My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1205: I don't want anything!

Give her face back.

Su Jin was really furious this time, and she couldn't be killed by Lin Yuanyuan and this girl if she changed her personally. She kindly helped her dry her clothes, and was **** by the fire slings in a blink of an eye. His action was a killer move. Don’t blame him for being cruel. Sorry!

"Sure?" Xiao Umbrella asked again.

"OK and sure." Su Jin didn't want to talk nonsense with Xiao Umbrella.

Seeing the dazzling appearance of Princess Su Luo, the unicorn shield that Su Jin erected couldn't support it in an instant, but after Xiao Umbrella got his own accurate answer, there was something more in the heart of the right hand of Emperor Origin.

Under a clear and blank day, a sphere opened up with a dark blue arc wrapped Su Jin, the clones of the White Deer Sword hit it, and they crackled like ice cubes!

Su Jin could only feel that another force was added to his right arm. This force was obviously transmitted from the handle of the umbrella in his hand. It was an extremely dark black umbrella. The umbrella was surrounded by dragons and had not been opened yet. In this way, Young Master Su still uncontrollably raised his hand and raised the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana!


All of a sudden, the sky and the earth were dimmed, and there were gusts of wind, sand and rocks, lightning and thunder.

"Crack, click."

Blue lightning struck down from the high sky, connected to the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana, constantly swaying and making a sneer. The expressions of the old guys who were driving the party changed drastically, and they quickly moved out of the stone floor to see what happened!

Princess Chi Luo had been stunned, her face was so pale that she had no blood. She never expected that Su Jin would still have a trump card at this time. After a long time of thinking, she felt that the stone gate had fallen from the void last night. Come, it should be difficult to summon, so this time I have a chance to kill Su Jin, but she guessed it, but now? ? ?

"Jiaoluo!" Fairy Ziyun was taken aback. Seeing the two sides at war, how could he still not understand the situation, immediately looked at Su Jin who was showing great power, and hurriedly said: "Su Jin! I hope he will show mercy!"

Palace Master Zichen looked sinister. Based on his understanding of Su Jin over the years, he naturally knew how he was. He was not afraid of troubles, but he was not easy to cause troubles. A girl from outside the territory like Chi Luo was too serious and sinister. Cunning and wild, the opponent must have provoked it.

While Qiankun, Master Qingniu, Princess Guiyang, God of Beggar Liu Qi, and Uncle De were filled with shocking colors, while Princess Guiyang didn't say a word, her eyes shimmering with no idea what she was thinking.

"Be merciful? Last night, you old guys knew that she was going to kill me, and had a fierce fight with me. They wanted to blew myself up with me, but they didn't stop them. Now she has joined with Lin Yuanyuan to challenge me again, without even a single shot. Be merciful, now you come to intercede!" Su Jin looked at Lin Yuanyuan and Princess Su Luo, shocked by the huge aura, almost unable to move, could not help but sneer.

last night--

When the old monsters heard the words, their faces were full of embarrassment. They knelt down to'Baitian' last night, and they have time to help.

"Yuanyuan, you! You! Sinister!" Majestic Qiankun was relieved, pointed at Lin Yuanyuan and cursed.

Palace Master Zichen said indifferently: "Two calm down, your apprentices are apprentices, but my apprentices are not apprentices anymore? According to me, the juniors should solve the problems of the juniors by themselves. We should not intervene. Who loses is inferior to others."

Real person Qiankun and Fairy Ziyun immediately became astonished. The two of them admitted that it was right to favor their apprentices, but who was Su Jin? Also the apprentice of Palace Master Zichen!

The words of Palace Master Zi Chen, how come the two real people don’t understand? The meaning is to let the juniors go to fight, whoever is dead, who is unlucky, who is incompetent, but if the old is going to do it, you have to ask him if he agrees with Master Su Jin.

Not to mention the strength of Palace Master Zichen, both Fairy Ziyun knew very well that there was a ‘half-sage power’ here, the old man with white beard, Uncle De!

Real Master Qiankun couldn’t help but look at Liu Qi, but the God of the Beggar turned his gaze to one side directly. It was obvious that it had nothing to do with him and his attitude of hanging up high. Now it has developed to this point, who dares to visit this time. flood?

"Fairy, don't worry, you and the real disciple, how can you not even beat a Su Jin, the famous teacher is a good disciple... I see a show." Tian Cailin said, covering her mouth and giggling Up.

Fairy Zijun's face was not good.

Guiyang Princess's words seemed to be mocking them no matter how they heard it, but it happened again, and the situation was like this, the two dealt with Su Jin.

"Su Jin, last night you went up the mountain and chatted with me for a long time. We talked very happily, and now you treat it as a thin noodle for my sister. How about this time?" Fairy Ziyun said to Su Jin nervously.

Real Person Qiankun was also worried, and hurriedly said, "Su Jin, Yuanyuan must have been deceived by this demon, so she was wrong this time, you let Yuanyuan go, and I will strictly discipline her in the future, and I will never provoke any trouble. !"

"Su Jin, let me put it straight, I can give you whatever you want, how can I let her go?" Fairy Zi Yun was really angry, and her tone was a bit chilly.

"Yes, yes, we can talk about any conditions." Madam Qiankun said with a bitter face, rubbing his hands.

However, Su Jin is now full of power to a terrifying point, his face is sullen, his eyes are scarlet, and he yells at Fairy Ziyun: "I don't want anything, I will let her die!"

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