My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3113: Listen to corpse

"Remember to be cautious!" Di Kunjie stroked Di Shuangning's hair and asked.

Di Shuangning frowned slightly, knowing that my eldest brother had never been so affectionate to her, what happened this time...

However, Di Shuangning did not have too much suspicion, she yelled softly: "The nine great elders step back!"

The nine elders, including Yuan Mo, immediately avoided the ups and downs of bronze coffins, and all returned to Di Kunjie!

Elder Yuan Zhi didn't know it. The red light in his eyes became more and more intense, and the surrounding scenes turned to blood. He turned his head and looked at Di Shuangning calmly and said, "Nine? What about me...what am I?"

"You are an evil demon!" Di Shuangning said coldly.

"Evil demon, evil demon, I am an evil demon." Elder Yuan Zhi's mind seemed to have been hit by thunder. After concentrating, when he looked at his hands again, he hugged his hair and screamed crazy!

Di Shuang Ning's face was solemn, and she slowly squatted down in the void, her arms interlaced, and her hands and ten fingers touched each other in a blink of an eye, and ice flowers began to appear!


High above the battlefield, a circle of ice-colored formations slowly spins up! As soon as the icy array appeared, the divine intent of the origin of frost began to spread!

The ground is freezing!

The void is playing with layers of extremely thin ice like a spider web!

The mass of murderous aura swirling beside Su Jin is exactly the murderous Wu Zun! At this moment he shouted: "Boss! Boss!"

"Huh?" Su Jin was shocked, "What did I just do?"

"You just turned out your **** arm and stretched it into the coffin! It's been a long time!" Killing Wu Zun was scared by Su Jin. Didn't the boss just know what he was doing?

Su Jin's eyes dazzled, and then he asked, "The Di Family Goddess is performing the forbidden law?"

"It's a forbidden method! I didn't expect you to even know the forbidden method! Hurry up and find a way to freeze me to death." The blood mist turned into a murderous gas trembling, and ice crystals were falling from the blood mist.

"My Vulcan Dao can't dispel this coldness--" Su Jin raised the Vulcan aura, but the surroundings were still very cold. This was a very mysterious discovery for him.

"Fart! Your Vulcan Dao is useless! This is a forbidden method used by Jidao Ice Source, named Shao Bingyuan, the source of the world's most cold!" said Wuzun Killing Heart.

"Oh -" Su Jin said straightforwardly: "I have fished some things, please stay away from me."

"What did you get?" Killing Wu Zun wished to stay away from the beast forest. Upon seeing this, he turned into a cloud of blood and began to float out of the battlefield.

The origin of the forbidden law was not completed, and the murderous martial artist could escape with murderous intent. He planned not to participate in this kind of scene, and the boss was also a bit strange now, which made him feel scared.

Yes, I feel scared!

Elder Yuan Zhi is very angry now! From the very beginning, he was taken to Shentian, and he has guarded the Taikoo Palace for endless years! Now he has become an abandoned son!

"Goddess, the flesh and blood of the goddess--" Elder Yuan Zhi stared at the incomparable Di Shuangning, and licked his lips. The ice crystals from the source of the forbidden law in the sky seemed to be of no use to him. He was approaching, but knew Not easy!

"Nine elders, protect my sister!" Di Yufan was frightened by the evil demon elder Yuan Zhi, and reminded again and again.

"Tai Cang Ding! Town!" Elder Yuan Mo brushed his sleeves, and a three-eared tripod with purple air flew out of his cuffs to directly control Elder Yuan Zhi!

"Goddess, become a part of me——" Yuan Zhichang was aging and flickering red shadow, not afraid of that "Tai Cangding", getting closer and closer to Di Shuangning!


The nine elders drank together, swept their robes, lined up, and guarded Di Shuangning!

Di Kunjie's eyes grew darker and he was very jealous! He looked at Elder Yuanzhi, General Blood Spirit, and then at the ancient bronze coffin, an extremely terrifying thought appeared in his heart!

Evil sage!

The one buried in the bronze coffin is an evil sage!

Di Kunjie was extremely sure of it! To know the "evil sage", people who know it are rare, and he can't even remember the moment when Elder Yuanzhi turned into an evil demon!

Evil sage! Comparable to a saint! This ancient bronze coffin is so mysterious, it is already an evil sage coffin, if there is an evil sage corpse in it, he can't provoke it at all!

"Ice eternity!" Di Shuangning's whole body was shining with icy blooms, her hands opened, as if embracing the sky, as she shouted the name of the forbidden law, the formation of the battlefield high in the sky directly frozen the void! This cold, as if together with the earth, the void, and the firmament, has been scraped into a nearly transparent block of ice!


Elder Yuan Zhi suddenly transformed behind Di Shuang Ning, and was immediately flew away by the elder Yuan Mo, but he was shocked immediately, feeling as if he had been hit in the air!

"You are all going to die, you must all worship under the glory of my lord——" The two black fangs of the elder Yuanzhi pierced his lips, and his blood scales shone! I don't know how hate it is!

Di Shuangning's face was pale, and he quickly took a bottle of Shen Dan. When he saw Elder Yuan Zhi, he almost vomited!

"Elder Yuanzhi! I am waiting for this trip for Ye Di! Don't you want the bones? Now you go and carry the bones of Ye Di, you must have a share of the bones!" Elder Lin gave a heavy drink and shouted. Tao.

"Ye Di must die too, but he will die after you——" Elder Yuan Zhi salivated, his arms lightly raised, a piece of dark-red fleshy wings, unexpectedly squirmed out of his waist, attached to his blood-scaled arms!

"Go down to the grave--" Di Kunjie said with a dark expression.

Di Shuangning was frightened by the elder Yuan Zhi, and she was still a little scared, but when she heard Di Kunjie's words, she suddenly looked at the bronze coffin!

She saw Ye Di!

At this look, Di Shuangning's face faded instantly!

Su Jin calmed his face, throwing a smelly linen on his hand!

"Gaishibu!" Di Kunjie gave a startled, a little gaffe!

Di Kunjie originally hoped that there would be no corpses in the coffin! If this is the case, with the divine coffin weird, Yedi might be able to fight to the death with the nine elders! Even the younger sister and the eighth brother may have accidents! Now, the corpse cover was soaked with the blood of evil sages, and it was confirmed that there was a corpse in the coffin! !

"My forbidden method was shattered by a piece of cloth--" Di Shuangning looked at the collapsing formation in the sky, in disbelief! This is the essence of her forbidden law! How could it break!

The weird ‘covering the corpse cloth’, the fishy odor exuded, instantly filled a radius of a million miles!

"Big brother, what should I do?!" Di Yufan saw that even Big Brother was so shocked, he asked quickly.

"The corpse cloth is not terrible, he shouldn't open the coffin, shouldn't remove the corpse cloth!" Di Kunjie's teeth were shaking, "Quickly open the door of the sky!"


Inside the coffin, a special voice was faintly floating in everyone's ears.

Di Kunjie stood blankly on the spot----

This is a corpse! !

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