hongyu's loud voice, like a phantom sound, is constantly echoing between the heaven and the earth!

Besides, that cyan boat was rising in the wind, and it kept getting bigger, and there was an inexplicable emerald light spreading from the cyan boat! This kind of divine light faintly looks like an aurora!


The cyan boat trembled, and thousands of giant ship shadows faintly appeared on the entire electric wave, and the cyan boat was spinning on the giant wave!

Su Jin nodded again and again. The magic of this nuclear boat was beyond his imagination. The entire terrifying wave of electric light was all rolled up by the emerald green divine light storm and rolled into the sky!

"Are there gods in the nuclear boat?" Su Jin felt extraordinary and asked softly.

"Yes." Mo Hongyu put her hands on Su Jin's arms around her waist, but the strength like a **** of iron really made her work a lot, but in the end she did not succeed.

Su Jin looked at the cyan nuclear boat, and the emerald green light exuding in it was actually extremely pure wind spirit attribute. He watched and saw a slender beast condensed out——

That mythical beast, with slender limbs, resembles an elk, and is green all over! The length is more delicate than the elk, and the horns are like antelope horns with barbs!

"This is a holy wind unicorn." Mo Hongyu watched the sky full of electric waves roll into the depths of the starry sky, sighed, and photographed his divine treasure lantern.

Su Jin watched the cyan boat slowly turn to ashes, the emerald green holy wind unicorn, in the far deep space, seemed to look back at Mo Hongyu, and then dived into the void and disappeared.

"You have a lot of secrets--" Su Jin slowly asked, sniffing the unique fragrance from her.

Mo Hongyu finally broke free of Su Jin's clutches, took two steps forward, facing him! As if wanting to happen!

"Good~~~" Su Jin raised his hand, "Shall we go now?"

Mo Hongyu nodded, and didn't want to entangle with the electric light eel again. She knew that the reason Su Jin could deal with the'Dragon Demon' and the'Evil Heart Phoenix' was only because of the blessing of the godless princess. Now, relying on himself and Su Jin, plus the site of the electric light eel in the heart of the earth, there is no benefit at all.

Quietly withdraw from a safe distance-

The wind seemed to be affected by the holy wind unicorn just now, and the gust of wind started to blow. Mo Hongyu clinging to the lantern, looked into the distance with a confused look.

"What are you practicing for?" Mo Hongyu asked Su Jin suddenly.

"For myself." Su Jin said four words lightly.

"Sure enough, this is the selfish roots of all races. It is inevitable for anyone, including the arrogant like you." Mo Hongyu felt bored in her mind. Su Jin's answer obviously made her very much. Disappointed.

"What about you? Why are you cultivating?" Su Jin asked Mo Hongyu back.

Standing on the pitch-black hill, facing the violent wind, the blue silk was chaotic, Mo Hongyu said calmly: "Master said, a natural woman is not as good as a man. Let me practice hard and stand on the sky in time--"

"You are thinking about a bigger ambition. In fact, saying your ideal is nothing." Su Jin sat down, ordered a bunch of dead branches left over from last time, and took a whole one. The peeled venison is lighted and grilled.

"It's better than the selfish you--" Mo Hongyu said.

"Is it selfish? What's wrong with me saying that cultivating the Tao is for yourself?" Su Jinjian raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "If cultivating is not for yourself, what about your relatives, friends, people who care, and when they are violated? Face it? Only by practicing Taoism and being strong can you defend your homeland and protect the things you want to cherish, isn't it?"

Mo Hongyu was shocked.

Su Jin continued and said: "At first glance, you are an orphan. Although you are ruthless in Taoism, you must strengthen your Taoism, but you should go with the flow and proceed step by step. Otherwise, you will lose yourself and be confused.

"A lot of principles, you are the orphan." Mo Hongyu muttered silently.

I'm afraid Mo Hongyu didn't even realize it. She couldn't say a word for ten days, but now she can actually argue with Su Jin——

"This is not a great principle. In the place where I was born, there is an ancient saying: Governing a big country is like cooking small fresh food. Now think about it, why is it not like that?"

As Su Jin spoke, he waved out a case table and rummaged in the bone ring. Last time he took Ling Xia away, there was still a lot of mountain salt found at the barbecue place, and some spices were left. For example, a plant that resembles a shallot also tastes good-


The roasted whole deer on the fire soon began to swell.

Mo Hongyu smelled the scent of meat and glanced at the fire in silence. Her persistence in her heart began to waver. She had forgotten where she had eaten something like meat last time. In the long years of cultivation, she did not Rely on good food.

Su Jin made a simple grill and swept a handful of shallots in the air——

Wipe it, and the finely chopped green onion fell on the roasted whole deer!

Afterwards, Su Jin held a jar of wine, evenly glued the liquor on the venison, then marked a few tasty meat mouths, sprinkled salt and turned them over and grilled!

After a long time, Su Jin poured two bowls of wine, looked at the red fish in the robe hunting, and asked: "The test of life and death is not difficult, and we are probably going through eating meat. Do you want to sit down and eat? point?"

"This level will form a tomb of all beings in two days. No one can escape, including you and me." Mo Hongyu walked over.

"Calm down!"

Su Jin cut off a golden and tender deer leg and sent it to Mo Hongyu, "Taste--"

"Although this star field is mimicked by a **** array, there will still be stars that will get closer and closer. At that time, 10,000 testers will fight further. You are the holder of the two firsts. Aren't you afraid that others will unanimously attack you?" Mo Hongyu took the deer legs, and under her robe and hat, she was very elegant in eating. I don't know whether it was meat to appetite or other reasons, so I couldn't help but eat more.

"Don't tell me, the pupil technique of the **** son of Taihang is no less than any kind of pupil of mine. He must be looking at you and me drinking and eating meat, trembling, afraid to approach." Su Jin laughed.

"Can he find us?" Mo Hongyu asked suspiciously.

Su Jingang wanted to speak, in the night sky, the two yin and yang qi of black and white slowly appeared——

"You said this **** child is trembling! I'm afraid of you?" Taihang **** child's face was dark, first of all he couldn't bear it, and brought a person beside him, who was obviously hostile to Su Jin!

"I, God of God Sect, Jun Wudao." Jun Wudao glanced at Su Jin and Mo Hongyu, and said to the self-report portal.

"I don't remember you in the rankings, but I do know Fashen Sect." Su Jin brought a bowl of wine and drank heavily. "I seem to have ruined your Fashen Sect marriage."

"What's the situation?" Mo Hongyu asked in a low voice.

"Stealing someone else's fiancee--" Su Jin blinked and gave Mo Hongyu a comforting look.

Mo Hongyu choked and threw the deer legs and bones aside, and he was totally lazy to deal with this person!

The Taihang **** son stared at Su Jin and slowly said, "Under your clothes, you are not your deity. Now you are not my opponent at all. Let your deity appear!"

Jun Wudao was shocked in his heart, this Taixing God Child's divine pupil was really profound, but it was Su Jin that surprised him even more, he was not the deity playing!

Su Jin is indeed an incarnation dressing, and the deity has also lost his bone ring and other divine treasures, but this Taixing **** child is very confident in his words, really think he has no combat power in his incarnation?

Mo Hongyu was stunned, she saw Su Jin slowly stand up——

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