My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

230. Trace the language

Seeing Huang Qiang like this and hearing his roar, Akashi kept trying to suppress him. But Huang Qiang is also a special soldier after all, a big man, and in a crazy state now, Akashi can hardly suppress him.

When Jia Sheng on the side saw this, he was stunned for two or three seconds, then rushed forward, helped Akashi, and suppressed Huang Qiang together.

After binding Huang Qiang's hands and pressing him to the ground, Akashi asked fiercely in his ear:

"Why are you so crazy? Weren't you crazy enough just now!?"

Huang Qiang didn't answer him, he still yelled in his mouth, shouting heartbreakingly those ancient languages ​​that had been lost long ago.

Chaoying silently took out his mobile phone, turned on the recorder, and recorded these words clearly.

In fact, it can be heard from the syllables that Huang Qiang just kept repeating the same sentence, but Chaoying was afraid of making mistakes, so he kept recording for several minutes before turning off the recorder.

Gu Zhuo had been silently watching Chao Ying's movements. When he saw Chao Ying turn off the recorder, he exchanged glances with her.

Chaoying nodded, indicating that the recording was done.

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo set off in person and walked up to Huang Qiang.

Huang Qiang didn't even raise his eyes to look at Gu Zhuo. To be precise, he didn't look at anyone. He rolled his eyes and opened his mouth like a fish being slapped on a chopping board.

"Huang Qiang, Huang Qiang."

Gu Zhuo tried shouting a few times, but Huang Qiang didn't respond at all. He seemed to be unable to understand human speech.

Seeing that he kept making a lot of noise, several people in the stone hall had not fully recovered their consciousness. If he kept making noise like this, something might happen. It was too much for Gu Zhuo to bear both of them.

He asked Akashi who was suppressing Huang Qiang:

"He seems to be in a very bad condition now, shall I knock him out first?"

"Okay, there is no other way now."

Akashi nodded.

After asking Akashi, Gu Zhuo raised his hand and hit Huang Qiang hard on the neck, knocking him unconscious.

Huang Qiang, who lost consciousness, stopped struggling, shook his head, closed his mouth, and fell to the ground.

Quietness finally returned to the stone hall.


Jia Sheng and Mingshi both breathed a sigh of relief, let go of Huang Qiang, and sat on the ground.

Everyone else looked at this blankly, their expressions showing a hint of fear.

"Tie him up first, so he won't get up later and go crazy and cause a lot of trouble."

Gu Zhuo took a rope from the side, walked over and suggested.

"Okay, you are the boss here, so what do you say? Then tie Huang Qiang up."

Akashi had no objection.

Gu Zhuo took action and tied Huang Qiang tightly with a rope to ensure that he would not be able to break free, and then let him lie down far away from the table. Even if he wakes up midway, he will not disturb others.

After finishing what he was doing, Gu Zhuo sat back down next to Chao Ying. At this time, Chaoying raised his phone and shook it a few times in front of everyone:

"I just recorded what Huang Qiang said. I want to ask if any of you have a big reaction to these words. For example, will you go crazy like Huang Qiang or something? If so, tell me as soon as possible. come out.

"Because I'm going to do a language analysis later. I want to compare all the languages ​​​​in the world with what Huang Qiang said to find out what language he spoke and what he meant.

"I'm worried that you will react too much when the time comes."

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads. It seemed that except for Huang Qiang, everyone else was still within an acceptable range for these unknown syllables.

"This is no joke. If you feel any discomfort, you must tell me. Don't let something happen later and end up like Huang Qiang. I don't know if I can change back."

Chaoying asked sincerely, she didn't want anything to happen to another person.

The wait took a little longer this time, but in the end, everyone still shook their heads and said they could accept it.

"Okay, in that case, I'm going to compare the languages ​​spoken by Huang Qiang."

After Chaoying finished speaking, he opened a drawer on his desk and took out a laptop from it.

On this laptop, all the contents of Gu Zhuo's computer, which was full of data, were copied. It is basically equivalent to a very large library with information from all over the world.

When the recording was opened, Huang Qiang's hoarse voice came out. Due to the recording equipment, it sounded like the howl of an evil ghost, sending chills down the back.

The recording was also copied into the computer, and Chaoying began to compare and analyze the languages.

First, we excluded the more common languages ​​such as Chinese, English, and Russian, and then tried the smaller languages ​​one by one. Some languages ​​that Chaoying has never heard of, such as Tagalog in the Philippines, Zulu in South Africa, and many endangered indigenous languages.

But only the language similarity is ranked from high to low, and none of them are completely successful!

There are so many languages ​​in the world, but none of them can compare with Huang Qiang's language.

Excluding the possibility that he made it up, after all, Gu Zhuo and the others heard these words clearly.

So isn’t this a language that belongs on earth?

"How's it going? Is there any result?"

Gu Zhuo asked with concern from the side.

Chaoying shook his head, his expression solemn.

She does not believe that this language has never appeared on the earth, but it may be too niche, so it is not included in the phonetic dictionary.

She changed her mind.

She checked and found that the language most similar to this language was Greek. The unique stickiness of Greek sounds, at first glance, somewhat similar to Huang Qiang’s pronunciation.

Chaoying quickly checked the information. In her mind, mathematicians were also helping her analyze the information. Since the power upgrade, the mathematician can now help her filter and refine some important information, just like a computer.

"Gu Zhuo, please wait for me for a while. I may have to check a lot of information."

Chaoying's brain was running rapidly while he talked to Gu Zhuo.

Gu Zhuo nodded and said nothing so as not to disturb her.

In the vast sea of ​​information, Chaoying scanned ten lines, just to find the source of the Greek language. Generally speaking, the origin of modern languages ​​is formed by the long-term evolution of ancient languages.

Maybe the languages ​​Huang Qiang shouted were one of the ancestors of Greek.

She checked the information for a whole hour. Thanks to the mathematician, the amount of information she checked in this hour was a huge amount of content that would take a normal person three days to read. Chaoying felt like a high-speed machine, and every part of his brain was working rapidly.

She roughly figured out the origins of ancient Greek. The more common saying is:

Ancient Greek - Ancient Persian - Akkadian - Ancient Sumerian languages.

Chaoying was not sure whether his research was in the right direction, or it might be all in vain in the end.

But she still tried and found pronunciation videos for ancient Persian, Akkadian, and ancient Sumerian languages.

Ancient Persian and Akkadian were quickly ruled out, but when Chaoying heard the third Sumerian language, she was shocked:

found it!

What Huang Qiang is talking about is the ancient Sumerian language that has disappeared for thousands of years!

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