My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 353: What's in the bag

"My bank is connected to another world (!

Seeing Ban Xian's murderous gaze.


"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"


The deputy commander has lost all the spirits he had before, how many people can calm down in front of life and death? Excluding him anyway, now only the desire to survive is left.



The corpses of soldiers on the ground in the post were the reason why Ban Xian wanted to kill him.



Lifting the knife, Ban Xian approached step by step.

"Kill me, the Fu family will never let you go."


"The Queen Mother will not give up."


"You have family members, all have to die."


The backstages of Nanyu Empire moved out one by one, but it was a pity that the former Ban Xian, even if he was ten minutes ago, might still have some worries.


At this moment, he became the subordinate of that person, and after learning some secrets, he had no fear of these.

In the world, only one person can make him afraid.

Fu family?

Queen Mother?

What's more, as for his family in Zhongzhou, don't worry at all. If something like this happens, he will not go to the imperial capital again, but stay.

Accumulate strength and wait for the incident!

call out!

One knife, deputy commander, pawn!

Holding his bleeding neck, the deputy commander's eyes widened and his consciousness gradually plunged into darkness.


"Do not!"


When the station returned to silence, the killing ceased.


The treasured sword was scabbed, and Ban Xian's eyes were cold. This was a revenge for the guards.

After today, he, Ban Xian, will only live for one person.

What the sword refers to is everywhere!

. . .

early morning.

Fifteen miles south of the state city, the state army camp was filled with fog.


There was a sound of horseshoes, which caught the attention of the defenders.


The comer arrived at the gate of the camp.

"It's Master Chief!"

Seeing Ban Xian, the guards were shocked, and saw that Ban Xian was covered in blood, riding a horse, how embarrassed and embarrassed, there were only a dozen soldiers beside him.

"Open the door!"



The soldiers hurriedly opened the door, and Ban Xian rode in.

Came to the main account and ordered the convening of all his men.


His confidantes are almost there.

The ancestors of the Ban family were originally from Zhongzhou and were extremely prestigious.

Therefore, in recent years, the state army does not say that it has been operating as a private army, but most of the generals are supporters of the squad.

"Master General, Vice Admiral Ming is not in the camp!"

That was the deputy general soldier, and Ban Xian looked cold, but didn't have any attacks.



Looking at other people, one by one looked at Ban Xian in confusion, not knowing what happened.

"Last night at the Wuduanjiao Station, my guard and I were ambushed by the culprits, and we desperately killed all the enemy bandits. According to reports, they were Shanzhou rebels. From now on, Zhongzhou is preparing for war."

"First, the official roads of the state capitals are strictly investigating large caravans, so many people and weapons cannot appear out of thin air."

"Second, the secret road of Beiying, get through quickly."


In the past few years, Zhongzhou seems to have done nothing, just blocking roads and bridges outside Zhongzhou, but it does not mean that it is really idle every day.

There are no big moves, but small moves continue.

Beiying State Army.

I've been secretly opening up the channel into Shanzhou, and for so many years, it has been fruitful.

And this is also the main reason why the deputy commander is confident to reap the profits.


The battle for the Lord of the Mountain State is about to begin.

Just right.

The secret path leads to the rear of the forces that are about to fight against the organizers.

The front and back flanks, the state army just played in cooperation.

"Thirdly, summon ten teams of soldiers and go to the prefecture and animal husbandry mansion with me, and ask carefully how the station is managed, and it turned out to be a stronghold for the thieves."


This is an exercise based on the topic, and Zhou Mu and Fu's family are not the same way.

However, it is difficult for the state and animal husbandry to cooperate in the blockade of the official road without directly ‘jumping back’.

Doing this is not what I really want to check.

Just show an attitude.

Tell the emperor.

I am angry.

Don't leave now.

After the rebellion in Shanzhou is settled, I will report to the imperial capital.

In short, this matter must be a big deal!

. . .

Before long, thousands of cavalry went to the state city.

Seeing this formation, the people gave way one after another, and didn't care too much. Zhongzhou was originally a special one, and the power of the general army was greater than that of ordinary states.

State Shepherd House.

"Enclosed, no entry or exit."

Generally, the general soldier is still under the prefecture, and Ban Xian may need to pay attention to the influence, but it is not used now. Since it is going to be a big trouble, he still cares about the relationship between the superior and the subordinate.

A few months later, who is the superior is still uncertain!

"Ban Chief Soldier, what is your intention to block my door early in the morning?"

State Mu angrily scolded.

In terms of official positions, the prefecture is the chief military and political officer, but he does not directly command the troops.

"Master Zhou Mu, last night, I was..."


"So, next, please ask the state animal husbandry to cooperate with the military alert order."

After Ban Xian explained.

Zhou Mu was slightly silent.

When this is the case, be impulsive and understandable. If you can't persuade you, you don't have to talk any more.

Ban Xian's affairs today have been extremely ultra vires.

He will definitely play one.

"Can you think about the consequences?" The state shepherd looked at Ban Xian seriously, because what Ban Xian wanted was not the right to rigorously investigate the road, but he could also search the city and imprison him.


Ban Xian nodded and said in his heart: Where is this?

The military alert order is only semi-military.

Next, he will directly start sending troops to Shanzhou. Without authorization from the Ministry of War, carrying out such a large-scale military operation has already touched the death penalty.


Nanyu Empire wanted to deal with him afterwards?

Oh, dreaming!

. . .

There is a state pastoral order.


Things became simple. The state army was dispatched and began to station in some key transportation hubs and gates.

Soldiers were even sent to counties and towns to conduct inspections.

State army.

House soldiers.

County guard.

It can be regarded as the three-level military management level of Nanyu Zhou. Normally, the state army is not responsible for the management of the government soldiers and county guards. It is only under the name.

When the military alert order is executed, it is under absolute jurisdiction.

For a time.

The atmosphere became tense throughout Zhongzhou.

. . .



Looking at the results of his staff, I am quite satisfied.

The next step is to fully grasp Shanzhou first, and then make Ban Xian jump back, and at the same time, the soldiers from Qucheng march northward.

Together with the layout of Jinju, we won the three southern states in one fell swoop.

in this way.

A quarter of the area of ​​the Nanyu Empire will be in the bag.

After that, all the way to the north, pointing straight to the imperial capital, with mental arithmetic or unintentional, when the Nanyu Dynasty reacted, he should have already occupied half of the country.

Shu Fu quickly calmed down and walked step by step. While thinking about beauty, he had to do well.

Otherwise, if the ship capsizes, you will get a slap in the face.

at this time.

Then, on the occasion of the dispatch, a large number of guards mixed into the troops of the prefectural soldiers and county guards, and Ban Xian jumped back at that time, but there might not be many people to support him.

Now is a good start.

But if you want to win the final victory, you have to work hard, and you can't take it lightly.

The lion fights the rabbit, being strong is only part of it.

. . .

The post was found without the body of the deputy chief.

See here.

Many people are silent.

Obviously it was not lost, but dead. Ban Xian estimated that it was to avoid tearing his face and did not expose it. He should have known it and took action.

---The right to take in troops.

This time.

Although it gave everyone a reason to attack, it was also quite tricky.

If you force it, you will be desperate, and Ban Xian guesses that he can do everything.

Once it is exposed, it will be no good to anyone.


"Ban Xian is ready to deploy troops to attack Shanzhou."


"It's Beiying Secret Road is stepping up to get through."

"What is he going to do?"


Knowing that they were designing, but they really went to avenge the Shanzhou rebels? It's illogical, but I think about it again, maybe I really want to be protected by meritorious service.

Many people kill Banxian mainly for picking peaches from Shanzhou.

Ban Xian did this.

I want to pick it myself and let others watch it.

Well, it's very possible!

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