My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3081: A spark can start a prairie fire!

The night emperor said the **** of the gods! The surrounding "sky" seems to collapse!

The sky is crashing!

There has never been such a large-scale manifestation in the time and space of the Sun Luo plane. The sky above the sky, the blue ink streamer like a storm, poured into Su Jin's body!

Su Jin has long hair flying, his facial features and eyebrows are like a majestic God of War, killing intent rushing into the sky!

He was waiting for this moment!

Why should everyone think that Palace Master Tianchuan’s "Void Origin Truth and Divine Will" is stronger than his Aotian Divine Will! What he wants to prove is not how strong he is, but to prove that his celestial bone does not fall on anyone!

Palace Master Tianchuan's face was pale. Although she possessed the ‘Void Sky Bone’ and could tame the void, she didn’t know how powerful the sky that Ye Di descended from!

Sun Luo Tian, ​​Sun Luo Tian!

Ye Di is the lord of Sen Luo plane!

If the Heavenly Bone of the Emperor of the Night is very suitable for the Lord of the Heavenly Boat, then the Lord of the Heavenly Ship’s "The Origin of the Void Truth and Divine Will" is also very suitable for the Lord of the Night!

"Aotian God's will is in line with Senluo's plane. No wonder Yedi doesn't want to be stripped of the bones and give up this great future." Palace Master Tianchuan was a little lost.

If someone else robbed her of the "Void Sky Bone" of the Palace Master of the Skyship, she would fight to the death! The ultimate bones are too rare and valuable, no one is willing to give up, and there is no courage to give up!

"Come on the sword!" Su Jin pointed to Sen Luo, and the Time and Space Sword God Avenue was in full motion. Under the blessing of Aotian Divine Will, a sword domain was condensed in Sen Luo!

Su Jin has such confidence, and naturally there is also the reason for the "Shang Zun Huang Qi". He has already figured out the magical effect of this divine object. Standing on the shoulders of wood carvings can increase his strength a lot!

A sword domain was opened up from Sen Luo! Every sword in there is tilted downward, and the giant divine swords in the sword domain all have a mountain pattern!


Sen Luo is shaking, the sword domain is roaring!

The entire sword domain seemed to move in time and space, and the tips of those giant swords all pointed to the position of one person and one bird.

Boom boom boom boom!

Every giant sword turned into a beam of light, slashing towards Xu Wang!

The color of sarcasm on Xu Wang's face has not diminished. He sits on a bird's back and does not move, and when the first sword light arrives, a dazzling barrier enchantment is condensed before him!

Each of those giant swords is comparable to a Tianshan Mountain, but when they cut on the barrier enchantment in front of Xu Wang, they seem to have encountered obstacles, no matter how powerful they are, they can't make an inch!

Bang! The first sword broke, and Xu Wang still hadn't shot it yet!

The second, the hundredth, the thousandth...

This barrier barrier stopped the bombardment of all the time and space sword gods of the Ye Emperor, and even a crack was not cut out!

So strong

Su Jin was secretly surprised, no one knew how powerful this attack was, but he still didn't meet Xu Wang!

"How weak and feeble, does the'Aotian Divine Will' have only this power? If it is, it really insults the four words of the best Tiangu, like you, young and aggressive, although it is good, but if it is delusional It would be ridiculous to be able to defeat me." Xu Wang looked towards the sword domain above Su Jin's head——

Kaka Kaka, I don't know what method Xu Wang used. The time and space sword domain formed by Su Jin instantly lost all its power, and it turned into a sword light and collapsed!

"Why--" Su Jin's face finally showed shock, what kind of strength Xu Wang is, if it is a creation, I am afraid it is also a top creation powerhouse!

Because Su Jin's attack just now is enough to pose a threat to the general strong creation! However, the other party didn't know what method he used, and he shattered his time and space sword domain with just a glance!

"Aotian Divine Will is really disappointing, you are so weak, it is really difficult for me to be interested in doing it, so let's go! As long as you can break through my barrier, I will consider letting you die before you die Suffer a little bit of pain." Xu Wang said with a smile.

Su Jin's eyes were sharp, and he was thinking about—

Xu Wang's strength has shocked countless people! Facing him, Ye Di seemed powerless!

"The miracle won't appear on the Ye Emperor. He didn't fully comprehend that celestial bone. From my perspective, the God of War Xu Wang didn't even use half of his finger. Even a glance would probably torture the dead Ye Emperor." Bao In the great world, above a towering imperial palace, an emperor with the strength of creation slowly said.

"Xu Wang possesses the power of creation. He has not known for several epochs, which can be compared to the extraordinary powerhouse. Ye Di should pay the price for his arrogance."

"Emperor Ye is afraid that even Xu Wang's divine power barrier will not be able to pass. His sky bones are now returned to the Palace Master of Heavenly Ship. It is really enviable--"

"Ye Di, who has just gained fame, still wants to challenge Xu Wang, the **** of war. He really does not live or die."

"Yeah! Heavenly bones and fate, all will be taken away by the **** of war Xu Wang!"


There are dozens of big worlds, everywhere in the discussion, no one sympathizes with Su Jin, the monk advocates the strong, Xu Wang's absolutely invincible power is naturally more respectable, such a strong, even if it is robbed Tiangu is also taken for granted!

Su Jin's eyes flickered, and he didn't care about the so-called divine power barrier at all. He was just thinking about how to make Xu Wang suffer for a while!

"Firefly, I also want to be the **** of the gods, in the gods, as powerful as you, it is not worthy to give the gods shoes and clothes, do you really think that you are what kind of person?" Xu Wang is content Looking at Su Jin, watching him making jokes.

It is impossible for Ye Di to break the barrier of divine power. Xu Wang just regarded Ye Di as an ant and wanted to make a fun of it, so as to alleviate the ordinary days of running around.

"You are right. In your eyes, I am nothing more than a firefly, but you are afraid you have forgotten it!" Su Jin slowly raised his head, looking at Xu Wang opposite the barrier, and said loudly: "One Starfire can also start a prairie fire!"

Start a prairie fire?

Xu Wang really couldn't help laughing and blooming--

Palace Master Tianchuan was also smug, now there is Senior Xu Wang here to help her win the bones, and Ye Di also throws out the ridiculous Xinghuo Liaoyuan theory, which is really laughing.

Surrounded by dozens of big worlds, there are bursts of laughter everywhere, and the momentum is like the New Year.

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, and now he knows a truth, what the strong say is good and right! No matter how hard the weak try, they should be wrong or wrong!


The corners of Su Jin's eyes seemed to be overflowing with golden light!

Under everyone's attention, Su Jin turned into a golden rainbow and rushed into the plane of Senluo!

"Dragon, Long Xiao?" Many people heard the terrible dragon anger.

boom! A huge and incomparable golden dragon protruded a terrifying dragon head from the plane of Sun Luo. Every scale of it seemed to be able to accommodate a huge mountain. This golden dragon roared and smashed the "Supreme Waste Tool".

, Carried this waste tool ‘human-shaped wood carving’ on the back of a terrifying dragon!

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