My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1286: You help

"you you……"

Princess Su Luo's body was ups and downs, and he was almost fainted by Su Jin's anger, but he was afraid of shouting! After all, what can this **** do?

In the eyes of outsiders, Su Jin's behavior is a bit frivolous, but many people don't understand very well. Why is he so moved to a plain-looking girl?

indeed! Except for her figure, the current Princess Chi Luo's dress is no different from ordinary village girls. There are a few dotted freckles on her face. The more she looks, the more ordinary she looks.

"Frightening you, although you and I are not in harmony, Fairy Ziyun is a fellow traveler in my heart. In any case, I am from the same place as me, and I am not so deficient..."

Su Jin wanted to laugh when he looked at it, put down the finger that held up Princess Suluo, and sighed: "But the only thing I have to explain is that I am not the masked person you are talking about, we just met by chance. "

If you admit, the two beautiful masters and apprentices are definitely in trouble. God knows who they provoke? In the previous ‘Nine Nether Jedi’, Fairy Ziyun was very embarrassed when she came back, and was obviously very thrilling when she was hunted down. This sister Feijin was almost brutally murdered, and the two of them committed too much!

Princess Chi Luo was speechless again.

Still don't admit it!

"Su Jin, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, we just want to sit down and have a good talk with you." Fairy Zi Yun still doesn't understand how Su Jin got here. This man has too much mystery on him and wants to let people know. .

"Time is a bit tight—"

Su Jin sighed immediately, turning his head to look at the ghost king of Sanshou, and said: "You don’t want to buy anymore, and leave here with your things first. If I don’t make it to the round within an hour, I will leave. There is a way to leave."

"How do you do that!" The face of the ghost king of Sanshang changed wildly, not to mention that Su Jin has caused a big disaster now, even if it hasn't caused trouble, they don't worry that he is here alone, it is too dangerous! Miss Meng is hard to explain.

"My beautiful friend is at least aspiring to great power. Few people in Zizhen County can beat her. I am safe and safe." Su Jin pointed to the disguised Ziyun Fairy and said to the King of Ghosts.

The face of Sanshang Ghost King looks better, and he is still hesitating, even though he feels that he feels a little bit ridiculous, it can be Su Jin's character, no matter how much he persuades, he will definitely not change his plan, and Su Jin said to bring something Leaving naturally meant that the ancient sacred stone with mysterious blood was too important, so he had to decide to go to Mengmeng for instructions, and he had to agree to Su Jin for the time being.

"You must go home quickly." Chuxia old girl looked at the beautiful master and apprentice more, and said to Su Jin.

Su Jin waved his hand and motioned a few people to leave. The ancient sacred stone was taken away by the Ghost King. He was relieved. Although Xu Zihao, the second young master of Shaoyang Sect was killed, the official was not a local. Once, let them find it! It's impossible to find himself upside down, so he treats it with a calm heart.

Watching a few people walk towards the gate of the county city, Su Jin turned his head. Although the onlookers around him refused to leave, they did not dare to attack Young Master Su. As he said, the beauty around him is at least aspiring. Mighty!

Although the whole people outside the territory are practicing, 90% of them will be stuck below the golden core, the infant stage is already at the level of genius, and the aspiration stage is a level that ordinary people can't dream of, and the gap is too big.

Su Jin walked with Fairy Ziyun, and now that no one else is there, he and Princess Su Luo said: "Unexpectedly, Leng Ao is like you, and there is such a nice name as Fei Jin, which makes Brother very surprised..."

"Did you admit it?" Princess Tsutara was dumbfounded, and asked the point directly.

No one in China knew her name. She thought it was Su Jingang who came to the outside world, and she chose to rescue herself when she got news of her accidentally. Otherwise, how could she tell what her real name was.

"Is the injury okay?" Su Jin didn't admit it explicitly, but he knew that he couldn't quibble. Anyone with a discerning eye could know a general idea as long as he wasn't stupid. If he didn't admit it, what's the difference with Xianyu? How will the two beauties think of themselves?

Princess Chura has red eyes...

This guy!

"The injury is very serious. If I didn't insist on coming to you, I'm afraid I'm already lying down. Let's find an inn first and treat her wounds--" Fairy Zi Yun said to Su Jin with secret joy.

"I don't know how you tracked me down yet." Su Jin wanted to know very much.

"It's the piece of green copper. When I traded in the capital last time, I left a wisp of imprint on it, so that I don't have to trouble you so much." Fairy Ziyun replied.

Su Jin's face was natural, exactly the same as he had guessed. Although helpless, he could only smile bitterly in his heart. After all, this was a powerful method!

There was a big expert on the side, and no one dared to follow the three of them. At Su Jin’s suggestion, the three rushed to the “Fuyuan Inn” where they had a meal before. This inn is close to the city gate, so even if something goes wrong anytime Leaving, but there were some episodes in the middle.

While rushing to the Fuyuan Inn, Princess Su Luo finally couldn't hold on after he found Su Jin. She was dripping with sweat and trembling with pain when she walked. He was not polite to see Master Su and hugged her directly. From--

Fuyuan Inn.

Fairy Ziyun sprinkled three spirit crystals and asked for a room with the best ‘Tian’ size. By the way, he also asked people to prepare hot water and prepare to use elixir to heal Ling Feijin——

The ‘Tian’ room on the third floor is elegantly furnished, with all kinds of primitive furniture in it, there are a lot of green grass and orchids, and the environment is not too noisy.

At this moment, a wooden bucket that is half a person tall is placed in it, and the heat is drifting from the clear water. Su Jin watched the fairy Ziyun put a lot of spiritual materials into the wooden bucket. He tried the water temperature with his hands from time to time, which made the young master pay more attention to her body.

On the bed, Princess Su Luo looked at Su Jin with a complex expression. The wound on her abdomen had already stained her coat. She changed the clothes after Master Su left. She was in a critical condition and she did not stay. Healing injuries in the Jiuyou Jedi's caused the current injury to worsen.

"Su Jin, I still need to buy medicines that will promote wounds. Please take care of the princess. I will be back soon—" Fairy Zijun wiped her hands, turned her head and looked at the man who was lifting Erlang's legs and holding a cigarette **** in his mouth. Su Jin said.

Damn it!

Su Jin's eyes rounded, he smoked a few cigarette butts, then threw the cigarette **** out of the window, and said, "Don't soak sister Feijin first?"

The officials are stupid!

"You help!" Fairy Zi Yun gave him a white look, then turned to open the door with a chuckle, and then walked out and shut it--

Su Jin:...

He turned his head and looked at Princess Chi Luo on the bed. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised. He simply got up and walked towards her. As he walked, he said righteously: "Sister Feijin, don't blame it! Your injury is important!"

After speaking, he came to the bed and grabbed her clothes with a big hand—

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