My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 576: Think carefully

The scene in front of me.

For them, it was too shocking.

Not to mention the soldiers who have been inland, most of whom have seen small sails, even if they have been to the coast and have seen naval ships, they cannot even imagine the sight in front of them.

It's big!

Long again!

It's high!

It looks like it's not made of wood yet, it's very impactful.

In front of such a behemoth, people are really too small, and very strange. This ship has no sails, but it can sail on the sea. It's incredible!

"All right!"

The officer shouted.

"keep going."

The soldiers returned to their senses and kept up.


Just like just now, this small section of road was blocked many times, over the hillside, and when going downhill, a pair of eyes looked at the huge ship.



There is endless curiosity.

. . .

After half an hour.

When I came to the stationed place, there was a distance from the coast, but the giant beasts on the coast could still be seen from a distance. The officer on the road didn't explain much.

Just said: Do more and ask less.

It's noon.

Started to eat.

It's all dry food, and it's eaten quickly.

Everyone also got a brief familiarity with the surrounding environment. From here to the dock, the terrain is diagonally downward, the **** is not great, and the land is not completely barren.

There are some vegetation, but no big trees. Obviously, only the surface layer of soil has a little fertility.

A small river flows from a faintly visible mountain range in the distance.

The amount of water is not large.

But enough for daily use.

Simply rest.


Come to the coast.

As a deep-water port, it is indeed deep enough. The drop from the shore to the sea level is as high as two stories. Generally, it is difficult for people to get up here when ships dock here.

The giant beast in front of him is far above sea level.

"Crack! Crack!"

Just thinking about how to go up, a voice sounded.

Everyone take a look.

The ship's waist was split, and it was lowered like a trench gate. There were more than one, but a full twenty openings. After laying flat, you can see that the cross section is steel.

They slapped their tongues, it was really a steel vessel.


It turned out to be..... did it!

Steel shipbuilding is not a new theory, even quite old.

after all.

In daily life, an iron pot can float on the river. It can be said that shortly after the birth of the iron pot, steel shipbuilding is not a new theory.

It just has not been realized.

One, output.

Second, processing.

Three, motivation.

In short.

For thousands of years, some people have been thinking of a solution, but none of them have done it.


I actually saw an iron ship sailing on the sea without sails.

In an instant, many people thought of electric fans. Rotation can generate power, which is very popular these days.

Furthermore, many energetic soldiers thought of Zhengyuan Company.

Suddenly, his whole body was shocked.


I can't believe this speculation, but if I want to explain the scene before me, I really can't think of other possibilities.

For a time, a trace of horror flashed in the eyes of many soldiers.

I heard that Your Majesty and Nan Qing are close, but I have never heard of how much involvement with Zhengyuan Company is, and everything in front of you, if it is not a huge involvement, how can you explain it?

If it's involved.

Recalling everything that has happened to the Quartet from the start of Zhengyuan Business to the present.....Think carefully and be terrified! The kind that makes people's souls tremble.

Take a deep breath.

Just think about it.

Never talk about it, otherwise, it will be fatal.

. . .


The huge gate landed.

"Keep up!"

The commander went up first, and the soldiers recovered their senses. Then, after entering the cabin, they saw an eye full of materials, densely packed, and most of them didn't know it at all.

"Move the wheelbarrow parts first."



"And these, assemble it below."


The number of people is large, and the parts of the five thousand wheelbarrows will soon be moved. Since there are already some in the army, the soldiers also know how to assemble it.

Simple structure.

Quite skilled.

Then, the next moving project.


The parts are quite familiar, it a bit too big?

On the basis of a heavy-duty carriage, the body shape is lengthened, widened, and heightened. The tires are more than half a person's height. Can't all the horses be changed to pack horses for use?

With doubts.

Start assembly.

In a short while, more than 20 super-long ‘horses’ were assembled.

Looking at the finished product, everyone was really worried about their horses.

Will it be scrapped?

"The bag inside, put it in this car!"

The commander gave another order, and everyone had to follow suit.

Good weight!

It's like sand inside, one layer, three layers, five layers.

"Sir, you can't stack up, the horse can't move."

"You don't need horses."


In the shocked eyes of the soldiers.



Looking along the voice, I saw an eight-wheeled guy driving out of the boat. The tires were very big. It looked like the whole body was made of steel, and they were about two people tall.

The key is that it is moving by itself and only one person is operating on it.

Wearing different clothes, I want to come to be the staff on the ship.


Looking at the ship in front of me again, it didn't seem to be too difficult to accept.

ten minutes later.

Seeing that object pulled more than twenty flatbed carts spliced ​​together toward the camp in the distance, the soldiers' cognition was once again subverted.

It's too strong, at least the pull of a hundred horses.

"Don't be stunned."

"Continue to download."

Seeing the commander's urging, the soldiers got busy again.

This time, full of energy.

Because everyone knows how much effort can be saved with the existence of such a thing, and the construction materials of the wharf are stacked nearby, and a wheelbarrow is enough.

For a time, he was very busy.

It was not uninstalled until dark.

. . .

The next day.


Keep busy, not at the pier, but at the camp. Before building the pier, at least repair the place where you live. The first step is to repair the wall.



A steel drill drove into the ground, and several soldiers stepped forward to dig it.

The grooves were quickly laid, cross-shaped and half a meter deep. The upper part is said to be a permanent building, which will be used for decades in the future, so some steel bars are also placed in it.


This is steel, with excellent quality.

When building a weapon, one is a sophisticated weapon.

But now, it's too extravagant to be used directly to build a house!


Seeing the brothers in the next process pouring the ‘concrete’ on top, their hearts trembled, just throwing them into the soil, how good is it on top?

Then, he looked at the pouring material.

This thing was said during the training after dinner last night.

Water condensation.

It is very hard after solidification. It was made last night, but it could only be cut off with a knife this morning.

In an instant, everyone thought of its military use.

Plasticity is simply unreasonable!

. . .

Busy all morning.

With the efforts of nearly 10,000 soldiers, the plinth of the wall was finished. After eating at noon, I took a break and continued to work, but only began to divert.

Part of the fence is installed.

Part of the pit began to be dug, said to be the underground pipe network and the foundation of the house.

Part of the road started.

In short.

The whole camp has gradually changed ~ The big guy worth hundreds of horses transports gravel back and forth. God knows how the Empire bought the gravel machinery from Zhengyuan Company.

Once the mountain exploded, there was no need for anyone to knock the stone, and it was broken directly.

Then sent to the lower reaches of the river for panning.

After working hard for a while, he took out the freshly made kettle and took a sip.


This thing is much better than an animal skin water bag, and now it is one in hand.

The water is also very clean. The water is taken from the upper reaches of the small river, and after a filtering device, it becomes very clear, just like spring water, and a little sweet.


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