My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1654: National soul!

This person has a skill to fight the sky!

Just a few days ago, the ‘Jinpeng Little Prince’ who was frustrated by Su Jin in the Yaochi Holy Land!

It is a pity that if the realm master of Yuanshi hadn't sent the maid, the saint king, Shangli, to rescue him, the little prince would have died long ago!

"I heard that the little king Jinpeng is looking for the Kunpeng corpse in the ancient continent. If you find it, you can sacrifice the'Kunpeng Divine Bone', and then his'Kunpeng Technique' can really fight the sky." Mo Yuechao Su Jin's He looked at it and said softly.

Su Jin nodded and was silent.

Mo Yue smiled again: "There are thousands of cultivators who have Stone Ling this time. Most of these people are outstanding young geniuses from the Five Realms, so you shouldn't underestimate it~~~"

"That one should be the **** of Baili, right?" Su Jin looked away from the little lord Jinpeng and saw the dozens of people closest to the'climbing stage'.

Among these dozen people, Su Jin had seen Baili Yunshang in the "Void City", and beside this woman stood a young man with an arrogant temperament, which was somewhat similar to Baili Liuyun.

"Yes. The son of Baili has been married to the "Miaoyinmen", and the one on his left is his fiancee, the "Miaoyinmen" Ring Dancer." Mo Yue said.

"This person seems to be light and windy, but the shadow of the shadow at the corner of his eyes makes people feel a little false." Su Jin really hates that feeling.

"It's good to know." Mo Yue hesitated for a while, and quietly reminded: "You have to be careful of the second son of the Xuanyuan family. He threatened to be the first to kill you in the ancient continent."

"What's the situation?" Su Jin was surprised.

So Moyue told Su Jin truthfully what happened today at Yaochi Holy Land...

Xuanyuan Yulie, the second son of the Xuanyuan family, the first in a hundred families, unexpectedly wanted to kill himself because of a word from Tai Yuer!

Su Jin felt very ridiculous.

What if the goddess of Yin and Yang said that the world can only match her, isn't it the Son of Su?

"The **** child Baili has begun to ascend the stage! They are the first batch to enter." Mo Yue pulled Su Jin back from his thoughts.

Sure enough, there are a total of five sacred platforms, and each sacred platform can only stand ten people at a time. The **** son Baili and others walked up, and the elders of Yaochi began to urge the formation to draw the first group of fifty people into it. The unknown'Ancient Continent' takes only a few breaths.

"When are we going up?" Mo Yue asked.

"Whatever you want." Su Jin didn't care about this.

The figures kept rustling and disappearing on the'sacred stage', and ten groups of 500 people left in two quarters of an hour! Just as Su Jin was about to leave, he saw someone walking by...

Mu Tianhan!

He didn't notice Su Jin at all, but he had some regrets on his face, probably because he thought that Emperor Su would not come, otherwise he would not wait for ten batches before going on stage!

In addition, Emperor Shaoman and the three daughters of Kou Niang also walked towards the other side of the stage.

Fifty people are embarking one after another!


Just as the forty-sixth monk stepped on the ‘sacred platform’, a ‘deep blue color’ suddenly appeared in the void, and then the void was directly shattered!

"The powerhouses of the two big worlds are coming." Mo Yue took a step back in shock.

Thousands of monks looked up and saw four people descend from the void! Two men and two women!

The young man on the left turned out to be a lion head, the color of the lion head was cyan, just now he shattered the void and came!

"Yuanshi Realm's ‘blue-headed lion’ lineage, this person is the strength of the Saint Demon King, and my ancestors have been to Yuanshi Realm and praised this clan." A monk directly pointed out the origin of the other party, his tone full of surprise.

"Are these four people in the Yuanshi Realm and Zhenluo Realm alone?" There are still people wondering.


Among the two men and two women, there was a woman standing beside the blue-headed lion man with annoying behavior. A bright purple totem appeared on her arm. The black nails on her fingers were more than ten centimeters long, and she was covering her nose. Looked at everyone disgustingly.

The blue-headed lion and this woman are the outstanding young people of the "Yuanshi Realm", while the other pair of men and women are from the real Luo Realm. A piece of snow yarn stood expressionlessly in the void.

This girl from Zhenluo realm surprised Su Jin secretly. Her eyes were ethereal. Although she was separated by a veil, she seemed to have the most holy and clean existence in every hair, with a lot less vigor, but a little more beautiful.

"This bunch of bugs! It's so stinking. I wouldn't want to come to this place if it weren't for the order of the master. Even the breath is terrible." The woman covering her nose didn't look good, she thought it was far from here.' Yuanshijie' good.

"You bunch of bugs! Get out of me!" The blue-headed lion demon king roared at the people on the ‘sacred stage’.

The cultivators of Wuyu immediately looked at the blue-headed lion angrily, especially the more than forty cultivators who were already standing on the stage of the gods.

But what's the use of not looking good?

The four monks who descended from the two realms are all in the realm of Saint King! And it’s an invitation, and it’s not as good as others.

"Yuanshijie is amazing?"

On the stage of the gods, there was finally a young genius from the Central Territory’s Lieyang Gate. He couldn’t help but rush out with his sword and stab the Blue-headed Lion Demon King in the void.

In the void, a thick black condensed beast claw, gently swiping it, unexpectedly pinched the person, slightly hard, this Lieyangmen genius suddenly spurted blood and was pinched to death!

"Look! A weak bug wants to kill this king!" The green-headed lion threw away the body like trash.

The audience was shocked!

After being shocked, the monks on the'God Platform' were embarrassed a lot, and now all their faces were gloomy, including the Shaoman Emperor. Although Princess Tingxue is powerful, she cannot match the four holy kings. Mu Tianhan clenched his fists...

On the stage of the gods, one head down, five heads down...ten...forty...

The other thousands of monks in the audience were silent, and almost all bowed their heads. This was too embarrassing. It was so ridiculous that it was spread out!

"Let's go down." Among the five gods, a monk felt embarrassed.

"Yes, we can wait for the next batch to come up."

"Let the guests go first, slow down and not rush."

"Let's go, heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, let them go first, we will follow."

People on the stage of the gods feel very bad about themselves. If they are named by the blue-headed lion on the stage, if they go down automatically, it is equivalent to the other party’s saying "get down", and they are still being watched by thousands of people. As if watching a monkey playing, he felt a little embarrassed.

Su Jin's face gradually became cold.

One cannot have arrogance, but one cannot be without arrogance! Now almost everyone has no arrogance, everyone is bowing their heads! China World is obviously inferior to others!

My Chinese nation, the descendant of the dragon! Can't lose the national soul!

"All raise their heads!"

Su Jin's indifferent voice resounded everywhere!

Suddenly! All the monks were looking for the person who made the sound, and soon a shabby monk in a green robe entered his eyes, and was caught by all eyes in an instant!

This green-robed monk straightened his spine and walked out with his hand!

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