My attributes have no limit

Chapter 672 Talent Test

A few seconds later, a somewhat mechanical reminder sounded.

Then, several storage rings flew into the hands of Goudan and his friends.

This method once again caused Goudan and his friends to exclaim.

After completing the admission procedures, they came to the talent test area on the side.

Suddenly, the joy of joining the martial arts school was overwhelmed by the tension that followed.


Although these children are still relatively young, they all know what talent represents.

Not many of their parents have strong talents, so their own strength is not high.

This also led to the loss of their lives under the iron hoof of the monster.

Although the test has not started yet, everyone has begun to feel uneasy.

What if their talent is not good?

For a while, no one was willing to come forward for a long time. They all stood there, looking at each other, unwilling to start the test first.

Seeing this, Wang Qi shook his head and smiled: "Youfang, you go first!"

"Ah, me?"

Youfang scratched his head, and his face became a little ruddy.

With so many people here, it would be embarrassing if one's talent was very low.

"What are you afraid of? Go!"

Wang Qi patted his shoulder and urged him with a smile.

"With so many brothers and sisters, why don't you set an example first? Do you need me to urge you!"

You Fang heard it, looked at the expectant eyes around him, gritted his teeth, and made up his mind.

After taking two steps forward, he stretched out his palm and suspended it on the instrument for testing talent.

He turned his head to look at Wang Qi, and then suddenly closed his eyes.

The palm that was originally stretched out also fell instantly.

Then everyone saw a faint light flashing on the testing instrument.

After a few seconds, an interface appeared above the instrument.

"Talent level: low level!"

As soon as this interface appeared, it immediately caused a burst of exclamations.

But then no one made any sound.

The practitioners present could understand the meaning of this line of small words.

Although those children have not yet practiced, they also know the meaning.

Youfang's eyes, which were originally tightly closed, trembled for a while, and he opened them with difficulty. Looking at this line of small words, he seemed to have suffered an unbearable blow in his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

His whole face became extremely pale.

Trying his best to suppress his trembling body, Youfang slowly turned around.

A smile uglier than crying appeared on his face.

"Brother Qi, I..."

Looking at Youfang's appearance, Wang Qi smiled and comforted him:

"What's wrong, are you hit?"

Low talent means low speed and efficiency of cultivation, but Wang Qi doesn't care. He is willing to help Youfang, and Youfang's strength can be continuously improved.

Not to mention the accumulation of a large amount of resources, just the transmission of skills can rapidly improve Youfang's strength.

Moreover, the more skills are transmitted, the more feedback to Wang Qi.

Therefore, such a situation is already unbearable for Youfang.

But for Wang Qi, it just requires a little more work.

What's more, Wang Qi knows that the result of the talent test is not that simple.

He just smiled and looked at Youfang.

You Fang opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

He was indeed hit, and it was a big hit.

He was dejected and looked listless.

But then the small words on the screen suddenly moved, and another line of small words appeared below it.

"Level of talent to be developed: top!"


"Look, look!"

"Small words appear again!"

He turned his head as soon as he heard this and found the change in the test results.

He muttered to himself, repeating the latest results.

He came out of his original decadent state.

"Do I still have hope?"

You Fang looked at Wang Qi expectantly and asked.

The talent to be developed is different from the existing talent.

It can also be understood as one's own potential.

The strength of a cultivator does not only depend on his initial talent.

Due to the living environment and other conditions, many people cannot fully develop their talents.

Therefore, their talents have always been in a low state.

Affecting the progress of cultivation.

A person's ultimate cultivation talent depends on whether he can develop his talent potential to the extreme.

Wang Qi also knew the final result of the test, and there would be another level of talent to be developed.

The reason why he didn't tell You Fang just now was that he wanted him to experience the huge psychological pressure brought by this test.

"Not only is there hope, but there is a lot of hope!"

Wang Qi patted You Fang's shoulder, trying to calm him down.

The roller coaster-like mood ups and downs made You Fang's legs soften immediately under Wang Qi's light slap, and he almost knelt on the ground.

His heartbeat accelerated, blood surged, and his face flushed.

At this stage, the talents that can be tested and the talents to be developed are low-level, intermediate, advanced, and top-level.

Four stages.

The top level is already the highest level on this planet.

Just accepting You Fang as a student of the martial arts school gave Wang Qi such a big surprise.

It made him look forward to the children behind him even more.

With Youfang's example, the children behind were eager to try.

They lined up neatly and stood in front of the talent testing instrument.

There were not many people, and the test speed was also very fast.

And as the number of people tested increased, Wang Qi's surprise became stronger and stronger.

There is no doubt that these children have lived in a very bad environment for a long time, lacking in Qi and blood, and have never been exposed to cultivation.

Their current cultivation talents are also low-level, but what surprised Wang Qi the most is the level of their talents to be developed, most of which are top-level, and only a few are high-level.

Wang Qi was puzzled, but he didn't find any problems.

He also knew a little about the reasons for their current low cultivation talents.

As long as these problems are solved, the cultivation talents of these children, including Youfang, can be improved a lot, if their talents are fully developed.

In the end, they must all have top-level cultivation talents.

And Wang Mengfei, Yan Fa, and even those who stayed in the martial arts school, their current cultivation talents are uneven, some are intermediate and some are high-level.

But the talents to be developed are also top-level.

In the end, everyone looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Principal, is there anything wrong with this test instrument?"

"Can we all reach the top level of talent?"

Not only them, even Wang Qi had some doubts about the accuracy of these instruments.

But according to the power of the system, such low-level errors should not occur.

As soon as Wang Qi had this thought in his mind, the system prompt rang.

"Please don't doubt the power of the system!"

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