My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3136: Nine Headed Demon Dragon

Su Jin's face was calm--

The lion ship is retreating steadily, and the front is indeed real, and the fight is going on! The young patriarch of the Niu family, standing on the tallest tower on the top of the ship, rarely showed a heavy expression on his face.

"It seems that in the Eastern Tang Kingdom, there are soldiers and potential ships. The king is really confused. Now that the Great Moon Kingdom invites gods and strangers, it is self-confident. At this time..." Young Master Niu's eyes flickered.

"Young patriarch, shall we make a detour? Let the clansmen on the boat go back, and we will pass through the other big cities." Niu Man said.

"It's too late, you go to gather the tribesmen now. As many as you can gather, I will use the **** treasure to put you in it and leave the ship." Young Master Niu shook his head.

"Young Master, I just met a master on the ship, it is he who told me that there will be God's Kingdom soldiers on the ship, can you also bring him -" Niu Man blushed and asked.

"Haha, do you know his identity?"

"I don't know."

"Then how can you be sure that he will be from the Imperial City of the Kingdom of God! This person, don't bring it!" Young Master Niu looked cold and shook his head firmly.

When Niu Man heard it, he knew that there was not much time and not much to say anything, so he just stepped back and went to gather the people.


A piece of ghost lantern was pulled by the Shensuo, and instantly shattered more than ten Shenzhou! In such a dark starry night, the ghost head in the lantern was spraying with blood, which was truly discreet.

While Su Jin was singing the wine, a moving voice floated in his ears.

"Brother Ye." Bicui's dress showed the girl's temperament to the fullest, and the speaker was the girl who had been called Niuman before.

"Do you know my name?" Su Jin was a little curious and looked at her a few times.

"Niu Manzi can't take care of it now. He asked me to apologize to you. The young master is ready to abandon the ship. He said that it is destined to see you in the Great Moon God Kingdom." The girl's expression is a little flustered now, she should be affected by the surrounding movement. Impact.

"What's your name—" Su Jin asked.

"Brother Ye calls me Xiaoxian, it's pretty good."

"Good name, you are not from the Niu family?"

"I'm... the little slave maid of the Niu family, from the five generations of my ancestors--" Xiaoxianman said with a smile.

Su Jin was silent, then looked at Xiaoxianman and asked, "How many people from the Niu family have come here?"

"It's more than five hundred. It won't take so many people to control this lion ship. Brother Ye, hurry up. It's too late." Xiaoxianman looked at the starry sky shining with all kinds of precious lights, and hurriedly urged. Turned and left.

"Dear heroes! Business is not righteous and righteous. Our Niu family has been operating the ship line for generations. In terms of credibility, we are innocent! If you encounter our Niu family’s ship in the future, you can apply for refunds. We will not take any money for this half day. I'm sorry--" Niu Man assembled the family members, and then he arched his hands and spread the voice to every corner of the lion boat.

Young Master Niu looked at the state of the beacon ship, and when he saw a battle approaching, he had to shake his hand and flew out a crystal jade scroll from his sleeve.

"Niu Manzi!" Young Master Niu let out a low voice.

"Goodbye, everyone!" Niu Man glanced in the direction of Su Jin, apologizing, and when he walked onto the gloriously flowing scroll, he transmitted the voice to Su Jin and said, "Brother Ye! I begged Young Master to give you a hand. One line, but the young master refused, I really can't help it! But with your strength, I can definitely get out alive!"

Su Jin laughed dumbfounded when he heard this, and the voice transmission said, "But you will die—"

"Brother Ye is so pitiful, Young Master is really unkind--" Xiaoxianman muttered quietly, but he didn't notice that Niu Manzi's face had changed drastically.

Xiaoxianman somehow, although he just said something to Su Jin, the temperament of Su Jin's body is far more than anyone she has ever seen, as if the avenue is circulating on him, it makes people kind of Inexplicably want to feel close.

The people on the lion boat broke up in a rush to escape! Even the Niu family has abandoned the boat, and these tourists naturally have no choice!

Niu Mangang wanted to ask Su Jin why--

The precious light in the surrounding starry sky seemed to dim suddenly!

"Not good!" Young Master Niu pushed the spar scroll to the extreme, wrapping up the people of the Niu family, wanting to use the power of the gods! Move away!

Niu Manzi looked up blankly, and his whole body was shaking involuntarily. In the void, there were several demon dragons as thick as a sacred mountain. They were swaying and swaying. This was actually a demon dragon with nine heads and nine necks. This monster dragon's neck alone is so terrible!

"Roar--" The nine-headed monster dragon roared, and flicked its tail!

Young Master Niu immediately vomited blood like a column, and he began to fear! This nine-headed demon dragon was only one tail, which actually made his divine treasure close to the point of destruction!

Among them, the people of the cattle family have all been shocked and injured in varying degrees!

Niu Manzi is desperate--

Xiao Xianman was also in a hurry, her hair was shaken away, and her big eyes were full of fear!

Su Jin twisted his neck, and his whole body seemed to be bathed in a golden light of yellow! The moment he was smashed to pieces by the nine-headed monster dragon on the lion ship, he seemed to transform into a golden dragon in place, dazzling and unparalleled!

This nine-headed demon dragon is at least the level of the late stage of the gods, and even infinitely close to Dzogchen! This is probably the horror of being close to the same life as the world, and Su Jin has some difficulty in doing it!

Niu Manzi and Xiao Xianman were completely frightened when they saw the dazzling golden dragon brilliance!

The dragon is in the sky, the size of this golden dragon is even larger than the neck of the nine-headed monster dragon!

The nine-headed demon dragon stared at the golden dragon, without being timid, it was actually going crazy with excitement!

Su Jin was shocked, and the golden light burst quickly, appearing directly beside Niu Manzi and Xiao Xianman! Hold the shoulders of the two!

"Go--" Su Jin turned into a magical rainbow and quickly went straight to the South Road, but the surrounding area seemed to be imprisoned. The galaxy in front was already formed, and it seemed to have all kinds of suction, dragging them over!

Even a strong man like Su Jin is no different from a normal person's running now!

"Brother Ye—" Xiaoxianman couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw Su Jin.

"Niu Man! You take her to the south, I'll hold him!" Su Jin yelled.

"But our young master and clansman." Niu Manzi is very nervous now. He sees those familiar faces, and every face is full of fear, including the young patriarch!


A terrifying mouth of the nine-headed demon dragon opened, and directly swallowed hundreds of people including the crystal jade scroll!

Niu Man roared, but his voice seemed unwilling! He knew that Brother Ye could not save so many people! Knowing that this is not the time for grief, he didn't even think about it, frantically pulling Xiaoxianman's wrist, running away like a toddler!

Su Jin's face was solemn, and in his field of vision, the nine-dragon body of the demon dragon slowly came over. This evil animal is really too big!

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