My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 302: Have you hit the door?

These three days.

The guards did not continue the night attack, and the site needed to be digested, but even if it was blocked, it would not last long.

Therefore, on the fourth day, we set off again.

at this time.

The second oil-powered ship has been assembled.

The soldiers are divided into two ways.

Go hand in hand.

This time, there are still six islands in total.

no way.

There is not enough manpower. For safety, each island has at least fifty guards, and more than one hundred, five hundred guards, which is currently the largest number Shu Fu can use.


This number is still decreasing.

Because every place was taken, the guards had to be watched.

Fight all the way.

The fewer guards will be.


The territory will also be larger. It can be said that when the entire pirate island is defeated, plus the number of guards that Shanzhou needs, Shufu's quota will bottom out.

All right!

work hard to earn.

Come on and upgrade.

In the previous day’s battle, the harvest was not small. The six pirate regiments contributed hundreds of thousands of taels of gold, a huge amount of silver, and a pile of various gems.

After the identification is completed, they can be sent to the earth for sale.

. . .

early morning.

Ye Zhiyouyou woke up.


Have a meal.

Then, he received another shocking news. Just last night, the base camp of six pirate regiments was taken down by the new master.

It took a while before he recovered.



At this speed, it won't be long before this sea area will usher in a new overlord.

He is very curious about how he won.

Last time.

Ye Zhi thought it was a fierce battle, but when he came in contact with people on other islands, he found that most people didn't know it at all, and the sky changed as soon as he woke up.

A small number of people say they are submerged attacks and assassinations.


This is unreasonable. In the evening, how can you attack at night without seeing your fingers?

If you want to break your head, you can't think of a feasible plan. In such an environment, you can sneak in silently and kill people without any color, which is completely unrealistic.

Ming whistle.

Secret whistle.



The defense of the pirates is no worse than that of elite soldiers.

This has been stolen, how strong is the other party?

All right!

Anyway, I won, because I stood in the team early and could lie down and enter the camp of the winner. Vaguely, Ye Zhi felt that there were people behind the new boss.

Its strength.

Its ambition.

It may be beyond his imagination.

Thought of this.

Ye Zhi smiled helplessly, so what? Under the general trend, he has a choice? Now, I'm on the ship completely, want to go on? Very unrealistic.

The harshness of the other party is heart-shaking.

Even if the killer is a bad person, people can't help but feel fear.

. . .

Next, every three to five, Ye Zhi would receive news of winning the pirates, sometimes three, sometimes two, shaking every time he heard it.


This means that at least thousands of pirates died by the sword.


Do not!

Just because of the shock, this combat power is too strong!

Is there nothing to lose?

After playing for so long, I never let other people participate. Although the night attack ability is not good, it is still possible to wave the flag and shout and suppress the scene.

Very hurt, I feel so useless.


On the second day that Ye Zhi sighed, the task came down.

"Give you a task. All the ships on the island will set off, go to Jidao with the fleet, and lobby to join there."


Ye Zhi quickly agreed.

It finally worked.

Quarter island.

He is familiar.

Because, just like myself, they are all forces that don't do looting business. They mainly do some serious business. They occupy a huge island and are quite strong.

The big master is a member of the Dayan Empire, who offends the powerful and has nowhere to live.

Helpless to go to sea.

With a sense of loyalty, a medical skill, some brothers, a little luck, slowly gain a foothold here.

these years.

Many of my own medicinal materials are sold to each other, then processed into medicines and sold elsewhere.

It can be said that this group of my own forces is safe and has not been eaten up by other pirates, and Jijima's influence accounts for a considerable part.

. . .

After half an hour.

The fleet converged.


Take a deep breath.

Ye Zhi couldn't help but widen his eyes, so many boats!

Uyang Uyang.

The dozen or so ships of my own were inconspicuous at all, but when I thought about it, I felt that it was not impossible.


He has the final say.

The number of pirate forces won by the new master is close to twenty.


What concept?

The total number of pirate forces in the entire archipelago is only in the early 50s, which is close to half, even if they are all ranked low, it is also a huge force.

It is not impossible to get a fleet out in front of you.

that's all.

A fleet, mighty, heading towards Ji Island.

. . .

In the leading merchant ship, Shu Fu stood on the bow and passed the initial development, just like in Shanzhou, it was necessary to fight at first, and then the army directly suppressed the territory.

There are many people, Wuyang Wuyang.

Many battles can be avoided.


It is only against some non-bandit forces, who do a lot of evil, and will never be soft.

at this time.

One-third of the sea ships in the Pirate Islands are in their own hands, even if other pirate forces react and want to unite, it is too late.


Three battles, heavy losses.


Tonight, the guards will still attack the new target, and the opponent's strength will decrease.

Ten days.

It only takes another ten days, one goes and the other goes long, and oneself will control more than half of the power of this sea area.

At that time, as long as one step forward, he will become the only overlord in this sea area.

. . .

Quarter island.

Jicheng, in a large house courtyard.

That's right.

There are cities here. Kijima is a large area. It is not a small island. It is not surprising that it has the conditions for building a city, coupled with the need for defense, and there is a city.

The island owner is sitting in the courtyard, fishing for fish.

It seems leisurely, but I'm thinking about something in my heart.

Frown slightly.

For some reason, there is always a feeling of rain.

From the beginning, the pirates of Qucheng and Qufu were all killed, which felt unusual.

After that, the fleet sent to retaliate suffered thousands of casualties before fled back in embarrassment.

To be honest, I always feel strange.

If you can kill thousands of pirates, how can you allow the pirates to escape back?

That ‘rebel’ force is unusual.

Check it out.

No information about Xinfu Yin was found.

A few days ago, the second batch of pirate fleets assembled and clamored for revenge. The result was already known---the entire army was wiped out.

Suspect that Nanyu Marine Division did it.

But it's not like it.

after all.

If you were the coach, you would be so cruel.

Why not go further and increase the siege of pirates?

Even attack the pirate islands.


No The intelligence in recent days showed that Nanyu Marine Division did nothing, carried it on the station, and had no casualties. When things have reached this point, it has been weird and out of shape.

The three strangulations of pirates all revealed unusualness.

I always feel that something big must happen.

at this time.

One of his men broke into the yard and said in a panic:

"Island owner, something has happened."


With a shake of his hand, the island owner's fishing rod fell directly into the pond.

After understanding the reason, he couldn't help but round his eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and then smiled bitterly. It turned out that he had already hit the door of the house?

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