My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 115: Night Beach

Su Jin suddenly became a little nervous, what exactly does this crazy girl want to do?

When Chen Meier touched his leg, Su Jin's instinct told herself that she had been shaved!

Sure enough, Chen Meier retracted her hand and laughed and said, "Sister, do you have a bag?"

Su Jin was puzzled. He wanted to say something to Chen Mei'er, that is...girl, how are you really ‘death’ like this! !

"Well, I won't be kidding you. Why didn't Shen Jiayi come? She likes to join in the fun." Chen Meier asked with a smile.

"She only likes cars." Su Jin said helplessly, then looked at her and asked, "Do I need something to eat?"

"You give it to me, I need it."

"Don't you lose weight?"

"I can't eat fat!"

Su Jin nodded, "You wait."

Then he got up and walked towards the kebab.

Chen Meier looked at his figure behind him, with a lot of playful smiles in her eyes.

Women are not so easy these days. Unexpectedly, he would have a day of being tricked by beauties. Thinking about the situation just now, Su Jin wanted to laugh a little, but Chen Meier asked herself to'puff' her. Is it true or fake? He felt that there should be something interesting in it. Thinking of this, he took a handful of skewers in the barbecue area.

"do not do it……"

Su Jin suddenly looked at the woman not far away making a babble. At this moment, she was lying in the arms of a fat old man.

Here, girls who don’t look good enough can’t get in at all, and Su Jin knows very well, after all, it’s the world of rich people, otherwise there will be no business wars. In general, it’s all for money. Only with money can there be capital development power.

After watching for a while, Su Jin intuitively felt that this beauty was in good shape. Just as he was about to turn around and walk away, his face suddenly stiffened, and he could see the girl's face clearly! Suddenly his face was extremely pale.

Sun your sister!

Su Jin's face suddenly became gloomy, it turned out to be Yang Zi, how could this woman be here? Didn’t you say something? No one is allowed to support her in the future!

Chen Meier watched not far away, and she was very curious when she saw Su Jin standing still, and then she followed the direction of the wind that Su Jin was looking at, and suddenly there was a blush on her face. Damn, men are all talking animals in the lower part of the body, and only this kind of thing can attract him!

However, it made Chen Mei'er a little strange. Su Jin obviously reacted with the meat skewers, but did not walk in her direction, making her wonder, what the **** did he want to do?

Su Jin narrowed his eyes slightly and strode towards the two of them.

He knew that Li Qing hadn't given up on Yang Zi! Even he subconsciously wants her to make a good correction. If there is a chance in the future, as long as Li Qing doesn't dislike her, he is still very happy to be together with the two, otherwise he won't say anything. Who knew Yang Zi would leave. 'Private', I was hit by myself.

Can he bear it? Can't!

"Smelly b smash, you are really full of energy!" The fat middle-aged man Yin laughed, and his hands were also wiping oil on Yang Zi's body.

"Really, boss, you are very bad." Yang Zi also responded, letting him wipe the oil.

The two did not realize that Su Jin was already on one side. Yang Zi and Su Jin had never seen her face-to-face, so when he appeared, the two of them were just watching the scenery on the side.

"Smelly boy, haven't you seen enough?" The fat middle-aged man looked at Su Jin and sneered.

Su Jin stared at Yang Zi. He shouldn't care about this, but he looked uncomfortable. If Li Qing was there, he might kill this man desperately.

"Your name is Yang Zi." Su Jin suddenly said to Yang Zi.

Yang Zi was wearing a slightly exposed pink dress with suspenders, which can also be said to be Qi Bi's short skirt. At this time, she was surprised to hear Su Jin utter her name, but she looked very upset at the other party. Her face was also startled.

"Do you know?" the middle-aged man asked curiously.

"I don't know." Yang Zi shook his head.

Su Jin pointed at the middle-aged man, and said lightly, "Is she raised by you?"

"Why do you talk so awkwardly? What is nurturing? She is my wife!" The middle-aged man pinched Yang Zi's waist and said hehe.

Seeing the other party's sophistry, Su Jin's answer was exactly what he wanted, and his face became cold: "I said long ago that no one will be allowed to support her in the future."

"Cut, who do you think you are? Get out of here, don't disturb my Yaxing who picks up girls!" The middle-aged man also sank, looking at Su Jin, who he thought was a little ignorant.

Su Jin's eyes narrowed, staring at the two with a bit of chills, Yang Zi's face paled after he finished speaking, and she finally knew who Su Jin was!

"Heat intestine, do you dare to scold me?" Su Jin said lightly.

"You... what's wrong with you, **** you..." Before he could finish his words, he suddenly screamed again: "Ah!"

The two of them didn’t see exactly how Su Jin did it just now. They just felt that there was a flower in front of them, and Su Jin returned to the place to stand, while the fat middle-aged man’s hand was deeply covered by a few bamboo sticks. Deeply stuck on the beach!

Chen Meier felt very wrong, Su Jin had already done it when she ran over.

She looked at the **** scene, her scalp was a little numb, but she didn't dare to say anything on the side, she knew that Su Jin was very angry now.

"Go away." Su Jin glanced at the middle-aged man and said a word softly.

"Bitch!" With pain in his eyes, the middle-aged man directly pushed Yang Zi away. Although he was very jealous of Su Jin in his heart, he didn't say anything, holding his right wrist and quickly left here.

Su Jin didn't care about the middle-aged man's vicious eyes. He stared at Yang Zi unblinkingly. He put his trouser pockets in his pockets, and naturally wouldn't embarrass her. Then he turned and walked to the wooden chair just now and sat down.

Chen Mei'er also sat next to him, and asked a little hesitantly: "Is it your woman? It's pretty."

"Eh?" Su Jin looked at her with shame, "What do you think? How could he be my woman?"

"It turned out not to be, then why did you make such a big fire." Chen Meier was surprised.

"She is the one my brother likes." Su Jin nodded and said after being silent for a while.

Chen Meier was suddenly surprised. No wonder Su Jin would do that. It’s just that she didn’t say anything. She believed that he would understand. Sometimes, women are still to blame. Women like Yang Zi are basically selling for life. I am accustomed to a big-handed life. If I don’t have money, I will get money without compromise. It’s just a very common problem.

The riots just now were seen by many people, and they were all speculating about Su Jin’s identity. In some people’s eyes, he was very hungry. Not everyone could dare to hurt people so decisively, and the scene was still so thrilling. , After all, those bamboo skewers are still inserted into the barbecue!

After a while, Zhou Lan also rushed to hear the news. Here are all the friends he invited over. I also heard that it was a young man who had injured someone and did not leave. Her first reaction when she heard the news, she felt that it should be Su. Kim did it!

"Sister Zhou." Chen Mei'er looked at Zhou Lan who had arrived and nodded with a smile.

"Do you know?" Zhou Lan was also a little surprised.

"I met you by racing," Chen Meier said.

Zhou Lan looked at Su Jin who was expressionless, her eyes rolled and said, "What happened just now..."

"I did it." Su Jin looked at her and said.

Zhou Lan's eyes lit up, patted his shoulder, and smiled: "Okay boy, dare to hurt people in my place. You are the first one. You have a personality. I will support you."

"Then why are you here?" Su Jin was stunned, Zhou Lan didn't even look angry at all.

"Look at the excitement..." Zhou Lan stretched out lazily, "Unfortunately, the good show is over."

Su Jin and Chen Mei'er looked at each other, both of them showed speechless expressions, what...what?

"Smelly boy, if I want to fight, I can find someone to fight with you, but I have to show some face here and can't fight anymore. Have you heard?" Zhou Lan got serious.

Su Jin nodded.

"You talk, I'm too busy to accompany me, go there to play, it's fun." Zhou Lan said with a very ambiguous look at the two.

over there?

Su Jin looked in the direction that Zhou Lan pointed. Isn't it a beach? What's fun, and it doesn't look close.

After Zhou Lan left, Su Jin asked, "Let's go and see?"

"I don't want it." Chen Meier quickly shook her head with a decisive tone.


"Because it is not suitable for children!"

"Damn, let's take a closer look. We are not kids. There are no taboos for children. Let's go." Su Jin stood up and said.

"Are you not angry anymore?"

"I wipe it, I'm very happy now!"

Su Jin gave her a very complacent smile. Chen Mei'er actually said that she was angry. It was just a small episode for him. If she is really angry, it seems that his measure is too small and it is not worth it.

Chen Meier obviously knew what Zhou Lan was talking about. Under Su Jin's instigation, she hesitated and walked over with him.

Su Jin is still more interested in novel things, especially when others are selling off the hook, and adding that kind of look, so he immediately hooked up his curiosity, so... he saw a beautiful scene.

A ball game is being held here.

Although it was at night, it was brightly lit here, as if during the day.

Why do you say that the ball game, this ball is not the other ball, watching more than 20 beauties divided into two rows, one by one plump, that scene...It was breathtaking, Su Jin's eyes widened, it was a little bit really Hanging, he could not help secretly sighing, watching the appearance of all the beautiful women in thin bikinis, and the sound of other high, rich and handsome people constantly whistling.

This game fully explained to the audience what is meant by a large enough scale, what is meant by fullness, and what is meant by magnificent waves.

And these beauties are all the protagonists tonight, and they can rely on their career lines and impressive beauty to hold up half of the sky. Even on one side, many rich, handsome and handsome began to compete for bids. After the bidding, the hot atmosphere of the scene reached its extreme.

"Does it look good?" Chen Meier said beside him.

"It looks good." Su Jin didn't lie. If he lied, people would say that he was hypocritical, and it was meaningless.

Chen Meier looked at him helplessly, "Then you buy one, look, there is a hotel over there, and you can just open a room and pay for it."

"No money." Su Jin nodded and said.

"..." Chen Meier killed him and didn't believe that this guy had no money. He was too good at pretending. After cheating so much money from my brother, this guy called herself poor. I really didn't know what she was thinking.

Su Jin looked innocent, and looked at Chen Mei'er and said again: "Besides, with a beautiful woman like you by her side, I am embarrassed to start, or else, you withdraw first? Go back to you when you are done?"

"Damn, I won't leave!" Chen Meier snorted.

Su Jin couldn't help turning around seriously, standing in front of her, looking at Chen Mei'er with an offensive look, and said hehe: "If you don't go, then I'm going to smoke you."

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