My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 322: Hot, Huawei is very happy!

In fact.

Shu Fu was also curious about one thing.

That is, after the release of the Espier mobile phone, will Apple 4 die?

Qiao Gangzhu is a perfectionist.

In terms of appearance, it was first crushed.

In terms of function, compared to the pilot, there is not much difference.

With its proud personality and pursuit of perfection, it may not necessarily release Apple 4 as scheduled, or even stop the project directly, and then make a big change.

Get a new phone out.

If so.

Apple's next mobile phone may have to wait until next year.

In other words.

There is a certain probability that Navigator will not have an opponent within half a year.

Of course, this is only a certain probability. As for how the Qiao gang leader chooses, it will take time to prove.

. . .

The scene of the press conference.

"Go slow!"



A stack of pilot mobile phones were placed on the table at the entrance of the exhibition, and every reporter participating in the conference gave one to them. This is also a public relations session, not a waste of water.

Get the phone.

One by one is very happy.

I couldn't wait to disassemble the car when I returned.

Insert the card.

Turn on.


Enter the interface.

The feeling of hands-on operation is different from watching other people's operations. On the big screen, various applications and icons are also quite cute, and there are free themes to choose from.

This is the first time I have seen you.

To know.

In the past, you can change at most one background picture, but icons and the like are all the same. However, the theme of Espier mobile phone can even change the icon.

Very distinctive.

Science fiction.




They are all pretty, there are six kinds in total.

Switching to and fro, it feels new and exciting, and it is fun to play.

. . .


Wangfujing, a direct-operated store of Linghang.

Someone is always close. After watching the press conference, they head straight to the directly-operated store, wanting to see if they are in stock.

"Sorry, there is no stock, reservation is needed."

One listen.

The young man was disappointed.

"Can you experience it?" the young man said.


The clerk hurriedly said, in fact, they only saw the prototype this morning. After a brief trial, someone came to the door if they hadn't played enough.

"Very good."


The young man came to a showcase and got started.

Mainly some applications.



I was surprised to find that there is an APP of Bilibili. In the previous press conference, the game was mainly mentioned, but other apps were not introduced too much.

As a two-dimensional enthusiast.

Quickly click to open.


The familiar style flooded into my eyes, and I found that it was similar to the popular content of Bilibili this morning. Swipe up and down to click on a video and watch it directly.

Not stuck at all!

"So fast!" exclaimed.

Hear the words.

The staff nearby explained with a smile.

"Yes, there is a high-speed wireless network here. There is almost no lag in watching videos. If you buy it, it is best to install a wireless router at home."

"Otherwise the traffic won't survive."


The young man nodded. Indeed, it was so smooth that the flow was really unbearable.

Continue to experience.


Today's headlines?

Click to open.

It is a familiar picture again. This name is not unfamiliar to him. It is a project launched by Bilibili at the time, but it was just heard that it was not profitable and was split.

The impression is not deep.


After some use, it seems that today's headlines are also good.

If you talk about computer style, you are still accustomed to Sina, Whoosh, Penguin and the like.

But for mobile phones, the web pages that were opened in the past, the layout and text are really not good, and the APP that is completely suitable for mobile phones is not at the same level.

The font, color, typography, and look are all very comfortable.

Love it!

Love it!

But I'm a little curious, because these apps are all related to Bilibili?




Today's headlines.


Geometric entertainment.

Is there any strategic cooperation between each other?

"If you book, how long will you have?" After a while, a lot of people poured into the store, and the young man asked quickly.

"You are the first customer today, and you can get it tomorrow."

"I bought it."

The young man originally planned to book. Although he can book online, the card he opened for online banking is seldom used, and he doesn't bother to vacillate bank cards.

Take out the card.

Brush directly.

"Thank you for your patronage. Here are your tickets."

The staff smiled.

In a short while, in-store reservations began to become popular, not only on the Internet, but TV commercials are now also broadcast, and the influence is not limited to Internet users.

After noon.

This store has booked hundreds of units.

. . .


Online bookings are also increasing.

Yes, it's a few thousand yuan, which is a bit expensive.

But Huaxia is so big, people who can get this better than money are really hearty.

"It's pretty, I bought it."

"Just for this look, a month's salary is a big deal."


Many people buy electronic products, and the value of their looks is the top priority. In this regard, the leading mobile phone is hard to grasp. People who have seen advertisements are very excited.

Similarly, the fan economy should not be underestimated.

At first glance, Liu Tianwang endorsed it and bought it.

At first glance, the new generation of female stars supports.

"There are only 180,000 units left." After a refresh, the inventory on Linghang's official website dropped again.


"One hundred and fifty thousand."


"One hundred thousand."


Every time you refresh, the number will decrease.

There are dozens of as few as hundreds of them.

Looking at the ever-decreasing inventory, there are also some rushed purchases joined in. Half of the first batch of 500,000 units will be sold online and half will be offline entities.

Once sold out.

The next batch will have to wait nearly a month.


Tensions spread, and the reduction of scheduled inventories accelerated.


At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the inventory figures turned gray.

That's right.

The 250,000 units sold online were all sold out.

"It's selling so fast."

"It's too late to start."


Those who did not catch up were very disappointed. After all, not everyone would watch the press conference in the morning or watch TV. Many of them only knew the situation in the afternoon.

Take a look online.

It's gone.

Suddenly, Linghang mobile phone turned out to be purchased at a high price.

An increase of five hundred.

One thousand increase.

A hot scene.

. . .


It is the closest to the place of production, so in the afternoon, the goods are already available. Many reservations go directly to the store and take the pick-up code and ID card.

It feels very different when you get started, which is fundamentally different from the plastic case.

Afterwards, put on the set quickly to avoid fraying.


Today’s headlines are good, take a look.


Xiaoxiaole is also fun and fun.


Bilibili is also very interesting, just brush it.

When you get home.

A text message came.


Notification that the 500M data package just bought is used up.

Depend on!

Is it so fast?

Wireless routers are not so popular yet, well, let's install one.

Turn on the computer and go to Linghang's mall.

I've seen routers before, but I didn't care too much about it at the time. I saw it now that it was a necessity. Otherwise, the traffic would not be able to withstand it.

The price is not expensive.

One hundred and fifty yuan, similarly, you can go to the physical store to buy it.

Leading infinite routers are also very attractive.

Bought it.


I looked at the soft case in my hand, and then at the phone case on Espier's official website, and found it to be very good, completely different from the feeling when I didn't buy a mobile phone.

Pick left and pick right.

I like it very much.


It's only thirty yuan, we bought a few thousand yuan mobile phone, not bad.

Buy a few more and take turns.

. . .

Mingshan City.

Looking at the background data, Shu Fu was very happy. The mobile phones released on the Internet were all sold out, but offline due to manual efficiency issues, they were not sold out yet.

But tens of thousands have been booked out.

Is it too much?

not much.

Each of the 100 directly-operated stores sold only a few hundred units. Looking at the data, some people bought several units directly. At this rate, the first batch will soon be sold out.

The next step is to purchase more parts.

at this time.

The subordinates have gone to various parts suppliers again.


Talk about supply.

Talk about the billing period.

The wholesale price is different for the quantity of 500,000 and the quantity of tens of millions.

in addition.

The global sales network is also proceeding simultaneously. A few months ago, Linghang Technology established offices in many countries around the world.

There are not many people, and each office only recruits 20 to 30 people.

Go through the formalities first.

For sales, at least there must be goods.

For the first batch of 500,000 units, Shu Fu did not intend to put them on the overseas market, because there were indeed not many.

In the past, most of the good things were first experienced abroad.

This time, let's use it first, and foreign countries will be greedy for a while.

Hurry up.

At the end of May, it will be available in countries around the world.

Including the United States, it is now 10 years, and the relationship between the two sides is quite good. The United States will not always use ‘information security’ to suppress China’s science and technology enterprises.

Even if there are some comments from the people.

But there will be no direct administrative intervention.

In short.

Yankee's money is fixed.

. . .


As the sun sets, Shu Fu is finishing his meal.

Ding Dong!

SMS sound.

"Little boss, congratulations on the big sales of mobile phones!" A look at the message from Yan Yue.

the other side.

Yan Yue's house.

She was watching TV. She watched the live broadcast in the morning, but thought that Shu Fu would be very busy today. After all, it was the first day of the release, so she didn't bother.

Just now send a text message, congratulations.


Seeing the two words in Shu Fu's reply, Yan Yue pouted.


This is more than okay. Hey, the online bookings were sold out. That was 250,000 units, an average of more than 4,000, and the total sales amounted to nearly 1 billion.

What is this concept?

To the rhythm of the fire, now is just the beginning.

Once the supply keeps up.

Sales can simply break the limit of her imagination.


Tens of billions?

Maybe more than that.

This number made her stun her tongue. Who would have thought that the creator of all this was only a high school student, and none of them had graduated yet.

If it doesn't sound, it's all.


No, it's shocking!

"Very busy, right?" she asked.

"Not busy, cooking."


Yan Yue was taken aback.


What's the meaning.

"Are you at home?" she quickly asked back.



Seeing the reply, Yan Yue was stunned. On such an important day, even if Shu Fu didn't show up at the press conference, he didn't even go there. It's too salty!

She felt that Shu Fu's cognition of salted fish had reached a new level.

All right.

Very people, doing very things.

Why do people just want to do things that I take for granted? I just don't understand it. Could it be that this matter is not the most important thing in Shu Fu's mind?

Then what is the biggest thing.


It’s not for dinner.

. . .

In fact, she guessed it right. A mobile phone press conference was nothing but another thing that she was doing---seeking an alien star.

There are many equally important things.

For example, collecting technology.

For example, scientific research design.



Shu Fu is not really such a salty fish. There are many things today. The celebration banquet of Linghang Technology is scheduled to be tomorrow night, and he will go there by then.

No matter what, my big boss should show up again.

. . .


"Can you eat a meal?" Yan Yue asked weakly.


"I'm coming right away."

After that, Yan Yue hurriedly cleaned up, changed his clothes, and drove straight to Shu Fu's house. When he arrived, the food was basically ready and the soup was being cooked.

See here.

Yan Yue smiled bitterly.

Whose new product is released, the boss is not on the front line, but lives at home.

This heart is too big.

Just entered the house.

Shu Fu also gave her a pilot cell phone, and Yan Yue naturally accepted it cheerfully. In fact, she had already booked twenty of them online, yes, twenty.

How can I be regarded as a friend, Xiao Xiao supports me.

Only one hundred thousand yuan.

Send to friends.

Give away to loved ones.

Send to subordinates.

. . .

After that, she opened the packing box and replaced the phone card with her mobile phone card. Shu Fu couldn't help but smile when she saw this. Now, she appeared.

There has always been praise and criticism for smartphones.

Speaking of indifference to family affection.

Said to be indifferent to friendship.

Said it hurt the spine.


For various reasons, these Shu Fu agree, because it does exist objectively, but this is the only way for the development of the times, and it comes with a torrent of torrents.



The fact that the earth is unstoppable does not mean that foreign stars are unstoppable.


If he masters the alien planet, Shu Fu will definitely not sell this thing. From the perspective of demand, this is not a necessity. There are many kinds of spiritual life.

The mobile phone is just a carrier in the information age.

Thousands of years ago, it wasn't the same life without a mobile phone.

. . .

Playing with a mobile phone.


Cheng Shengjun pushed the door in. Shu Fu rarely stayed at home except for the beginning of the month. He came in with a smell and found Yan Yue, which he had never seen before.

The Shanwei family once came to eat dinner, but Yan Yue didn't come at that time.

Say hello.

"This is... a mobile phone?" Seeing Yan Yue could play hard, he looked at it and curiously asked.

"you do not know?"

Yan Yue looked at him in surprise.



Well, that's right, if it weren't for an inadvertent investigation, she wouldn't have known that Linghang Technology was actually Shu Fu's.

At this moment, Shu Fu brought out the soup and took out a mobile phone from the cabinet.

"give you."


Cheng Shengjun didn't be polite with Shu Fu either, and he didn't take it apart, so I'll talk about it later.

"Your WIFI is so fast, I will set it up when I go back." Yan Yue put down the phone.

When you come to someone’s house for dinner, you can’t always hold your phone to play.

He added: "3G is too slow and expensive. I don't know when 4G will become popular."

"No hope this year."

Shu Fu said, in the previous life, China's 4G started in one to three years.

It's only ten years now.

Of course, even if there is no 4G, it will not affect the sales of Linghang mobile phones too much. Even after ten years, everyone is generally accustomed to surfing the Internet through WIFI.

It doesn't matter whether 4G is popular or not, the reason is simple: traffic costs money.


As long as there is a wireless router, this time, it can also provide an excellent Internet experience.

As for the current slow internet speed?




It mainly refers to mobile communication technology. The router uses a wired network, and the speed-up method is very simple.

Increase the optical cable.




These basic equipment can quickly increase the speed of the home network, as long as necessary, the efficiency of the three major operators to replace the equipment can be very fast.


Under the circumstance of ‘restricted demand’, the three major operators will begin equipment upgrades.

This time.

It is estimated that Huawei will be happy.

. . .

That's right.


Huawei is very happy.

Because I was so close, I got the pilot phone on the same day, and I was excited about testing it!

Because this represents a greater data demand on the mobile terminal in the future.

Where there is demand, there will be a market and there will be opportunities.

To know the technology, Huawei is now basically mature, but because of the mobile phones on the market, 3G is enough, and there is no such big data demand.

The promotion of 4G is temporarily difficult.


Leading mobile phone gave them hope.


It is mainly the experience of Bilibili, because video is a big traffic mouse. Now there is Bilibili, and other video sites will follow up.

At that time.

The huge data demand will be a good reason for telecom operators to upgrade their networks and purchase Huawei equipment.


Gearing up one by one, ready to go for a big fight.

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