My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3085: Killing Wuzun

And no one knew that in a faint and mysterious environment, there was a piece of fine blue sand about a hundred miles long, which was slowly shining with a faint light at this moment!

This is the world in the Supreme Wilderness Tool——

Ancient, dead, without wind and rain, any creature seems to be isolated in it!

The fine blue sand is the second color of this world!

"Am I dead or not?" The light blue sand, brighter and brighter, as if possessing wisdom.

"I am the emperor of the night! After going to the chaotic island of the day, I encountered Xu Wang from Shentian! He was severely injured by me, I gave everything, and finally the spirit collapsed." Su Jin's soul voice aroused The resonance of all the fine blue sand grains.

This feeling is very strange.

No pain, like a dead thing, unable to move!

At present, Su Jin's best situation is the recovery of wisdom, he can recognize the current situation, and he still doesn't know where this is, I don't know why he still has an idea!

Su Jin worked hard for a long time, and he knew that his soul had collapsed into pieces, or it was a piece of shreds. This luminous sandy land was able to explain the situation he was currently encountering!

Time passed by one minute and one second, Su Jin wanted to gather the spirits, but he couldn't gather a single piece of it, and the more he struggled, the weaker he was, and finally he had to sleep for a while before trying!

No one knows how hard Su Jin worked! But in this **** mysterious place, he seems to have been forgotten forever, no one can save him, and he seems to be unable to move a piece of debris after decades!

No one can understand this kind of enduring despair!

"Since my soul cannot condense successfully, there is only a last resort. This piece of sand is equivalent to my soul, I can condense the soul, and it may be feasible!" Su Jin was struggling desperately, thinking This possibility!

Gradually, time seemed to not exist here, when Su Jin could condense a strand of primordial spirit floating above the shard of soul, he was almost crazy with excitement!


Su Jin jumped into the distance with a wisp of tenacious soul, only then did he discover that there are neighbors in this dim world! Not in the true sense of nothingness!

The mysterious squeaking sound originated from a black and red roaring crow. After Su Jin identified the bird several times, it was discovered that the other party was not a creature, but was condensed by a ray of almost solid murderous intent!

Su Jin was shocked! He faintly felt a little familiar here! If he is still a normal person at the moment, I am afraid it is extremely difficult to believe that this is actually the interior of the Supreme Wilderness! In other words, his soul fragments are in the ‘humanoid wood carving’!

Not long ago, during the battle between Su Jin and the Palace Master of the Skyship, he was accidentally wounded and spewed blood on the Supreme Wilderness Tool. With this, he broke the prohibition and temporarily took possession of this treasure. The origin of the venerable weapon has arrived at a very small position, so it is very familiar!

At that time, he was still shocked, the origin of this supreme waste weapon was a way of killing!

"Pass the test, you can enter the door of my murderous heart." The strange crow's eyes are clever, staring at Su Jin's soul, seeming to be talking to him!

"What kind of power is the Killing Heart? You are--" Su Jin slowly communicated with the soul.

"I am a murderous martial artist. I am a **** who was expelled from the gods, which is what you mortals call an expeller." The strange crow said slowly.

"You are just a bird, and you even gave yourself a name that can scare people. Shentian will expel a bird?" Su Jin tried slightly to see if he could anger the strange crow.

Sure enough, the eyes of the strange crow directly turned into a scarlet!

"Mortal! Listen! I'm a super **** who can rank in the top ten in the gods and will never lie to you! I am really a murderous martial artist, super super invincible, and a **** in the sky, just hear The name of my murderous martial arts, all have to be scared to wet pants!" The strange crow screamed, seemingly fighting for reason.

"Flaming Maoniao, I don't believe a word of what you said, unless you can restore my spirit to the original state, otherwise I will stay cool and where to go--" Su Jin communicated with the soul.

"I can't do it now! My murder is imprisoned in the'Star Crystal' and exiled by eternity, even if I find it for ten million years, it will be difficult to find!" The strange crow jumped angrily.

I don't know if it was due to excitement or other reasons, the strange crow suddenly exploded, the black and red murderous mass that exploded, very strange, and turned into a five-year-old boy with braids.

"That's a fart kid, my uncle is busy, so I don't have time to listen to you bragging." Su Jin made a move to leave.

"Slow! Although I can't help you restore your soul right now, there are other ways!" The child who condensed the murderous martial arts, shouted very seriously.

"That's right, tell me--" Su Jin was a little nervous. What he needs most now is to restore his soul, so that he can leave this upper-valley weapon and return to his divine body! I just don't know how my **** body is!

"Hey! First apprentice!" The child's murderous Wu Zun, with a majestic appearance, raised his hand to indicate.

"Fuck off, you give me a hurry to disappear--" Su Jin felt that he was afraid that he might meet a fool, so he floated back.

Let yourself worship a child as a teacher, or go back to wash and sleep, it's all very busy, no joke!

"I'm killing...killing...killing Wuzun." The child looked at the direction in which Su Jin Yuanshen disappeared, lowered his voice in embarrassment, and felt no confidence!

A thin blue sea of ​​sand is slowly dimming at this moment...

Killing Wuzun slowly walked over, touched his index fingers, shook his head and faced Shahai with a smile, and said with a smile: "Brother dei~~~ The deity thinks about it, you don’t need to be a teacher, you can see how we bow. Second brother."

"Call the boss." Su Jin communicated with the soul.

"I'm dignified..." Killing Wuzun was like a cute baby, pointing angrily at the suddenly dark fragment of Shahai, and suddenly frustrated: "You can be a big brother after the bow! But you have to promise me one thing!"

"What's the matter?" Su Jin asked.

"Help me find the killer, help my killer get out of trouble!" Killing Wu Zun gritted his teeth.


Killing Wu Zun suddenly couldn't keep his figure, the black and red murderous aura that exploded, turned into a snow-white red-crowned feather chicken, flapping its wings and groaning strangely.

Su Jin:...

This is so embarrassing, can you let yourself be worshipped with a chicken...

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for the murderous martial artist to return to the appearance of a child. He quickly said: “This is a curse. I can’t mention the name of my deity, otherwise it may burst open and transform into other weird appearances. You are ready, let's worship on the spot, and after the worship, I will tell you the way to restore your soul and help you get out of here!"

Huh~~~ A ray of murderous aura condensed into three sticks of incense, which was actually inserted on the ground!

The ceremony of worshiping was very short, and Martial Master of Killing Heart was very particular, and must be read according to him. In the end, he became the second brother of Su Jin smoothly——

"Go ahead, I don't have much time." Su Jin said quietly.

"Big brother, don't worry! The world here is different from the outside. One day outside, here for a thousand years, you must have never expected it. I used to refine this desolate treasure back then and it turned out to be my last hope."

"Killing..." Su Jin had no time to listen to his nonsense and was about to call out its name.

"Don't read!" Murderous Wuzun was taken aback, and quickly said: "In fact, it is not difficult to restore your soul, and it is not easy to say it. As long as I arrange something to graft the world of the Lord to a place that is not far away from the'shentian' Near'Tianhuang', you can use your primordial spirit to swallow some powerful primordial spirits, and you can quickly restore your spirit!"

"Will Tianhuang's time be different--"

"There is a deserted field, and the time is longer than my superior world. One day outside, thousands of years inside, mainly because there are some people in the gods who do not want to disturb the things in the deserted field. Heaven's, a fleeting ban was specially set up."

"Okay! Second brother speed--" Su Jin didn't want to give up for a moment, his confidence began to increase exponentially!

Killing Wu Zun stretched out his small hand and pointed it at the top of his head, like a ghost symbol, drew a touch of pathology. While portraying it, he said: "There are a few things to remind brother. First, I can't go in because I will be Perception of existence in the gods. Second, you can't directly swallow some very powerful souls. With the strength of your souls, if you accidentally enter, you will directly become the target of being swallowed."

"Well, continue talking--" Su Jin thought.

"There are many powerful people in the gods, and their offspring are also very, very powerful. Metropolitans often experience in the wilderness, grasp the powerful souls, and practice the ‘strong **** pill’."

"You are reminding me that after you grow your soul, you can't be taken away, otherwise it will become someone else's alchemy material." Su Jin said.

"Yes, that's probably what you need to pay attention to. Boss, be careful, this is the only chance. When you grow up, read this section of my killing heart sutra, and then mute my name, I will be reminded of my transformation. , So as to lead you over.” As Killing Wu Zun said, he quickly read a passage to Su Jin.

Su Jin replied. When he thought that he might see the blood in the gods, he remembered Xu Wang's words. Xu Wang said that in the gods, evildoers like him are everywhere!

"I must survive!" Su Jin no longer thought about it, only this thought was left.

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