My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 521: That would be a kind of speechless despair

Latest URL: this time.

Shu Fu is going to send about 30,000 to one of the continents. They are not very old, mainly under 16 years old. Relatively speaking, it is easy to cultivate loyalty.

This is just the beginning.


At least to the scale of one hundred thousand.



the scientist.



Cultivate in all aspects.

Although the **** is very good, but the creativity is too poor, there must always be a group of people looking forward, not only digesting technology, but also moving forward.

. . .

Order it.

The guards started to get busy.

Hundred cities.

In a farm, hundreds of small figures are pulling weeds in the fields. In such a situation, if they are on the earth, they must be taken out and criticized for being inhumane.

However, it is commonplace in aliens.

Relatively speaking, this is already very happy.

Eat and drink.

There is a bed.

Compared to the days before here, this is the place in my dreams.


A whistle sounded.

A small figure quickly assembled.

At the beginning of the roll call, after a while, most of them were called.

"Where are you going?" one of the girls asked in a trembling voice. When they first came here, they knew that it was not easy to adopt them.

But this year.

It's not easy to stutter.

"Good place." The owner said lightly.


The girl didn't dare to ask more. The owner was usually straight-faced and his discipline was very strict. Everyone here was afraid of him.

I was no exception. When I sold my father to bury my father and was bought by the owner, I took the children to cook here. After finally stabilizing, I had to leave again.

"Hurry up and pack it up."


At the age of sixteen, she has been able to have enough meals recently, and she has also calculated that she is slim. To be honest, she is really afraid that the owner will sell her to the fireworks willow.

But even so, does she have a choice?

After a while, he packed up, got on the carriage, and headed for the unknown place.

. . .

at the same time.






Similar things are happening. After the selection is completed, they will go to the nearest assembly point. Some will go to the teleportation point, and most will go by boat.

. . .


The Nanqing New Deal continues to be hot.

The unprecedented intensity shocked the people deeply.


Many people have an idea:

"It would be great if Nanqing occupied Yuancheng."

In this year, there should not be too many people who are pitted by gambling debts. If Nanqing occupies Yuancheng, how many people can take off a heavy burden, just thinking about it will be happy.

After gambling debts were not repaid, the abolition of personal gambling debts in the old dynasty also made many people shine.

Fireworks willow alley.

Big maidservant.

Hard work.

Dili Nuhu.


The heartbeat of a large number of people accelerated.

"In this case, will I be able to regain my freedom?"

Thinking of this, I already wished to plunge into Nanqing's arms immediately.


Some people support such a New Deal, while others oppose it.

"How can you do this."

"Want to bet and lose, and win with ability, why not?"

"No credit at all."


The big gambling houses are condemned by themselves. They are willing to give in to the gambling. It is justified. Why do they interfere? It is not that they have to panic and blame the country on the other side.

Rather, he felt that Nanqing was overly and lenient, and the new ‘judicial’ explained it.

Said that the gambling debts were written off for all the people of Nanqing.

It is not the boundary of Nanqing.

In other words, Yuancheng can't manage it, but if the people of Nanqing owe money at the gambling shop in Yuancheng and pat their buttocks back to Nanqing, they will not be held accountable.

When you go to someone's site to collect debts, they will report directly to the officials and arrest you.


The gambling shop in Yuancheng just cursed.




All kinds of accusations, but also helpless, people are a country, what can you do?

There is no way.

If someone in Nanqing owes a debt, they will be held in Yuancheng and their family members will bring money to redeem them.


This can be done.

You have a plan, I have a ladder.

. . .

Nanyu imperial residence.


The New Dynasty is gradually erasing all traces of Nan Yu. Just erasing all the gambling debts of its subjects, one can imagine how big a sensation it will cause.


The reforms are also too strong and do not act according to common sense.

"Now, it's a little troublesome."

Prince He was helpless.

Abolish the life contract.



Imperial army.

At the beginning, selling to the royal family was almost all about selling.

Although the forbidden army was trained since childhood.

But they are all human beings. The loyalty was in the past, when the empire was strong, and now, living in Yuancheng, the restoration of the country is indefinitely, and ideas within the Forbidden Army are unavoidable.

If you learn about it.

It is possible that people's minds have changed and accidents have occurred.

Nanqing’s move was too ruthless, but it was just like Nanqing wanted to erase the traces of Nanyu’s currency. Apart from looking and shouting, he couldn’t do anything.

"Block news." Prince He ordered.



If you learn that the deed is invalid.

God knows what the servant girls, eunuchs and the imprisoned soldiers think.

Once there is a change, everyone has to finish playing.

"We have to consider the future. They are all gathered here now. Even if Nanqing does not cross the river, there is still a certain danger. I think we can consider dispersing."


The old uncle made a suggestion.


"See you uncle emperor."


The royal family echoed one after another.

In fact, most of the royal family members are only willing to wait for others to do things like rejuvenation, and don't get involved in it personally, because it is too dangerous.

What Old Uncle Huang said is what they really want to do, but they didn't dare to raise it before.

Disperse first to avoid being overwhelmed.

Rejuvenate the country and leave it to a capable person to do it.

Such as the little emperor.

Like the Queen Mother.

Such as Prince He.

It’s better to stay away from things that are too long to enjoy.

See this situation.

Prince He was also helpless. The royal family had been at ease for too long. Most people said it was a straw bag, which was not a curse, because it was indeed only a matter of eating, drinking, and having fun.

"Well, this matter, plan a plan."

Although Nanqing did not call, he remotely picked up a drug that could cause an explosion at any time.

It's so uncomfortable!

. . .

The next period of time.

Hundred cities.



Nanqing Welfare was spreading quickly from the inside, and it caused a lot of repercussions. Although I didn't dare to openly appeal for it, an idea suddenly popped up in my heart.

---It's nice to be born in Dayan!

And this is what Shu Fu wanted.

The countdown to the unification of aliens has begun.


Before the war, public opinion took precedence, and the issue of Dayan was not big, and it was solved directly by fists, but Baicheng was different from Qianzhai, and it required some means to solve it.

It hasn't started yet.

Such propaganda will not cause vigilance.

If it were to start a fight and then propagate it, the local forces would definitely take the opportunity to discredit it, and the people would have doubts.

Propaganda in advance, there will definitely be people yearning for it.

Once yearning.

When the army passed by, it was impossible to discredit it anymore. Everyone was not stupid. If it was false, how could no one correct it when it was spread before?

In this way, there will be fewer obstacles.

. . .

Faced with such internal discussions, all parties were as Shufu expected.

It didn't care, because it didn't involve any interest, and there was no need to suppress it. Nanqing's rectification does not mean that they also need to rectify it. It doesn't matter anyway.

The people envy it if they admire it.

Can you still go to Nanqing on foot to be a citizen?

In this of Nanqing's New Deals spread rapidly among the people of the other three parties.

Piles of piles.

Piece by piece.

Many people have a great affection for Nanqing in their hearts. They also want such a New Deal, but look at the ingrained and decadent terms around.

Long sigh.

After all, I can only think about it, I have no hope in this life.

. . .

Seeing this effect, Shu Fu was very satisfied.

The parties would never have thought that someone would look at the territory in their hands, and when they realized that it was too late, it would be a kind of speechless despair.


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