My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 329: My game, my turf, my rules


Pilotage has just begun, although the name is big.

But when it comes to how much money is invested in Mingshan City, he doesn't expect it.

Zhuang Xi's fancy is the future.

Went back yesterday.

After using Linghang well, I found that it is indeed excellent. Although the functions are a little bit short for the time being, I heard that major companies are already following up on the development of APP.

In his view, Linghang is an excellent hardware platform.

Similar to Taobao.

Only if Taobao is useless, you have to have a seller.


Only pilot is obviously not enough.

There must also be practical functions, such as shopping, entertainment, and social networking. Once these keep up, Linghang’s sales may usher in an explosion.

He is looking forward to that day.

. . .

In the hall, Zhuang Xi asked all kinds of questions.

"How did you think of making a mobile phone?"

"by chance."


"You have a good relationship with the capital, and you dare to give one billion investment."

"He has a good eye."


"How did you know each other?"



After asking, Zhuang Xi could only spit out: Little fox!

It's not like ordinary teenagers at all, it's really difficult to think about it.

But it also seems reasonable. If ordinary high school students are so easy to fool, then hell, how can they be in charge of such a large enterprise.

Even if it's just an agent, it's impossible to find a foolish one.


Had to stop inquiring about some content, and started the routine.

When meeting for the first time, I expect others to tell you everything, how is it possible.

"Do you usually cook by yourself?"



"Have you planned for the college entrance exam?"



"Everyone is so rich, why didn't they change to a better house."

"Home has nothing to do with old and new."

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Xi couldn't help showing an expression of admiration. Nostalgia is a good quality. How many people drift off as soon as they get rich, even forgetting their surnames.

This guy.

very nice.

What's even better is that before I mentioned it, the other party talked about investment.

"I am going to invest in Mingshan City."

Shu Fu said.

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Xi's eyes lit up.

It was really a surprise. I thought I had to wait until Linghang became bigger and I would speak a little better. I didn't expect that happiness came so suddenly, and it really came right today.

As for how much to vote.

Zhuang Xi didn't care.

What he cares about is Shu Fu's attitude, which at least represents his willingness to help the development of Mingshan City.

"How did you plan it? Do you need my help?"

Zhuang Xi asked hurriedly.

"I am going to invest in several companies. I need land for the construction of the headquarters. I have already considered the location, but I need to coordinate with the city."

Shu Fu explained.

Investing in Mingshan City had a long-term plan. After all, he went out from here and never returned. Obviously it was not appropriate. He did not plan to live in a big city for a long time.


Shanghai stock market?


Good is good, but it is difficult to have a sense of belonging.

In my previous life, I have been in Mingshan City all my life, and I have feelings.

"Coordination is okay, is the place big?" Zhuang Xi asked again.

"It's huge."


After learning about the area and location of the land that Shu Fu wanted, Zhuang Xi slapped his tongue. It was indeed very large, more than 1,000 acres.

Also, what company is going to build a headquarters when it comes up? Is it bad to rent one?

"Temporarily rent an office building, the headquarters will be built first."

Shu Fu explained that if only office space is rented, Zhuang Xi needs to be coordinated. This headquarters can also be used as office space when he comes back later.

More than one thousand acres.

Not too big.

I'm used to looking at the alien star, and everything I can see is the situation in my own territory.

Asking him to have high requirements for the area, he is really unwilling to do it.

Therefore, as soon as it came up, it was built as a small industrial park.


It belongs to the low-profile version. There are not many high-rise buildings planned to be built, mainly buildings with less than ten floors, each with its own characteristics, creating beautiful office conditions.

Invest now.

There is no need to spend a lot of money at once.

One hundred million to death.

Because no matter how fast it is, it will have to be completed by the end of this year.

At that time, relying on the sales volume of Linghang, at least several billions of cash can be used. If you count the deposits on hand during the accounting period, there will be tens of billions.

In a word, it's not bad for money.

"So that's it, no problem, I will personally coordinate this matter."

Zhuang Xi can be regarded as giving a promise.

Do it when you are ready to go back.

An investment of 100 million is already a large sum.

not to mention.

Investor is still a rich future.

Linghang's valuation of tens of billions of dollars is a very large sum in this era. Especially when Linghang has grown bigger, there is one thing that he likes very much.

---foreign currency.

The task of attracting investment, especially foreign investment, the city has tasks every year.

from now on.

If Linghang sells well overseas.

There will definitely be a lot of foreign currency on hand, which is a good thing for the city. Perhaps relying on Shu Fu will no longer have to worry about foreign investment tasks.


This must be done, and it must be done beautifully and fast.

. . .

We talked for almost an hour, approaching noon.

After tasting Shu Fu's craftsmanship, Zhuang Xi was stunned.

How can a teenager be so good? The cooking is so delicious.

Looked at the surrounding environment again.

It was clear to me that I lived alone, learned how to cook, be independent, strong, learn well, and have craftsmanship. Now I have such a big business.

So inspirational!

Although I don't go to class every day, my studies have not been slowed down, and they have not been corrupted by money.

And the woodcut craftsmanship is excellent, and they are all eligible to go to the National Museum.

He wants to carve a portrait.

But after all, he did not speak.

the survey suggests.

Shu Fu abides by the rules, no matter who wants to be carved, he can only go to the store to line up. Although he has a bit of identity, there is no need to embarrass the family.

If you really want it, then go to the queue.

Zhuang Xi admires people who follow the rules and principles.

"Do you open a store early next month?"


"Then I'll go in line."



Shu Fu couldn't help but smile, not to provoke others, which is pretty good. This year is Zhuang Xi's first year in office. After full term, he will be promoted to the province.

The kind of high rise.

Hurry up and hug your thighs?


Talk about it!

In this world, in another ten years, who else has thicker legs than yourself?

. . .

After a meal, drank tea for a while.

"Walk slowly."


Zhuang Xi and the secretary left, and looked around at the old buildings around. They really felt like "the golden phoenix flying out of the mountain nest", and Shu Fu was hiding it deep.

However, now is not the time to sigh.

You have to quickly help with things.

People are so open and bright, before they speak, they take the initiative to talk about the investment, it is very face-to-face, and they are cheap, of course they have to help.

Isn't it just a piece of land?

It's a bit bigger.

But it's not too difficult to operate. It was originally owned by a municipal enterprise and went bankrupt for several years. It happened to use Shu Fu's funds to solve this burden.

. . .

After Zhuang Xi left, Shu Fu continued to write and draw.

The investment in Mingshan City is mainly in the service category, with a total of three companies.


-Corporate Services.


With the growing size of its stalls, the management requirements are getting higher and higher. Although there are loyal subordinates, it is impossible to pay attention to all aspects.


Shu Fu intends to adopt a new model.

--- Third-party supervision.



Legal affairs.

Performance appraisal.


All are handled by one company.

If you wait until it becomes bigger and stronger, the backlash will be great.

Therefore, in the early stage, Shu Fu planned to add it to the system. In this way, a lot of **** can be avoided and enterprise competition can be enhanced.

Its role can also coordinate the resources of its subsidiaries and enhance collaboration.

The only uncomfortable may be the mid-levels of some enterprises, who finally got to this position.

What? I'm not in charge of recruitment?

What? Although there is financial power, in addition to the high-level, there is third-party supervision? One more uncle.



Does Shufu need to think about it?


In fact, all positions hope to have absolute freedom and do whatever they want. But obviously, this is not the reason for Shu Fu to satisfy the desire of the middle class.

My game, my turf, my rules.

As long as the rules are established at the initial stage and the system is perfect, they can be implemented well.

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