My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1127: Midnight beautiful girl

Su Jin definitely has a way.

I just looked at the Hua Jie restaurant for a while, and found that most of them are women over 30 or 40 years old, and a few young ones. Since these women belong to a certain organization, they belong to women who are hooligans and have no brains to make trouble!

Su Jin has never been a long-winded person. As a wise and brainy ‘talent’, facing such a situation, he will definitely be able to grasp the opponent’s weakness in the first place!

Although, he only understood the whole process of things——

As we approached the town step by step, it was as lively as before, and it became clearer.

"No matter what happens for a while, don't be surprised. I will drive them away temporarily tonight to see when Sister Hua can come back. I think if she is not stupid, she must know who the boss behind the White Funeral is. Then... "Su Jin's tone was cold, and there was a cold light in his eyes in the dark night.

This means that he will never let the instigator behind the "White Funeral"!

Worrying about Laozi's gold mine, and causing troubles, no matter who it is, it will cost him blood!

"Don't worry, boss." Gu Shan paused, "Sister Hua should be back before twelve o'clock, wait for her to come back to hear what she said."

"Yeah." Su Jin stopped talking.

It didn't take long for the two of them to walk in the dark, and they already came to the spot where Su Jin had just stopped.

Gu Shan saw the lively scene of blowing and beating at the entrance of the restaurant, and his cries were continuous, his face was a bit ugly, but now that Su Jin came, he naturally wanted to listen to the boss. Seeing the boss stopped and stopped, he stopped immediately. .

Su Jin gently brushed his hand, and the two light groups, one red and one white, were thrown three meters in front of him. After they appeared, the two figures squatted on the ground, and reverently lowered their heads and whispered: "The Great—"

Gu Shan's heart was beating violently, with shock in his eyes. If he saw the scene before him on TV, he would definitely say four words.

Five mao special effects!

But now Gu Shan sees it really, it's true, not dreaming! Not even watching a TV or movie, and when the two women appeared, a cold and bitter feeling appeared on his body, and his body began to tremble when he was frozen.

"Hoarfrost, Mrs. Qingshan." Su Jin thought for a while, "The dead man in the coffin, the ghost chaser had already detained his soul yesterday, whoever of you got in, scared them, and got rid of all these troublemakers. go."

It is certain that the soul of this dead man was detained. He who passed away yesterday should have been brought back to the underworld by the ghost mission early this morning!

"I'm coming." Mrs. Qingshan got up, wearing a big red dress, Gu Shan's eyes widened when she looked at it.

Swallowed saliva--

Gu Shan is a big boss, but the appearance of the two women in front of him really makes him feel like seeing his mother and daughter——

Although he didn't know what the identity of these two women were, he just felt that Mrs. Qingshan looked beautiful, plump and erect, showing mature temperament, and when Hoarfrost got up, he stood on the other side of Su Jin. This girl is a young girl, she is young and cute, and she has a very pure feeling in a white skirt.

Mrs. Qingshan twisted her body, showing her graceful attitude. She turned into a red mist and disappeared into Gushan's vision. He opened his mouth in shock.

"Watch the play well."

Su Jin said lightly.

This is his plan. He won't hurt these unreasonable women, but frightening is inevitable, otherwise there may be endless trouble.

In fact, only Su Jin is so kind, changing to the one-sided action of Mrs. Qingshan and two women, these people will not be left alive, but don't forget, these two women are practicing evil spirits! Counted as evil spirits.

The entrance of the restaurant "Hua Qian Yue Xia".

With gongs and drums being beaten and crying miserably, the golden lacquered coffin that was framed in front of the door revealed something unusual.

People on the 20th and 30th were all calm in a miserable atmosphere.

Fierce! There was a sharp cry from the golden lacquered coffin--

"what sound?"

The professionally weeping women stopped and looked around uncertainly.


The lid of the golden lacquered coffin suddenly lifted up about 20 centimeters, and then fell...


Everyone's discoloration changed, one was terrified! Even the stupid people knew what was going on, and the scene suddenly became chaotic. It didn’t matter whether it was crying or not, and started to behave unruly, even crawling around. This time the cowardly women were really scared to cry. , Yelling'deception','ghost', and so on, you can run as fast as you can!

In less than a minute, the irritated crying brigade was immediately bustling, and disappeared like a tree falling down, leaving only the paper money on the ground still burning, and bursts of blue smoke in the golden coffin Wandering before, the atmosphere is also very strange——

"These ordinary people are too timid." Bai Shuang blinked his eyes wide beside Su Jin with a speechless expression.

"It's just a normal person's psychology."

Su Jin was very satisfied with the feeling of clean ears. He felt a little apologetic. After such a disturbance, the business of Hua Qing's restaurant would definitely be affected.

Gu Shan did not dare to come out from the sidelines. He could see clearly just now that the lid of the coffin was indeed lifted. If he hadn't prepared mentally beforehand, he would be scared to death. Now that the scene calms down, the beauty in red dress appears again. Come slowly.

"It's boring, I was planning to jump out, but I ran away..." Mrs. Qingshan said helplessly with a charming manner.

"Gu Shan, you and the two of them are here to guard, and then contact Huaqing again and let her come back."

Su Jin continued: "With regard to this worker's compensation issue, he can be given the highest compensation in accordance with the law, it can only be so."

"No problem." Gu Shan still has the courage. What he is afraid of now is not the corpse in the coffin, but the two women next to Su Jin...

I don’t know what it came from, but it feels very likely to be a female ghost——

"You two are not allowed to walk around, just stay by Gu Shan. If there is any problem here, I only ask you." Su Jin said to the two girls of Baishuang.

"Yes." The two women lowered their heads and said at the same time.

"I'll go back to Gu Shan's house first."

When Su Jin first saw Gu Shan, Yu Guangzhong saw that Tong Miaoke's room light was still on. Her father must have fallen asleep. In the past few days, something happened to the mine, and Mianke must have trouble sleeping. Since the situation here has been controlled by him, naturally there is no need to stay here to guard.

He decided to take a look at sister Miao Ke.

Under the gaze of Gu Shan and Baishuang, Su Jin turned around and quickly disappeared from sight.

"Little brother, you seem to be very afraid of us?" Mrs. Qing Shan asked Gu Shan with a smile.

Gu Shan:...


Su Jin returned to the door of Gushan's house again and saw that one of the new houses was very bright, and the courtyard wall of Tong Miaoke's new house was not high. He jumped up slightly, and with his hands hard, people had already turned the wall and entered.

Slowly. Su Jin approached.

Inside the glass window, a corner of the white curtain is blank——

Su Jin leaned over the corner of the window, peeking in.

Then, let the scene that Su Jin did not expect appear! His heart was shocked and his mouth opened into an ‘O’ shape!

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