My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3101: Dry ticket!

All fall!

Is the Ape King already so pessimistic?

Liuyuan Tiansheng and the others looked at the direction the Golden Ancient Ape King was gazing at. The Baohua in the southwest seemed to be very different from the sacred clouds emanating from other places. It was an area with piercing wind and dazzling white glory——

"Ancient Nether Emperor?" Fenqin Tianhe asked in surprise.

"It's still three, headed by Ancient Nether Emperor. These people came from the Netherworld. They cultivated the mysterious power of Xuanming and can restrain my golden holy ape." The golden ancient ape king nodded heavily.

"The situation is getting more and more serious, but I don't know what Yedi thinks in his heart now. He is still comprehending. It is true that this disaster cannot be overcome by him and us alone." Daer Sanzang has recovered from the joy of breakthrough. Calm, but he knew that Ancient Nether Emperor and others were definitely not the last strong people to be there!

Night Emperor——

Gu Zhongren looked at the empty area with great expectation. He was just a wooden sculpture now. Although he had shown a terrifying and extraordinary power before, it is unknown how long this power can last.

Killing Wu Zun is not happy now. He observes the surrounding scenery with his immature eyes, reminding Su Jin again and again: "I have noticed the breath of the prehistoric years. I have seen this breath, mostly from the ancient gods and caves. , After encountering this kind of existence, you must be careful!"

"Hmm--" Su Jin's indifferent wooden pupil brought a little madness. It was not without reason that he stayed still. Come, just have a good time!

In a while, all creations will be on the scene, and it will be a quick death fight! And although he has no chance of winning, the methods he now prepares for those creations are also not a joke!

Just wait and see!

Su Jin continued to study with great concentration. His primordial spirit closed his eyes, and he kept comprehending the Dead Man Sutra and the Slaying Heaven Sutra. He had long felt about this. The two sutras seem to be not at all repulsive. The Dark Blood God was just used The picture is a good proof!

"Boss, as long as you speak up, even if my murderous mind is willing to go out, I can take you away. Or if I take away your Dao body, let's break into the gods!" Murderous Wuzun asked quietly.



How could Su Jin go! Not to mention how important these people here are to him, even his own Dao Heart will not be able to pass this hurdle in the future! He entered the Tao with life and death all the way, this hurdle can't be passed, how to talk about the future!

"I have a plan, don't worry--" Su Jin calmed down the murderous Wu Zun, thinking about it, and detached from the state of taking over the Shang Zun Huang Qi, the original spirit opened his eyes and walked to the bronze coffin.

"Don't think about it now!" Killing Martial Venerable screamed in shock, and quickly disappeared from the shoulders of the waste weapon, and entered the waste weapon space.

"Aren't you a strong man who opened a few tombs of sentient beings? Why, I am scared when you encounter this scene?" Su Jin joked and glanced at the murderous Wu Zun.

"I'm not afraid of those people outside! Anyway, I use assassination. As long as there is a murderous place, I can come back to life! But you can't do anything, I have to count on you to find my deity's body for me -" Killing Wu Jon wondered.

"Then let's get a lot of votes this time, you've also seen that the situation is beyond your control and it depends on how many creations we can slaughter!"

"We can't deal with those ancient gods and men!" Killing Wu Zun hurriedly said.

"What do you think of this bronze coffin?" Su Jin patted the body of the coffin with his hand, and then asked.

"It's hard to say--" Killing Wu Zun looked at him with trembling, uncertain.

In fact, Su Jin didn't want to touch this ‘bronze standing coffin’ at all, but he was afraid that even the ancient gods and men came from outside, which made him a little crazy!

Almost involuntarily, Su Jin's soul body stepped up to the bronze coffin and sat cross-legged!

Killing Wu Zun's eyes widened. There was a terrible ‘curse’ on the bronze standing coffin, and he did not dare to approach it. Otherwise, once he approached the bronze coffin within three steps, he would have a needle-like feeling!

"Killing Heart——" Su Jinpan sat on the bronze coffin, "You go out first, and wait for me to give orders. You will do what I ask you to do when I arrive. Also, after you go out, you will transmit the sound to the sky crane. , Let her do something later!"

Soon, Su Jin finished his explanation. He didn't really care when he watched the murderous Wu Zun go out with a black face.

This bronze coffin... Su Jin silently swept the entire body of the coffin with the body of the soul. The curse on this coffin seemed to appear from the inside, and the surface of the coffin seemed to be carved with several formations, all of which were Compilation of "All Things Become".

"Try it first--" Su Jin settled down, and the curse of God was slowly released. This was the first time he had done it, and it was not too successful. There were only clusters of flames about half a meter square.


Killing Wuzun's complexion was very bad, and many people paid attention to it when he came out, and I don't know what Ye Di confessed to make him feel so bad!

"Little Tianhe, listen carefully to me--" Killing Wu Zun spoke to Fenqin Tianhe.

"Senior, please speak!" Fenqin Tianhe did not dare to neglect.

"Listen to my order for a while, as long as the creations gather together and the number reaches about one hundred and fifty, the ancient time formation will be solved!" Killing Wu Zun said through the voice.

Fenqin Tianhe's heart shook violently, and the sound transmission quickly asked: "What does Ye Di mean?"

"Yes, what the boss meant, I feel that he is crazy. Although my supreme weapon is sturdy, it is made of meteorite wood, but so many powerful creations can easily be destroyed. You need to do a good job at that time. , Once you see the boss fall, leave directly according to your own plan!" Killing Wu Zun's face was extremely ugly when it was transmitted.

"Yes—" Fenqin Tianhe knew how to measure, and now the murderous Wu Zun only transmitted the sound to her, definitely to prevent the Guzhong people from flustering, and not to frustrate the military.

Killing Wu Zun thought for a while, and stopped transmitting to Fenqin Tianhe. Instead, he looked at the Golden Ape King and shouted: "Little Hairy Ape, don't hold the dragon king, take it."

The Golden Ancient Ape King didn't mind the other party's call so, he directly threw the Vientiane Dragon Emperor towards the woodcarving, shaking up a piece of dust!

"Biu...specially~~~" Killing Wuzun's eyes lit up, and a group of blood appeared next to the huge Vientiane Dragon Emperor, "Do you know how beautiful you are now? The complete King of Dragons! Haha! Hahaha... it's still the first job~~~

With that said, Wu Zun Murderous Heart was actually satisfied with a weird laughter in the end. It was just that kind of laughter that made the dying Vientiane Dragon Emperor hairy and shivered!

"You...what do you want to do--" Wanxiang Longdi was flustered like a wild horse now, but he couldn't move when he wanted to run!

"Little brother, don't be nervous." Killing Wuzun thief said: "I have seen the Supreme Desolate Tool. It is from my own hands. I intend to make you a masterful dragon soldier and shock the heavens. What kind of color do you want for the appearance?"

After hearing this, the Dragon Emperor of Vientiane was about to spurt blood!

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