My attributes have no limit

Chapter 780 Proposal Differences

Yang Yunchuan smiled and glanced at the two and said, "Sit down!"

The fourth and fifth sons of the Yang family came in and bowed to Yang Yunshan and Yang Yunchuan.

"Big brother!"

"Head of the family!"

You still have to be more careful with your facial expressions.

To avoid being criticized.

"Everyone is here, so I'll be brief!"

"The sudden appearance of the military academy this time caught people off guard. According to Captain Zhao's intention, it is estimated that the registration and initial screening of the military academy will begin tomorrow!"

"Let's discuss what to do next!"

Yang Yunchuan got straight to the point.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the fourth and fifth sons, he could also think that his two younger brothers would feel that he had deliberately concealed the military academy's affairs like his eldest brother.

"Head of the family, is it necessary to discuss this matter with us?"

"What do you need us to do after you make a decision? Just notify us!"

"Why go to such lengths!"

Yang Yunhai teased with a fake smile.

The dissatisfaction in his tone could be heard by anyone.

"Okay, fourth brother, the head of the family just told me that he had no prior knowledge of the military academy incident!"

"Captain Zhao didn't tell him either."

"There's no need for you to be so sarcastic here!"

"Such an important matter, related to the development of the Yang family, he won't do this!"

Yang Yunshan looked at his two younger brothers who were full of resentment and dissatisfaction, and tried to reconcile them.

Since the second brother became the head of the family, he has been constantly maintaining the relationship between the brothers.

But he still couldn't stop the development of the situation.

I felt powerless in my heart.

Yang Yunchuan didn't respond, but just looked at his two younger brothers quietly.

If it weren't for his father's constant admonition to unite his brothers when he passed on the throne.

How could he tolerate this?

Looking at Yang Yunchuan's expressionless face, the fifth child of the Yang family also hurriedly said: "Fourth brother, the head of the family naturally has his reasons for doing things."

"Didn't the eldest brother just say that it was because Captain Zhao of the military did not reveal the news in advance!"

"It's not the head of the family's fault!"

"Let's discuss what to do next!"

Even though the fourth child of the Yang family had many dissatisfactions in his heart, he didn't dare to express it directly in front of the head of the family,

so he had to take advantage of the situation.

Pretending to be suddenly enlightened, he immediately pretended to say to Yang Yunchuan with an apologetic face.

"So that's it, then I misunderstood the head of the family!"

Seeing this, Jing Yang Yunchuan sneered in his heart, and now he didn't want to pursue it any further.

If he really wanted to deal with these two ignorant brothers, it would be completely easy.

"According to the enrollment plans of other military academies in previous years, they usually select the young practitioners with the strongest comprehensive strength from various martial arts schools."

"Then various tests are conducted."

"If there are no special circumstances, it is estimated that the military academy should also select according to some previous rules this time!"

Yang Yunchuan paused.

"The military academy is of great importance. I suggest that all the younger generations of the Yang family who meet the selection criteria must participate!"

After that, Yang Yunchuan set his sights on the other people.



The other three nodded quickly without any hesitation.

Once the younger generation of the Yang family achieves something in the military academy, the rewards for their lineage and the entire family will be huge.

"In addition, no matter whether it is the younger generation of our main line or branch line, after joining the military academy, according to their potential, the family must fully support them!"

Before Yang Yunchuan finished speaking, the fourth and fifth brothers on the side were already furious.

They stood up suddenly and stared at Yang Yunchuan with great dissatisfaction.

"No! I don't agree!"

"I don't agree either!"

Even the eldest brother of the Yang family, who was sitting next to Yang Yunchuan, frowned.

Such a move is undoubtedly a huge shock to them.

Although the entire Yang family is large and powerful, only a small number of people can enjoy the resources to the greatest extent.

The five brothers have always been the biggest beneficiaries at present.

Once the younger generation enters the military academy, it goes without saying that the family will use all its strength to train them.

If it is the descendants of their brothers, it is fine. After all, it is the main branch and the relationship is closer.

It is their luck and the luck of the Yang family that the younger generation of the branch can enter the military academy.

It is their due to contribute to the Yang family.

But if the branch comes to share this huge cake with them, it is like cutting their flesh with a knife.

"Why can those people from the branch line be compared with the younger generation of our main line!"

"Chen'er and the others entered the military academy, and it would be fine if they didn't let those people from the branch line contribute resources, but they also want the family to support their development. What a joke!"

"Besides, we all know what happened to the third brother in the military academy!"

"There are really too few places where the family can help. That's why we have to gather resources to supply our main line!"

"You still want to support those people from the branch line!"

The face of the fourth brother of the Yang family twitched, staring with his eyes, as if he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

In his heart, only the five brothers of the entire Yang family are real members of the Yang family.

As for the other collateral branches, the Yang family blood in their bodies has long been diluted to an unknown extent.

It is their blessing to be able to grow and develop with the help of the Yang family.

It is normal for them to pay tribute to the main vein.

Yang Yunchuan had expected this scene.

He turned his head and asked the eldest brother of the Yang family: "Brother, what do you think?"

As he spoke, Yang Yunchuan also turned on his communicator and looked for the contact information of his third brother.

Yang Yunshan, the eldest brother of the Yang family, pondered for a moment and did not answer directly.

Seeing Yang Yunchuan's actions, he guessed something in his heart: "Are you contacting the third brother?"

"Then let's listen to the third brother's opinion first. He has been in the military academy the longest and has the most say!"

The fourth and fifth brothers of the Yang family changed their faces slightly when they heard this.

Their third brother is simply the evil star of the two of them.

He was bullied a lot when he was young.

For a while, the whole meeting room was quiet, waiting for the third brother of the Yang family to make the next decision.

Time passed by, and no one knew what the third son of the Yang family was doing at the moment. After several minutes, there was still no movement to connect.

"Forget it, the situation in the war zone is unclear, and the third son has no time to connect. Let's talk about it later!"

The eldest son of the Yang family flickered slightly, as if he was struggling in his heart and couldn't make a decision.

Just when Yang Yunchuan was about to hang up the call, an extremely fierce figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Second brother! What's the matter!"

Behind him was a huge monster corpse like a hill, which was still spraying hot blood.

The evil spirit and the rich and warm bloody smell could be felt across the screen.

Yang Yunhu, the third son of the Yang family, sat cross-legged on the ground with a spear in his hand. The true energy surged around him, and his chest kept rising and falling, reflecting that the battle he had just experienced was not easy.

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