My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1689: good idea

Kneel down?

There was a touch of madness on Su Jin's face! The other side suppresses others with his realm, and to himself, he is still a woman!

This woman... even let her big man bow his head to her!

Shi can be killed, but not insulted!

"I have never really fought against an ancestral realm powerhouse!" Su Jin narrowed his eyes, looked at the charming Yu Xuanji, and said coldly.

Although he knew that it was impossible to defeat, Young Master Su had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight hard. Even if he died, no one could blame anyone for his lack of strength!

"You really don't kneel down to me and wagging your tail to beg for mercy? I can let you die without pain..." Yu Xuanji looked at Su Shao as if looking at a weak bug, but she did not expect that the Su Tianzi did not seem to want to Played between the palms.

"Don't kneel!" Su Jin didn't hesitate.

"You say it again--" Yu Xuanji's face was obviously unhappy, and she fiercely threw the mud girl aside.

Su Jin was shocked...

Fortunately, the mud girl did not cry, and seemed to be unharmed on the ground. Seeing this situation, Su Jin was relieved.

"Don't kneel!" Su Jin still insisted on the same words.

Correct! Even if he died without kneeling, he could not afford to lose this person, and there was no word ‘kneel down’ in his dictionary, even if he died! Even if it is impossible to win at all.

"Then you go to die!" Yu Xuanji's tender white hand, as if an aura to declare to the people of the world, gently waved.

In the ancestral world, with Yu Xuanji’s wave, dozens of ancestral phantoms flickered directly. These phantoms were almost equivalent to her clone of Yu Xuanji. Every phantom was left by an ancestral path mark. She felt To kill Su Shao in one strike was simply sprinkling water.

The stone body of Saint Su Jin instantly filled his body, and the strength of the Heaven-defying Saint Realm burst out like a surging sea...

"Boom, boom—"

One hit, two hits, five hits, ten hits! Fifty hits!

The first few phantoms rushed, Su Jin greeted him with a stone body, and he could bear it, but as dozens of phantoms from the ancestral realm arrived, his whole person seemed to be wrapped, and the sky was filled with the ancestral realm of Yu Xuanji. The clones of heaven and earth, each of these clones, are stronger than ordinary Saint Kings!


Su Jin's hair was loose, and he spouted blood.

The opponent is too strong! A trace of hostility developed in Su Jin's heart. The years of his practice were still too short. If he was given ten or twenty years, he would surely be able to kill this Yu Xuanji, but at this time, facing this woman, hundreds of millions. One of them has no chance of winning.


A circle of Buddha light rises behind Su Jin. The Buddha light is repairing the cracks in his stone body. Those cracks will form wounds after he recovers his body. His Buddha light can speed up the healing speed, otherwise it will be more difficult to drag.

"It's useless. For me, you can kill you with a single breath. Do you really consider yourself to be a human being?" Yu Xuanji said with disdain, "To destroy my Immeasurable Sword Mountain is not relying on the power of treasure, but you After death... Soon Boundless Sword Mountain will be rebuilt again and reappear in the world."

Su Jin is very weak now--

The Buddha's light escapes and helps him to repair himself, but with the attacks of dozens of ancestral phantom clones, it becomes more and more intense. When his Buddha's light is repairing, it can almost be described as "in or not out", and the physical injury is getting more and more serious. , He didn't even have the ability to fight back.

At last!

Su Jin couldn't even hold the stone body anymore. The phantom of the ancestral realm world seemed unstoppable. He couldn't even use the "Dragon Phoenix Blood Sutra" to prop up the world of the Buddha!

Almost no solution!

When Su Jin removed the stone body, the heart in the flesh began to diffuse out of the ‘Pangu Will’, which turned into a stone heart, which was able to withstand the attack of the Ancestral Realm Void!

"Outside the field, you are very beautiful, but that is because you didn't meet a real strong man!" Yu Xuanji seemed very happy, especially at this time Young Master Su was resisting hard and was seriously injured, she was very excited, cruel.

"You dead woman, if you were to give me three more years, it would be just a slobber to kill you!" Su Jin was extremely annoyed. Looking at Yu Xuanji's body, a strange flash suddenly flashed deep in her pupils.


The mud girl who was thrown by Yu Xuanji to one side was covered with mud. I don't know where it came from, and Yu Xuanji didn't care about this threat...

When the mud girl made a jump at a critical moment, she actually fell on Yu Xuanji's shoulder!

"Go away--" Yu Xuanji's ancestral realm cultivation completely broke out, but unexpected things happened, no matter what, she couldn't get rid of the raging mud!

"Beep yeah~~~" The mud girl yelled again anxiously, flicking the two horn braids.

Soon, the chin dropped, making people look dumbfounded!

"You, what are you! You are sealing the power of my ancestral realm!" Yu Xuanji panicked, her gorgeous dress, and the snow-white skin exposed in other parts, all covered by a layer of mud, she was... A special case of petrochemical!

Su Jin's eyes were shocked.

Before the mud girl was sitting on the top of the pangolin king, many people focused their attention on the king of pangolin, and they did not care about the power of this girl!

Except for her face, Yu Xuanji's body was covered in mud, and she said angrily: "I hate it! The road here is not complete, otherwise...otherwise how could you easily seal me!"

Seeing her ancestor Yu Xuan Ji, she had no more time to drive the phantom attack of the Ancestral Realm Heaven and Earth, Su Jin immediately mobilized all her strength, and her physical injuries were quickly recovering! The brilliance of the Buddha's light makes people afraid to look at him directly!

Su Jin needs time now!

Completely restore the state before the injury! He could see that the mud girl seemed to be desperately trying to seal the seal, and it might not last long!

"Kill!" Su Jin recovered from the cracks all over his body. After his cultivation was restored to 80% of his normal strength, he immediately burst out with terrifying power.

The Saint Soldier Giant Que was lifted up by him, swept over in one step, and slashed directly on Yu Xuanji's body!

Bang bang bang--

The fire is everywhere!

Su Jin's eyes widened, this fucking, he can't cut the ancestral body of her grandfather Yu Xuanji, even with great power!

There must be a way! Must have!

Su Jin felt that he was in a difficult position now, how could he kill this Yu Xuanji! This opportunity is simply a godsend, and there is no better time than this!

The brain is overloaded! Even so, Su Jin's mind was very clear, and he was thinking about many possible situations!



Su Jin's eyes lit up suddenly, and thought of a good way, the corners of his mouth exuded a sullen smile——

He hasn't used this method to anyone. Can Yu Xuanji... be able to resist it?

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