My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

415. The inheritance of will

Gu Zhuo's Night Owl stabbed down and pierced Jesse's eyes with great speed and great force.

Jesse let out an extremely shrill and painful howl, and then, like Old Jack, his eyes turned into two empty blood holes.

"You're going to pay, you're going to pay!"

Jesse covered his two punctured eyes and kept rolling on the ground, wailing.

"Let's wait until you really pay the price. Now I just want you to experience what true fairness is."

After Gu Zhuo finished speaking, he looked coldly at Jesse on the ground.

Jesse felt an unparalleled pain. He felt that he was about to die, not because of excessive blood loss, but because of the pain.

He had never felt pain like this before, as if his soul was being tortured and tortured in all kinds of ways.

Seeing him in such pain, Gu Zhuo felt no emotion at all.

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He mentioned The Night Owl and fully understood Jesse's life.

He pierced his heart.

Jesse was once so glorious, enjoying the glory of being admired by thousands of people, enjoying the supreme power, wealth, and status.

He stepped on the flesh and blood of too many people and climbed up with the support of too many people, just because he had a better birth than most people.

But now, no matter what methods he had used, he had extended his life and avoided many kinds of diseases.

Now, like all ordinary people, he will die, suffer pain, and finally become a corpse, lying in a pool of blood on the ground.

After getting rid of Jesse, Gu Zhuo took back the Night Owl.

It's very noisy outside.

It may be that the advance troops of the military have already arrived. After all, the half hour that V repeatedly emphasized has already passed.

Gu Zhuo silently walked up to Old Jack and V. At this time, they were both lying on the ground dying. Old Jack, in particular, was breathing heavily, and blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth. It looked like he wouldn't live long.

First published-:-Tadu Novel @

"Let me check to see where you are injured."

Gu Zhuo said in a serious tone.

He thought that the mechanic could heal himself, and he could also heal Old Jack and the others.

But he was wrong. Faced with the wounds on V and Old Jack, the mechanic didn't react at all, and there was absolutely no sign or sign of wanting to treat them.

Helpless, he could only give up.

But Gu Zhuo didn't want to just watch them die.

He was regretful, he was in pain, he was silent, all the negative emotions came up, and he was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do.

On the other hand, V can still see his movements.

There was a hint of strange emotion in V's eyes.


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Suddenly, Old Jack took the lead and called him.

"I'm here, old Jack, I'm here."

When he heard him calling him, Gu Zhuo quickly pressed his still existing shoulders to comfort him.

"Can you take off the necklace from my neck?"

Old Jack spoke very slowly, because every time he said a word, he had to cough up a lot of blood foam.


Gu Zhuo agreed to him, reached out, took off the lighter necklace made of the little finger bone from his neck, and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Took it off, old Jack, I took it off."

"K, from now on, it's yours. That stupid bionic robot still needs others to remember it. But now I can't remember it anymore, and I'm going to die too."

Old Jack laughed and said,

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"I'm going to die too."

"Old Jack, hold on a little longer. When I get to the top of Arasaka Tower and end all this, I will send you to treatment. You will all be cured, for sure."

"No, brat, stop comforting me. I know my own body well and I can't get better."

By now, Old Jack was no longer afraid.

Death is nothing more than turning into a gust of wind, turning into a handful of earth, turning into a pile of rotting flesh.

But the advantage is that after death, people will no longer feel pain.

"K, do you think this is my glorious death in battle? Do you think Odin will accept me and lead me into the Hall of Valor to stay with my ancestors?"

"Yes, yes, you are Odin's most heroic warrior, old Jack."

Gu Zhuo answered him, but he knew that all myths, the so-called Odin, were all false.

Old Jack is dead.

"Okay. Okay...K, K!"

Old Jack roared fiercely, as if he was having a flashback,

"I see Odin! I see Him!

"It's true what the book says. He is wearing silver armor, and there is a golden palace behind Him. What a beautiful palace... I see it, Father, Mother, it turns out you are all here, waiting here. Hold me...I...

"I'm...going home, Mom."

After saying these last words, Old Jack stopped making any sound. He was as quiet as the Norton River in autumn.

Gu Zhuo knew clearly that Old Jack was dead. What he saw just now was just the last phantom before death.

He held the necklace in his palm, looked at it, and then put it on his neck without hesitation.

From beginning to end, V just looked at them and listened to their conversation.

Gu Zhuo knew that the next person to die would be V, and he could not save anyone.

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Perhaps guessing Gu Zhuo's mood at this time, V said in a calm tone:

"Jesse and the others have already killed us, and I'm going to die soon.

"You don't have to blame yourself. You have done everything you can. You really defeated the copy of the meteor. I believe you can also defeat the meteor and climb to the top of Arasaka Tower.

"For yourself, for us, you must go to the highest level of Arasaka Tower. I have already left everything there in the memory chip. As expected, giving the chip to you early is the most correct choice.

"Gu Zhuo..."

At this point, V no longer had to hide his true identity, so he directly called out his name.

"Climb Arasaka Tower and destroy everything. You are the last fire left to burn this world."

"I will."

Gu Zhuo answered him.

"That's good. The only pity is that I no longer have the chance to read the "Crime and Punishment" you mentioned."

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Hearing V's words, Gu Zhuo didn't know what to answer.

"Keep going up, to the sixteenth floor, the seventeenth floor, all the way to the last floor. Defeat the meteor, change the world, change my future, and your past.

"There is no need to stay here. I will die with old Jack soon. I have known this guy for a long time, and dying with him is a good ending. And you, you still have a lot to do.

"Go quickly, I can already hear the sounds of the military arriving. They are buzzing around in my ears like bugs. I'm afraid these are the only sounds left in my mind after I die."

Gu Zhuo understood what V said.

It’s time to keep moving forward. Now that we’ve reached this point, there’s no reason or excuse to stand still.

Although he felt pain and misfortune for V and their departure, he was the last person who could pass on their will.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhuo stood up. He glanced at V for the last time and saw the approving and affirmative looks from V and himself.

Gu Zhuo no longer hesitated, he wanted to continue going up.

What he wants to challenge is not just Jesse's shareholder group.

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