My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 515: Currency issuance

The pilot's annual award makes the industry peers sour, especially the outside world.

Netizens looked at the screen with red eyes.

One hundred thousand per capita.

Depend on!

Fractions are higher than the annual income of some people, which is almost impossible, and suddenly I feel busy and lonely this year.

A cigarette.

A sip of wine.


So melancholy!

Seeing a barrel of oil and a bag of rice in front of me, and then seeing that many people have no year-end bonus at all, I suddenly felt a little more balanced.

Sure enough, happiness is comparative, and has nothing to do with what you have.

. . .

It was at this time.



In the original imperial city, the sky was white with snow fluttering, but no snow was formed.

For more than a month, the people have basically adapted to the new dynasty and found it to be pretty good, because the most intuitive feeling is that life is much better than before.

For example, you don’t have to be cautious when walking on the street.

It used to be at the feet of the emperor, and there were too many powerful people.

It is disrespectful for most people to look at those big people.

it's good now.

The dignitaries almost ran away, as if they had moved away from a mountain.

The New Dynasty New Deal makes people feel very different.

An alley.

"Haha, old man Wang, be silly, buy so much salt, it will be enough for you to eat for ten years."

"It's okay, eat slowly."


"I heard that Jinju has hundreds of thousands acres of salt fields, which is really amazing."

"Then of course, how can you overthrow the old dynasty if you don't do it well?"


At first, many people didn't believe it. They thought that the price would increase in the future and bought a lot of salt.

Buy as much as you use.


Xinchao's salt-making technology is extremely high, and it can really be mass-produced.

. . .

In a residential house, after breakfast, He Zhiping went out as usual in his work clothes and was about to go to work at the government office. He met a group of acquaintances not far away.

They are all college students.

I couldn't play a piece before, and it's even more so now.

He Zhiping only knows how to study, and he doesn't go to brothels and art galleries. He is from a general family background.

At the beginning of the new dynasty, these people thought they could do their best, but they didn’t realize that the new dynasty was not reused at all.

Seeing He Zhiping, someone couldn't help but ridicule:

"Haha, our talented talent has come out to work again."


"It's a waste of knowledge to be a clerk."


Facing the ridicule, although He Zhiping was angry, he did not show it.

To survive in the imperial capital, if you don't even have this point of concentration, you would have been angered by the powerful children not long ago.

Most of these people are not the children of the rich and powerful, but they pride themselves on being talented, and they suffer from the disease of seeing above the top.

Set aside.

Can't afford to hide.

Although there is no need to hide now, he is still humble.

Without it.


Thinking of my immediate boss, I felt a sigh of emotion.

Strong business.


However, he took the lead, never slackened his work, and did not have any superiority when facing the people, being humble and friendly.

Everyone is like that.

A small subordinate of oneself, how can he be proud of whom?

Moreover, the job requirement is to treat the common people with a pleasant appearance, not to put on airs, not to have a bad face, not to...

Specify a long list.

The working atmosphere of the unit is exactly what he likes, there is no intrigue, only working hard together.

Who is lazy, leave.

Who hold the group and leave.


Although it is a bit stricter, the rules are clear. You don’t need to guess, wrong is wrong, right is right.


"Hi everybody."


He said hello casually, and smiled and passed by.

A group of people did not dare to stop. Although they were just clerks, they would eat official meals after all.

. . .

Not long after, He Zhiping came to the unit, had a daily morning meeting, and began to assign tasks.

The superior gave a list, and they should be notified to come here for a meeting in the afternoon.

So, holding the list, He Zhiping hurriedly set off.

Came to a mansion.

"Treasurer Liang, go to the government office in the afternoon and let me know if I have something to do."

"Can you ask what's the matter?"

It's a bit perturbed.

"Don't worry, it's definitely not a bad thing." He Zhiping smiled.

"Well, it must be on time, or come in for a cup of tea."



Although many big households fled, some small households stayed behind. After the establishment of the new dynasty, they had no criminal record and started their old business.

It even opens up new businesses to fill the gaps in the industry.


The big profit is still new.



Ticket number.


All are taken over to the Xinchao franchise, and no civil businessmen are allowed to operate this business.

The remaining industries are not as deadly as control.





All of them can be operated by private merchants. Many inns and restaurants of large families have been copied. The new dynasty did not sell them, but they will be leased to private merchants.

Not enough strength?

It doesn't matter, a partnership is fine.

In addition, the houses in the imperial city that were censored were not sold, but only rented. The New Dynasty seemed to have never thought of realizing it. The Liang family relied on the money they earned and moved.

Go back to the mansion hall.

"Father, what's the matter?" the eldest son came up and asked hurriedly.

"I don't know."

Then he said: "It shouldn't be for us to donate money. The New Dynasty is not short of money at all."


Thinking of the new dynasty, the eldest son felt painful and happy.

The Liang family was in the cloth business. The big ones fled and left blanks. Many small ones took the opportunity to expand. The reason for the happiness was that the new dynasty almost ran out of production.

The pain is that the output is not enough, and the new dynasty is like a giant beast.

As much as you want.

As for what to do with it? He also knows.

Work clothes (construction staff).

Uniforms (public servants).

For these two alone, the demand is a terrible figure. Let alone them, the entire fabric business in Nanqing cannot meet the needs of the new dynasty.

You can't make money, it's uncomfortable!

. . .

In the afternoon.

One by one merchants came to the government office.

Compared with the past, many changes in the new dynasty make people a little uncomfortable, such as the separation of administration and justice.

In the past, they were all integrated, and parents and officials had to take care of everything.

And now.

The four hospitals are separated and four teams are formed.

This is the place in charge of government affairs, and the trial and the like are done by the Supervisory Office in the city, which does not interfere with each other, but also supervises each other.

After getting used to it, I found it was pretty good.

In fact, the rules are complicated and not complicated, which is not a big problem for merchants.

The key is two.


The rules are transparent.



At present, the institutions of the new dynasty are doing very well on these two points.

. . .

Soon, the merchants met Shangguan.

Hundreds of people were silent.

At the same time respectful attitude, respectful in the eyes.

At the time of the census, the Shangguan in front of him personally went to the door and wrote the registration card from house to house. This was unimaginable in the past, and it was flattering.

Later, I often heard of this Shangguan's deeds.

Do it yourself.

Diligence and love for the people.

Iron-faced and selfless.


The image of Shangguan can only appear in a dream.

It is a pity that such people in the previous dynasties only existed in the script.

Even if there are so-and-so things that Nanyu promotes, after many times, everyone is left with nothing but hehe.

If you go out and stroll around, you're called Qinzheng?

If a case is tried, it is called for the people to call the shots?

Looking at the people’s new dynasty, the old capital alone has already cleared up thousands of unjust cases. In addition to explaining the justice of the new dynasty, it also illustrates the corruption of the previous dynasty.

When this data was released, everyone was shocked.


It's just the old capital, and the new dynasty also released the national data of Nanqing two days ago, which is hundreds of thousands! ! !

Oh my god!

It is terrible how many sins have been done before.

In addition, Shangguan often talked to them.

Talk about business.

Talk about others.

In short, everyone is not unfamiliar.

"This time everyone is called, there is only one thing." took out a few metallic shiny objects in his hand.

"This is Nanqing currency."

"From now on."

"For the official issuance, all major merchants must change their currencies into Nanqing coins as soon as possible. Of course, the Zhengyuan coins do not need to be exchanged. Others have to be exchanged."

"Zhengyuan coins are full of materials, uniform specifications, and there are no transaction barriers."

"Other currencies."



"Two missing."


"The boundary of Nanqing does not allow the circulation of problematic currencies. Starting tomorrow, merchants will look for customers' money, employee salaries and all expenditures and pay them in SGD."


Hearing this, the merchants were not too surprised.

Before that.

I heard that the new dynasty purchased the coinage technology of the Zhengyuan company, and it must be for new coins. It seems that the new dynasty is going to erase all traces of the old dynasty.




New town.


The whole posture is going to take on a new look, one by one with excitement.

Only when there is change, there is a chance. The previous stagnant water has nothing to do with the background. Toss for a long time, it can only be half-dead.

"Any problem?" Shangguan asked loudly.


"My lord, why are there no gold coins?"


After a few questions, no one spoke again.

If there is no gold coin, there will be no. The business involved in the business is mainly for ordinary people, and indeed there is no need for gold coins.

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