My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3141: This is where the Buddha lived!

"The Heavenly Buddha descended on my Great Moon Kingdom and strengthened the country! Look at the Prince of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, seeing my King's ninety-five-year-old appearance, he was almost paralyzed by shock!"

"Even Godless Emperor is very solemn, this Buddha is respected by the Emperor!"

"The prince of the Eastern Tang Dynasty was frightened and dumbfounded, the Eastern Tang Kingdom has not done anything less these years--"


The whole body of King Dayue was trembling with excitement, and at this moment he shouted: "Little King is the Lord of Dayue! Since the founding of the country, Dayue Kingdom has been favored by my Buddha~~~ Little Wang would venture to ask me here. Dharma name?"

Su Jin was sitting on the Buddha's lotus with his hands still folded together, and his voice seemed to have become extremely sacred in the reflection of the Buddha's light. He slowly said: "The wheel of life and death, the ancient truth of the Buddha, the Buddha."

The big moon king shook his body and humbly shouted: "Buddha, please! Come, let me arrange a place in Tongtian Hall for my Buddha!"

The prince of the Eastern Tang Dynasty had a pale face, and watched the tens of thousands of soldiers in the imperial city crawling and worshiping, while Su Jin opened up a golden avenue and floated outside the Tongtian Temple——

King Dayue didn't care about the others, and hurriedly walked to the Tongtian Hall with Emperor Wutian, and hurriedly welcomed Su Jin in!

It was this day that the whole world shook.

The reincarnation of the Shocking Buddha King descended on the Great Moon Kingdom, and all creatures and souls were happy, and the whole country was joyous. The Buddha's light shines on the inside and outside of the heaven and the earth, and it will not dissipate for a long time. Later, there is amazing news that the reincarnation of the Buddha has declined the extra quota provided by the king and has to participate in the test. Win the top ten with strength, go and watch the bones.

And shortly after the arrival of the Buddha, everything seemed to be dimmed. There was the immortal ancestor of Xiyun Tianshan, and the three inheritors walked into the capital. Only a few ministers greeted the immortal ancestor.

Afterwards, there was even the immortal evildoer of ‘scratching the souls of life’, incarnate as a martial art picture, and walked into the palace with a compelling aura, but the king, together with the Emperor Wu Tian, ​​stayed in the Tongtian Hall for a long time—

It wasn't until the evening when the enchanting light of the Buddha concealed the divine light of the rising sun, that His Majesty the King and Godless Emperor left with a lot of emotion and left the Tongtian Hall.

"The Emperor of Heaven, the wheel of life and death, the ancient truth of Tushe, the Lord Buddha, the Buddha is invisible to the abyss, it is indeed the existence of reaching the other shore." The King Dayue said to the Emperor of Heaven with joy.

"In the legendary state of Samadhi, it is difficult for the Buddhas to reach it, and it is also difficult for the Buddha in your world to see its state. The state of the Buddha is different from the state of monks and requires extremely profound insights."

Unable to think about it, the emperor said: "Buddha cultivation is the most painful, reaching Samadhi, it is not you and I can imagine."

King Dayue suddenly enlightened, and the voice transmission asked, "How about the Buddha in Purdue Realm?"

"Naturally,'The Ancient Truth of the Buddha's Enlightenment to the Heavenly Buddha' is more sacred. The sentient Buddha came to him, and I am afraid that he would have to sit down and listen to this Buddha's teachings." said the Emperor Wang.

"Hmm--" King Dayue thought how excited his expression was, and finally invited: "Master Tiandi, let's meet a big man with Xiao Wang."


Tongtian Temple.

Su Jin looked at the spacious Nine Dragon Chair, and then at the hundreds of court ladies who were on standby below. He was speechless. Just now King Dayue stood there and sat down on the Dragon Chair by himself. This feeling was simply--

Xiao Xianman felt like a dream, and looked at Su Jin from time to time, but didn't dare to show the atmosphere.

"You all go out and stand by--" Su Jin waved away hundreds of court ladies.

At this time Tongtian Hall was empty.

Seeing Xiaoxian's dazed and uneasy appearance, Su Jin smiled and said, "Is it scared?"

"No, nothing." Xiaoxianman shook his head quickly.

"The Buddha is just the one I repaired." Su Jin stepped off the dragon chair and patted Xiao Xianman on the head, "Go, go out and breathe."

Xiaoxian swallowed, her eyes were full of doubts, Su Jinming had already walked off the dragon chair, but a round Buddha ring lingered around the dragon chair!

Out of the Tongtian Temple!

This Tongtian Temple is really magnificent, you can see other palaces at the bottom left and right when you leave the palace, it feels like a small view of the mountains! This is probably the most noble hall of the Great Moon Kingdom, and no one has been placed here before.

The sun is shining, the sun is low, and night is coming soon.

The Buddha's glory around the Tongtian Temple is like the most sacred treasure of the Great Moon Kingdom, becoming more dazzling and bright in the dark night. Every new **** cultivator looks at that sacred place, knowing that a super Buddha can exist. .

Although Xiaoxianman has been unable to practice since childhood, she is not stupid. She feels that Brother Ye's identity is very mysterious, and her origin must be beyond her imagination!

When he rescued himself, Xiao Xianman saw him in the form of a sword embryo, with nine rings in the sword. One of the yellow auras should be the Buddha's way of Brother Ye.

All this is just like a dream!

Counting from above, among dozens of palaces on the right, the prince of the Eastern Tang Dynasty is still wondering!

"This Buddha King could have been invited by me to the'Eastern Tang Divine Kingdom', but instead of retaining me, I threatened with words. If the father knew about it..." The Prince of Dongtang gave a sharp shot, his eyes filled deep. With infinite fear.

"Ye... Brother Ye, how many years did it take you to achieve such a powerful cultivation?" Xiao Xianman smiled.

"I didn't repair it much, just let it go and cultivate into a Taoist fruit." Su Jin said.

"You know, if someone outside knows this, how many people will be scared to death."

"My strongest person right now is not Buddhism." Su Jin shrugged, his face full of helplessness.

Buddhism is indeed not Su Jin's strongest way now! But Buddhism and Taoism have unlimited possibilities! Now if one of the nine roads is the strongest, it should be Sunluo Avenue.

This avenue was once at the bottom of his nine dao realms, but after fusion with Aotian Divine Will, this avenue made the ‘Aotian Divine Martial Arts’ and became Su Jin’s strongest one. Therefore, the future of his other eight realms is limitless!

"Brother Ye, you are amazing." Xiao Xianman was in a daze, looked at Su Jin, then at Tongtian Temple, feeling very magical.

Su Jin didn't emit the Buddha's light, it was in a very normal state, but the entire Tongtian Hall was radiating the Buddha's glory inside and outside the heaven and earth. This method was unheard of by Xiaoxian.

Night breeze--

Huo Shenshi was leading six hundred envoys to pick up a hermit from the Kingdom of Tianshu. Half an hour ago, he was shocked to hear that an eternal Buddha appeared in the Kingdom of God, who was far away in Tianshu. He of the kingdom, looking towards the direction of the'Great Moon Kingdom', he can see that the entire kingdom of God is lit up by the vast Buddha's glory, it is extremely sacred!

"The king of Buddha doesn't know the origin. The king was pleased that he had awarded more than twenty divine envoys." God Envoy Huo was a little puzzled. He was not among them. Those divine envoys were originally idle, but after the appearance of the Buddha king Many unworldly powers all have to come to watch the Buddha, and this allows those divine envoys to take advantage of it.

Hurrying to send people to the lowest row of palaces, God Envoy Huo raised his head to look at the magnificent Buddha's glory, his heart was pious, as if he was making a wish, and wanted the Buddha to help him give him a majesty and worship!

"Huo Daren!" A subordinate quietly spoke in Huo Shenshi's ear.

"Those people are so bold! At the foot of the palace, burn incense and worship in the manor--" God Envoy Huo was startled, not daring to talk gibberish in the palace, he quickly walked to the manor where Su Jin was placed—

Why are so many people!

God Envoy Huo widened his eyes. He saw no fewer than thousands of people outside the manor, and there were many monks he had invited in the manor, all worshiping in a room!

Ironwood League, Tianling Valley, Qingxu Daotang, Demon Slayer, Yinbone Hall, and many other forces have all appeared!

"Tu Mozong Wan Canghai! What are you all doing!" God Huo made an anger and invited to invite, but don't mess with it. If this is to be known to the superior, it is his responsibility!

"Envoy Huo, do you know who lives here and in this room?" Wan Canghai raised his eyebrows and pointed to the room where Su Jin had lived.

"This room—" God Envoy Huo was stunned. He really couldn't remember. In the past two days, he had met with an unknown number of people. He could not remember some of the forces arranged in this manor, but he really forgot. Up.

"This room, that's the'Running Wheel of Life and Death, Tushe Gudi Fengtian Buddha King' lived in! Isn't Huo Shenshi not aware of it?" Wan Canghai became puzzled.

"Yes, God Envoy Huo, in the middle of the night, all the people in Tiemumeng and Qingxu Taoist Hall saw them. Although they have not seen the Buddha King's deity, they have seen a beautiful Bodhisattva beside the Buddha King——"

"That beautiful Bodhisattva, wearing a green dress, is extremely beautiful!"


There was a thud in Huo Shenshi's mind, it was blank, and he faintly felt that he had missed something! !

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