My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3115: Tengai Coffin!

Ye Di, with a wood carving on his back, stepping on the coffin and leaving!

This scene shouldn't be too shocking, after Ye Di left, the sky rained continuously! From the birth of Tiangu, causing a catastrophic disaster, to this day, hundreds of creations have died, and the emperor of the night is still standing and returning to the peak!

"God's coffin hits the sky, it's a terrifying and terrifying disaster--" Someone shook their heads after watching the blood-red downpour.

"I thought how strong the'Prince King's Mansion' was! But when the Divine Coffin hit the Tianmen, the people of the Di Family were scared of their souls! They got in!"

"Hundreds of creations have died, why is the night emperor still there! This celestial bone catastrophe is really useless! My ancestor, Sui Geng, three epochs, has spanned many times, and died today! It is really wrong- "

"It must be the evil sage in the coffin! It must be the evil sage who helped the Ye Emperor recover. It is sad and hateful! He was almost able to kill the Ye Emperor and grab the bones!"


All around the world, endless discussions! When this happens, I am afraid that no one will believe it! Ye Di, rising in the beast forest, now stepped on the coffin and left, and went to the gods!

The golden ancient ape king showed surprise, and it slowly said: "Before the night emperor left, the voice was sent to me, and he would return within three days at most. The sixty-three foreign enemies are limited to leave within half a day, otherwise they will all be in the corpse beast forest! "

"Three days is not long." Liu Yuan Tiansheng was obviously frightened, and nodded repeatedly, "The old man will live in the territory of the Ape King for three days. I wonder if you are welcome?"

"Welcome yourself!" The Golden Ancient Ape King smiled: "I will first ask the Erlangs to expel those foreign enemies. Now that the Yedi's bones are gone, it will not be troublesome to expel them."

"Even if the Yedi Sky Bone is still there, I am afraid no one would dare to make an idea!" Concubine Feng Zi stuck out her tongue and said, holding Yao'er's arm.

" loss, no loss--" In the ancient years, there were a few more beautiful and brightly dressed girls who complained about each other one after another as they walked.

"We are so confused. We all blame your little sister for losing ourselves."

"Isn't Sixth Sister happier than me? But it doesn't matter. If we weren't like this, when hundreds of creations were slaughtered, we would probably die. It would be nice to be alive."

"Master Ape King! We have an agreement with Ye Di. If we lose... we will join the'Eternal Life Palace'!" Lan Linglong shouted.


In the passage of the Sky Gate, Su Jin feels very strange——

It was only bright at first, but gradually, the strands of divine power gradually became thicker, and some areas even formed a divine power storm!

Su Jin's expression was calm, and a ray of soul fell into the wood carving behind him, and slowly said, "Second brother, why are you frowning?"

"Bah! I believe in your evil self and tell you that although the gods and heavens belong to the heavens, they are a place beyond things! This is not a big place, there are only hundreds of star fields, but the strong inside..." Murderous Wuzun lamented.

"Anyone?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"It is said that there are sages! It's just not confirmed! Otherwise, the Di family **** son would not ask like that!" said Wuzun Murder.

"Then you're afraid of an egg--"

"Do you think sages are easy? When my body was not exiled, I couldn't touch them in the first year! Compared with sages, creation is still a lot worse." Killing Wuzun said bitterly: "I am exiled. God, if someone finds out, I will die forever, don’t you understand?"

"I have a great feud in Shentian! The Primordial Palace is one, and the envoy Xu Wang and Palace Master Tianchuan are two. In such a big Shentian, I can meet Xu Wang and Palace Master Tianchuan!" Su Jin His eyes shone with light.

"Difficult! But you will be able to see the Taikoo Palace right away! The Vault of Heaven gate is connected to the ‘Swire Palace’!" said Wuzun Murder.

"I told Uncle Wang that I will go back in three days--"

"Almost! A transcendent god, three days is equivalent to three months outside, this is caused by the natural law of the gods, not like a place like Tianhuang."


The three days outside are equivalent to three months in the gods!

Su Jin's pressure was relieved. He was really afraid of something wrong with the "Not Envy of Immortal Valley", and now he left by himself. With Liu Yuan Tiansheng and other creations, Immortal Valley should be fine!

An enveloping space was fleeting, and the speed of the passage of the Sky Gate had refreshed Su Jin’s perception. He had just seen in the endless deep space, a few precious lights intertwined in a magical medicine, his eyes blinked. It was missed.

There are so many powerful people in the heavens of God, it really is not bragging! Su Jin finally understood why many strong men wanted to squeeze their heads and soar in. In the gods, even a pig can become a god!

In a short moment, Su Jin seemed to have passed a long time. His golden pupil of years seemed to have been infected. He opened slightly, and then slowly closed. A moment is time and vicissitudes of life.

In front, an extremely magnificent colorful boundary wall greeted the eyes! This boundary wall exudes colorful clouds, with mysterious and dreamy colors, making Su Jin's expression a little moved.


The speed of the ancient bronze coffin was too fast, and the entire surface of the coffin began to show a fiery red state!

"The Great God of the Primordial Palace will all obey! Kill the outsider Ye Di! Fu Shen's coffin!" Di Kunjie's voice resounded in all directions!

A bronze divine coffin, with the blessing of General Blood Spirit and Elder Yuan Zhi, rushed out towards a bright exit!

"Prince Ancient God City! The ruled area of ​​the palace!" Killing Wu Zun kept sighing, transmitting his voice to Su Jin.

A huge noise appeared when the bronze coffin descended!

The bronze coffin descended from the east gate of the'Prime God City', and the speed increased instead of decreasing! Once in this world, even General Blood Spirit and Elder Yuanzhi were shaken off!

This bronze coffin is now eight thousand miles wide. It has been hitting and hitting from the east gate of the ancient city of God!

The building is shattering, the earth is opening! Even the boundary wall has a terrible crack!

"Presumptuous!" Several loud shouts came from the location of the Prince's Mansion at the very center of the Primordial God City!

The shocking movement is spreading like crazy!

"A huge bronze coffin flew out of the sky!" There was a citizen of God City, and their faces became pale when they saw their homeland being smashed.

"There is a prince! I can definitely handle it!"

"Who is on this divine coffin? That...that's the superior waste tool! The traces of this treasure come from the gods!" Others shouted in fear, constantly pointing at the bronze divine coffin that gradually stopped.

The huge and prosperous God City is now directly damaged by more than one-fifth! That huge bronze coffin, even if it stops, is still shocking!

"Nine elders, kill the night emperor first! He is destined to send the bones!" Di Kun Jie was on a palace, and after speaking, he walked in directly, "I'll ask my father!"


General Blood Spirit and Elder Yuanzhi walked directly into the void, Su Jin also left the coffin body and walked in the direction of the Primordial Palace!

Here is really different from the outside world!

The entire God City seems to be built on a treasure land, especially in such a night, the folds are shining. In the distance of the Primordial God City, there is an endless sea of ​​Primordial Gods. Su Jin glanced at it with the golden eyes of the years. With a casual glance, you can see a giant with a body length of thousands of miles washing up on the water!

"Ye Di! You hurt my elder brother so badly!" Di Shuangning shook her body, bullied Su Jin directly, raised the splendid Jade Palm of Origin, and patted Su Jin on the head!

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