My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3132: Who palms whose mouth?

Both Shi Guxuan and his son were sweating on their foreheads——

The two knew that Su Jin was the kind of arrogant man who would never bow his head to others no matter when or where, but at such a time, it was easy to misunderstand.

"When the owner came to your stone city, he was willing to come over after hearing the words of Junior Sister Qiu Di. Why... Are the people in your house so rude?" On the carriage, several young people walked out, each of them dressed in white, with their chests banished. Yinfang’s Qin word logo.

"Don't dare!" Shi Shi said hurriedly, "Brother Ye is not a man in the mansion, he is also a distinguished guest of our Shicheng——"

"Brother Ruohan, let me just say, where can it be so fast! The big red silk on this mansion is not designed to welcome us to the Yinfang." A monk named Fang Yan deliberately raised his voice.

"Dear friends, the visitor is a guest. This is the villain's fault. The banquet has been prepared, and the villain will punish himself with three cups later in order to make amends!" Shi Guxuan immediately responded loudly.

Shi Ye's face is a little gloomy now, he knows something is wrong when he sees that the owner of the relegation workshop refuses to go for a ride!

At this moment, Shi Qiudi took the skirt and walked out of the carriage——

"You, get out of my house!" Shi Qiodi pointed to Su Jin, and then pointed to the direction of Qingyan Avenue!

"Eldest sister!" Shi Shi was shocked and angry.

"Shut up for me!" Shi Guxuan also exasperated, shouting loudly.

Su Jin's face was always calm, and he couldn't make any waves in his heart. This kind of thing could have been expected, otherwise the other party would find that he had taken up her residence, and he would definitely make more trouble.

Shi Qiudi was slightly confused--

From childhood to adulthood, as the only girl of heaven in Shicheng, she entered the Ban Yinfang as a young child, and her father has always been proud of her! But now she was shocked by her father's reprimand!

The reason why Su Jin was allowed to go, Shi Qiudi was because he had no face! Coupled with the cynicism of the younger brother and younger brother, she couldn't bear her temper at all, and the owner, the master, was still in the carriage. In this way, she was naturally confident--

"It seems that the Lord Shicheng doesn't welcome us to ban Yinfang." Fang Yan glanced at Su Jin coldly, then looked at Shi Guxuan, with great hostility.

"Brother Ruohan, Master refuses to get off the car, don't you know what it means? This monk, who of you will give a warning? Or I can do it," said a monk named Li Yuan.

"Owner of the Yinyin Workshop, my Shi family treats people courteously, and there is nothing wrong with it! If you feel that the hospitality is not adequate, then good! My Shi family expresses its attitude on this, you ban the Yinfang...We will not wait!" Shi Shi The whole body was trembling with anger, and his forehead rushed with blood, directly furious.

Shi Guxuan stayed.

My own son rarely gets angry like this--

And this will make it very difficult for the eldest daughter to be in Banyinfang!

"For an outsider," Shi Qiodi was excited, pointing to Su Jin's face, somewhat speechless.

"There is not only one censorship workshop in the world! There are also many powerful forces! My Shi family is really not rare! Sister, your temper has really changed!" Shi Shi was offended and completely offended, and shouted in a high voice.

"You rubbish, I'll give you a mouth for Master!" Fang Yan appeared in front of Shi Shi with a step, raised a palm of fire, and drew towards Shi Shi's left cheek quickly!


The sound of the palms did not appear!

Fang Yan's face gradually became difficult to look, and there was an extra palm on his wrist!

It is the monk who is disrespectful to Ban Yin Fang!

Su Jin shook slightly, Fang Yan was shaken back more than a dozen steps, and then said lightly: "Miss Shi is from the Shi family, I am a guest of Shi family, and it is reasonable for the Lord to let the guest go. Brother Shi should not care about - "

"Unexpectedly, you little monk still has some strength." Fang Yan twisted his neck twice, "I just used the force of a face slap just now, but I asked you to push me away and come. Next, I won't show mercy. Up!"

"What do you care about with him? He's going to roll himself, forget it, let's give Junior Sister Qiu Di a face." Li Yuan was full of irony.

"Brother Ye! Thousands of mistakes are all my Shiye's fault! Today, no one can drive you away!" Shi Shi was angry.

Su Jin shook his head, "It's impossible for me to stay in the Shi family anymore. I won't enter this door again. It's a promise to leave. But before I leave, I really want to ask you a question."

"After asking, let's go--" Fang Yan hummed.

"Your trip is to participate in the Heavenly Bone Festival of the Great Moon Kingdom?" Su Jin asked.

"Not bad!"

"It's weird." Su Jin smiled softly: "You guys, are you going to the Great Moon God Kingdom to see you off?"

As soon as this phrase came out, the audience was quiet!

"Looking for death!" Fang Yan's body condensed the divine law scriptures, and his entire body was enveloped by a piece of divine light. He shook his body, and there was a black leopard man faintly swaying, turning into a leopard form to kill Su Jin!

Su Jin's figure swayed, one hand at a strange angle directly made Fang Yan unable to hide, and directly pressed on his leopard-shaped head, and after a heavy grasp, he actually pressed his head against the Qingyan ground. on!

The ground has cracked a hole!


Li Yuan took a pair of hands, and a golden copper stele flashed in front of him, and the whole copper stele swelled continuously. This is his ancestor’s divine treasure, the “Life Creation Stele”. Since his creation, the stele family has been handed over to him. This'biological monument' has unpredictable power!

not good--

Li Yuan felt a dangerous aura, Su Jin's figure passed by his side, and in a blink of an eye he didn't see the opponent's shot speed! There is a hot palm print directly on the face!


Several young monks in Yinfang, including the best performer Ruo Han, were all slapped on their faces! !

The disciples of the female nuns in Banyinfang, all of them are dumbfounded at the moment! ! Su Jin's thunderous methods have caused them an unprecedented impact!

"Even Brother Ruohan was slapped--" a female voice trembling in the carriage said.

"Who is this person? What a strong strength!"

"Several seniors are all of creation strength! Senior Brother Ruohan even touched the threshold of the late stage of creation, even he couldn't prevent this person, and he was also slapped~~~"

"Master! You have to call the shots for the seniors!"

"Yeah, Master! He bullied the brothers so, you don't kill him? So if it spreads out, what is the reputation of our Ban Yinfang! Hey! My poor Senior Brother Ruohan, with such a handsome face, will be all It's red!"

"Unexpectedly, he didn't bow and salute because of his own strength! He refused to bow his head! Brother Fang Yan is so miserable that his skull was broken by a crack!"

Now only Shi Qiudi is still sluggish, and has not woke up! When she recalled the behavior of her brother and father just now, three words rushed into her heart!

the fat is in the fire.

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