My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 127: Hard to shake the opponent

It was terrifying... shocked Qin Shisanniang——

Su Jin thought to himself, can it be different!

Sister, can you not touch yourself in this situation? Now it's time to settle the matter!

Although Su Jin didn't open his eyes, he still understood what the thirteen mother was thinking. Judging from the direction of her fingers, his heart inevitably speeded up a bit!

Shisanniang's beautiful eyes are getting brighter and brighter, as if thinking of something, she finally muttered to herself, "So strong, if I follow him...I can get a lot of benefits, but..."

Her face was flushed, and she thought to herself, Su Jin didn’t know what she was doing anyway, and the two of them were in a very special state. After all, at night, I believe that a woman would think about it. .

Su Jin's heart was trembling, and he felt the Shisanniang's actions, and his breathing became quick.

"You can still have such a strong power even when you fall asleep...Silk, what kind of kung fu is what you are practicing? That's awesome." The smile in Qin Shisanniang's eyes grew stronger and stronger. In her opinion, Su Jin's body is still Very strong.

She didn't know that Su Jin was actually pretending to be sleeping, and she didn't plan to'order' him, but soon she slowly stroked the skirt on her shoulders, revealing a fair complexion that was not in line with her actual age.

I believe that if a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old is compared to her skin, she may be ashamed!

Su Jin didn't know what tricks the thirteen mothers would play, but he felt that this beauty was very good at playing. This idea continued until his brain was blank, and he took a breath-

Qin Shisanniang also made a special sound, and then...

For five minutes, ten minutes, Shisanniang seemed to feel tired, so she stroked the fragrance on her forehead, and said softly with a commanding tone: "Su Jin, get up!"

Su Jin knew that this was her so-called order. Fortunately, when she was sober just now, she didn't get any tricks, and the little bit of inhalation was completely resolved by his strength, but he has to cooperate now so that he will know more. Things, plus he really wants to be the'Overlord' now!

With a dull expression, she stared at Shisanniang blankly.

"Bring me crazy!" Qin Shisanniang ordered.


After Su Jin sneered in his heart, he acted directly according to the ‘command’.

Half an hour later...

Su Jincai stopped his body under Qin Shisanniang's ‘command’—

"Damn it!" Qin Shisanniang stared at Su Jin with messy hair, naturally knowing what Su Jin did to her just now.

Su Jin is still dull.

But Qin Shisanniang changed his thoughts, then smiled and stretched out her hand, stroked his cheek, looked into his eyes and said, "In the future, when we are alone, we must be obedient, you understand, little man."

"Yes." Su Jin nodded.

"I really don't want you to leave. I can't tell Qin Xue about this. Hurry back." Qin Shisanniang sighed, not knowing why she felt this way in her heart.

Su Jin then turned around and walked out.


After Su Jin went out, he cursed a bit, what is it? After he was released from prison, even though he had gained a lot of benefits, the pick-up was also very smooth, but he still felt very uncomfortable by Qin Shisanniang. Fortunately, he felt pretty good at this time. After all, Qin Shi Sanniang is also a rare beauty.

With his trouser pocket in his pocket, Su Jin got into the car. From his point of view, it was still a bit dangerous, especially after knowing that Qin Shisanniang had the kind of powder that could control people, he was even more vigilant. What is that thing? I felt a little dizzy after smelling it, but fortunately, he didn't get a shot. This was his most fortunate.

The car slowly moved to the night.

The night life in Qincheng is very messy, especially in the Red Light Street known as the Red Light District. Su Jin can even see many women dangling by the roadside soliciting customers.

Before long, the Xia family was coming, Su Jin was a little troubled, Qin Shisanniang didn't know whether to ask Xia Honghai about this, I feel that Qincheng is in chaos now, mainly for the Jutu Group, and now it is Xia Honghai. In support only.


The two cars made a sharp turn, and then inserted in front of Su Jin.


Su Jin's eyes narrowed, and as expected, he was considered a character in Qincheng, and he was always thought of.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he didn't want the car to be hit, so with his current ability, he couldn't repair this big lightning.

After thinking about it, his car also slowly stopped. The other party was obviously waiting for him here, and he wanted to see who the other party was.

Get out of the car, put his trouser pockets in, and close the door smoothly.

It is strange to say that no one came out of the cars before and after, and Su Jin did not pay too much attention to the two cars. He looked at a dark corner not far away, where a man walked out at this time.

The atmosphere of killing!

Su Jin felt a bit tingling on his scalp, and the opponent was not murderous, but the feeling it gave him was quite dangerous. This could only indicate that the opponent was very strong! Strong enough to be introverted with murderous aura, who can do this, his strength may not be inferior to him.


Su Jin felt the pressure on him, just like the assassin who broke into the Xia's residence that day, even though the two did not fight, he could clearly feel that this person was stronger than that.

Is he a darkblooded person? Su Jin thought to himself.

Su Jin looked at the terrifying speed that flashed a few steps indifferently. Even if he did this, it was a bit difficult, but the other party was able to walk around in a leisurely manner and easily do it. Seeing this situation, his heart was too Some unhappy.

"You are Su Jin." The other party stood five meters away from Su Jin, looking at him and asked.

"Who are you." Su Jin said calmly, expressionless.

"Who am I..." The man thought about it, but he smiled, "Are there any last words."

Su Jin frowned. What this man said made him quite unhappy. Grandma, just pretend to be like this before hitting you. Does your mother know? He wants to scold his mother now, really.

"Last words? You let me think about it." Su Jin looked up at the sky, and then he nodded and said, "Think clearly."

"Say." The man tightened the black gloves on his hands, as if Su Jin was a dead person in his eyes.

There was a wicked smile at the corner of Su Jin's mouth, "Take care of your mother for me!"

As soon as the voice fell, before the man's face turned sauce-red, his shoulders shook, his feet exerted force, and his body shot past like an arrow from the string.

After the other party said that, Su Jin felt that there must be a fight between the two, and the loser might die!

And he intends to start first! After all, it is even more so when predicting that you are weaker than the other party!

Su Jin's words changed the other's face, but at this moment, seeing his shot, the mysterious man didn't have much surprise, and he didn't panic!

This made Su Jin's heart sink. The other party was obviously the kind with very rich experience, and he also thought that this guy was a killer of dark blood, it seemed that there were a lot of people from dark blood!


Seeing that the surprise attack couldn't produce the effect, Su Jin couldn't help but raised his fist and punched it out. If ordinary people heard the burst of air, there would be short-term deafness! It may even be accompanied by tinnitus!

"Strength is good! Just love taking advantage of words!" After receiving Su Jin's punch, the man took a step back and shook his hand. The murderous intent in his eyes was not concealed. Perhaps Su Jin's strength also surprised him.

These are all due to Su Jin's recent progress! Maybe the news of the other party only stays in their previous understanding of themselves!

After he finished speaking, Su Jin flashed his body quickly and kept punching his scalp numb as the opponent's skill saw him. In this way, after only a few breaths, he punched a few, even'Liying 'Take them out, but he is still not sure to beat the opponent.

Fortunately, he has no disadvantages at this time. If this guy wants to defeat himself, it is not so easy!

"You have the right to let me say your name, and I will let you know it! Before you die, remember that'Yan Luo' killed you!" The man smiled strangely, and saw Su Jin shaking his body and standing still before he started. attack!


Su Jin felt an unprecedented crisis of life and death, this feeling was like the feeling that he could not breathe under the pressure of a mountain, yes, very unhappy!

What's more, he can't panic right now, after all, a small detail is enough to kill a master duel. These are all taught to him by the old guy.

He doesn't expect someone to save him now. After all, it would be difficult for him to become a strong man alone. Now he can feel behind this guy, but the opponent is in his thirties! And he is still young, if he is at the age of the other party, he is definitely much stronger than him! unfortunately……

The explosion was like a rumbling explosion, and the momentum was nearly twice as loud as Su Jin had just hit. It seems that the other party is also starting to get serious.

The man punched out, so fast that he couldn't dodge.

On the side of Su Jin's shoulder, while the opponent is running, his left hand is also attacking. In this way, Su Jin seems to feel that this is a mortal situation!

too frightening!


Su Jin gritted his teeth and took a punch abruptly, but he didn't make the opponent feel better either, the fist in his hand also hit the opponent! And this is all forced by the other party, that is to say, the feeling that you have nowhere to hide and you have to be hardened.

There was a warm and sweet sensation in his throat, but it was abruptly suppressed by Su Jin.

The assassin man was also quite surprised. He just made a remedy with his last punch. He switched from offensive to defensive, and attacked with only his right hand, but he still received a punch from Su Jin. This was unimaginable for him. He thought he was When fighting against Su Jin, he had an absolute advantage, but why did he seem to have nothing to do after being hit by himself? But there was a cramping pain in his stomach.


The killer man stared at Su Jin's face carefully, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I see how long you can last!"

"Come here!" Su Jin made a defensive posture. Now he can only resist. If no one comes to the rescue, he can only fight the opponent desperately. Now he is under great pressure!

"Die to me!" The killer man showed a hideous face and rushed up violently.

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