My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 146: Night cooking

"Bring your dog?" Su Jin pointed to the snow-white little Pomeranian and asked.

"No!" Chen Xueni immediately shook her head, hugged the Pomeranian tightly and said: "It is too small to beat a sand wolf, and even a snake may swallow it!"

Su Jin smiled, "It's just a joke. Tonight, I'll catch it for you."

"Take me, take me!" Chen Xueni said.

"I don't dare, you can't afford to offend something." Su Jin shook his head, "However, if you can get permission from the person in charge, I can take you."

"Really?" Chen Xueni said curiously.


"Well, you are not allowed to play tricks!" Chen Xueni looked a little threatening.

"I can guarantee your safety." Su Jin felt that he still had this confidence.

"Haha." Chen Xueni was really happy, and began to chat with Su Jin without a word.

I said goodbye to Chen Xueni in twenty minutes, and it was time for dinner, but obviously the work in the afternoon was very easy for Su Jin. After all, several team members had to practice like Wu Qiaoqiao's, and he could also think of it. What kind of scene will it be?

Sure enough, after eating, the crowd began to howl miserably.

Wu Qiaoqiao and Ji Xue were okay, but for the first time a few men did this special exercise, they turned pale and screamed after staring at the stone. They finally understood what the two girls experienced, absolutely Far more painful than them!

Ye Dong was the hardest one. This kid was obviously irritated by Su Jin, so even though his face was pale and he went to the bathroom many times to vomit, he had never said anything. Su Jin was quite satisfied with this, and felt that this kid There will definitely be great prospects in the future, as long as the edges and corners are sharpened, it will not be easy in the future!

Time slowly passed, and Su Jin also woke up during the practice.

The sky was also dimmed, and Chen Xueni did not come. Su Jin was still a little disappointed in her heart. After all, no one thought about that kind of beauty. He was a man, so he couldn't think about it.

Chen Xueni hasn't come yet, and probably won't come, because the best time has passed, don't look at the scene in the small city now, but when it's night, the cold in the desert is definitely something everyone has to spend. turn off.

Afterwards, it was completely dark, and only after Ji Xue and his two daughters called him to eat, he walked out alone.

But he did not expect that as soon as he opened the door, he saw a sneaky figure appearing in front of him.

I go--

Who is it if it's not Chen Xueni?

At this moment, Chen Xueni looked nervous and wore the same clothes as during the day. After seeing Su Jin, she smiled and said, "I'm here!"

"Are you sneaking away from me?" Su Jin was stunned and frowned.

"Ang... They don't want it, and I can't help it." Chen Xueni was a little embarrassed like a kid who did a mistake.

Su Jin felt soft, and the goddess showed such helplessness in front of the man. She couldn't bear to refuse whoever she was, but Chongming had said it, this girl couldn't be offended! Obviously, Chongming knew about the situation of some old guys. To know that when his backstage was an old guy, Chongming warned himself not to provoke Chen Xueni, so how big is her background!

What should I do?

Su Jin looked at Chen Xueni with a pitiful face, sighed, gritted her teeth and said, "I'll take you there!"

"Ah, really?" Chen Xueni's eyes lit up and she became happy.

"Really, but we have to be fast. It's best not to let them know that you went out with me. If you are found on my side, it might be better." Su Jin said.

"Good." Chen Xueni nodded again and again, "Let's get started."

"Wait, your clothes are not good." Su Jin shook his head, and then took out some of the clothing supplies in the house. This was something he had never used before. It was an army green coat that kept warm at night. He also put on her.

It's just that she looked at Chen Xueni's blushing face. It was a normal behavior. After all, he is a man. What a thing!

"Thank you. What else do you need to prepare?" Chen Xueni lowered her head. She had never been treated like this before. The sense of reality is incomprehensible to ordinary people, and she was born in a very unusual family. She didn't even dare to tell Su Jin herself.

Because sometimes the higher the status, there may be a modern gulf between the two, and even friends can’t do it. It’s impossible to communicate equally like now. She still prefers others to look at her and feel like Su Such an ordinary way of getting along between Jin is quite good.

"It needs to be prepared, I have prepared it before, look..." Su Jin pointed to something placed on the ground, "These are simple tools I made, which are very helpful for catching prey. Naturally they are flashlights, and these are firewood."

"What's the use of firewood?" Chen Xueni said curiously.

"Yes, even fierce sand wolves are afraid of fire. They are naturally afraid of flames. Therefore, we have to raise the fire before hunting," Su Jin said.

"Okay, so fun!" Chen Xueni was so excited.

Su Jin: "..."

Still fun? This Nima, damned!

Su Jin took the package and carried it back, "There is no wind right now, just hunting, let's go."


Afterwards, in the small dark city, two figures slowly walked towards the desert through an earth wall.

Chen Xueni swears that she has never experienced this before. Although walking in the desert is a bit tired, she is full of energy because of the freshness and the upcoming hunting, so she has also accomplished what she would not even dare to think about. Traveling, followed Su Jin out of ten miles away!

And Su Jin’s face is very serious at this time. If it is another person, he will not have any pressure at all, but if it is this girl, the pressure is really not ordinary, because in the desert, everything can happen. He read a newspaper, and someone got lost in it, and a month later, the body of that person was found, but it was only a dozen meters away from an oasis!

Sometimes, in the desert, you may get lost after walking a few miles, because the sand may cover your footprints, and you will feel all around you in the same direction.

The only good news now is that there is no wind and sand for the time being, but the wind in the desert is here, and there are dangerous animals such as sand wolves and sand snakes that are looking for food. It can be said that the crisis is not excessive!

Chen Xueni felt the difficulty, but she was still clenching her teeth, but fortunately she had stopped seeing Su Jin.

"Just here, the terrain is low, and the chance of the Sand Wolf appearing is very high." Su Jin smiled, put down his backpack, and prepared to start a fire.

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