"Huang Tian!? You're not dead yet?"

The first time Gu Zhuo saw Huang Tian, ​​he asked over the loudspeaker.

Huang Tian chuckled, with a flattering smile on his face. Although he felt in his heart that this kid was always trying to ruin his good deeds and wished that Gu Zhuo would die quickly, at this moment he could only pretend and answer him in a pinched voice:

"Little brother, why are you talking so rudely? You know, I wasn't the one who wanted to attack you in the black market at that time! It was that guy Zhang Ji. Didn't that guy have already been dealt with by you? He deserved it. Why? Now who can blame me, an innocent person?”

After Huang Tian finished speaking, he still dared to continue to stir up the muddy waters:

"If it weren't for you, the black market wouldn't have been destroyed, and my brothers wouldn't have been forced to flee for their lives. We've suffered a lot these days. If you're still angry, little brother, you should be relieved after hearing these words. Come on!"

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo sneered. This guy is still as cunning as an old fox and can push everything away!

He noticed the small plane next to Huang Tian and the others, and asked:

"I see you haven't suffered much in the past few days. You were riding in a car before, but now you're even on a plane. Isn't it quite refreshing?"

"Wherever there is."

Huang Tian hurriedly waved his hands with a look of agreement.

Gu Zhuo didn't want to make excuses with him, so he immediately yelled:

"Don't act stupid here! Where did your plane come from?"

Hearing this, he knew that he could no longer fool him. He had already seen Gu Zhuo's methods when he destroyed the black market that day. What if he really pushed him to the edge and solved his problem?

The smile on his face dropped, turning into a fake smile, stiff as if he was wearing a mask:

"Little brother, if you have something to say, please say it. As I said before, don't be so irritable. Of course I can tell you, but I have to ask you something first. Do you know about the Prophetic Cult?"

Prophetic teaching?

Why are you involved with them again?

Now even Huang Tian, ​​who was originally a separate force, came to inquire about the existence of Gu Zhuo's Prophetic Cult.

Looking at the crudely modified aircraft, that aircraft was similar in style to the modified helicopter that was shot down by the Prophet before the Church. It was made by violently welding several steel plates and randomly splicing them together.

The level of arbitrariness is like forcing a car repairman to repair a ship.

Gu Zhuo suddenly understood that Huang Tian must have obtained this plane from the Prophet Cult.

No matter who it was, as long as it was related to the Prophet Cult, Gu Zhuo would only feel disgust.

"I know about the Prophetic Cult, please continue talking."

He answered Huang Tian with a cold voice.

Huang Tian rubbed his hands: As long as this guy knows about the Prophet Cult, it will be fine. The powerful strength of the Prophet Cult has been spread among various survivor groups. He doesn't believe that Gu Zhuo still dares to go against the Prophet Cult.

"This plane was given to me by their chief high priest, and I am now their representative specially sent to Qidong. If there are any survivors here in the future, they will be under my jurisdiction!"

Huang Tian said proudly, like a dog that was rewarded with a bone by its owner and kept wagging its tail to show off.

A trace of killing intent flashed under Gu Zhuo's eyes, but he didn't know what exactly happened in the meantime. He tried his best to contain the killing intent. He asked Huang Tian:

"Chief High Priest? Who is he, and why did he appoint you to take over Qidong?"

This Huang Tian looks like a fat pig, apart from being able to bully others and win over others. What big things can he achieve?

I don’t know what kind of medicine is sold in this prophet’s teaching gourd.

Huang Tian knew that Gu Zhuo was definitely not willing to kill him. After all, he still had information he wanted to know. His eyes rolled around a few times, thinking of delaying the situation as long as possible.

He answered evasively:

"The chief high priest is the high priest. I don't know who he is specifically. He is just a man. As for why I was sent to take over Qidong, of course I have a role to play. Little brother, you don't understand the secret of this. ah!"


Gu Zhuo became impatient. The four Gatlings on the roof of the Doomsday Fortress aimed directly at him. Blue fire seemed to be emitting from the black muzzles at any time.

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me everything you know!"

Seeing Gu Zhuo targeting Gatlin at him, Huang Tian was shocked, but fortunately he calmed down quickly. He thought of a few words at random, mixing true and false:

"I really don't know much. I only know who their high priest is looking for. He asked me to stay here and told me to help him find one person. I don't need to do the rest!"

"Who are you looking for?"

"A woman. I heard that the high priest has sent out most of the Prophet's helicopters in order to find her. Qidong is just one of them."

"What kind of woman are you looking for? Have you ever seen her? What is her relationship with the priest? She went to such great lengths to find her."

Huang Tian shook his head and answered without changing his expression:

"I've never seen her, I've only seen photos. She's a very beautiful woman. I don't know what their relationship is. I'm just a little guy. The high priest won't tell me this."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo thought this reason was ridiculous. He turned to look at Chao Ying and asked her:

"Do you believe what he said?"

Chaoying saw Gu Zhuo coming to ask him, thought about it, and shook his head:

"I don't know. I just think it's not related to her. Why did the high priest go to all the trouble to find that woman? There must be something worth using in that woman, or maybe she's a key person."

Gu Zhuo nodded and asked Huang Tian again:

"What does that woman look like? Do you have any clues about her? It's best not to lie to me, otherwise, no matter who is behind you to support you, I don't care."

Hearing what Gu Zhuo said, Huang Tian was not stupid:

"Although I have seen the photo of that woman, it is impossible for you to ask me to copy it out of thin air! And I don't have any clues about that woman, not even the high priest! If there is any, it is not possible Are you searching everywhere like this? There is no need for me!

"Every word of mine is true, and if I tell a lie, I, Huang Tian, ​​will ascend to heaven immediately! Even if you point these guns at me, I don't dare to lie to you!"

Although Huang Tian seemed sincere, Gu Zhuo just couldn't believe him.

This old fox, out of ten words spoken by this old fox, would be good if five of them are true.

"Jia Sheng, you go and refuel the armed helicopter first, while I'm asking this old fox."

Gu Zhuo said to Jia Sheng, who was waiting on the side.

Upon hearing this, Jia Sheng drove the helicopter next to the tanker. At this time, oil was still slowly flowing out of the oil gun.

Jia Sheng parked the armed helicopter, went down to the ground, picked up the refueling gun from the ground, pointed it at the refueling port of the armed helicopter, and started to fill it with oil.

"Do you have any other information?"

Gu Zhuo continued to ask Huang Tian.

Huang Tian held hands for a while, wondering why the adult hadn't come yet. Could it be that the pilot didn't do his job well and the coordinates weren't sent out at all?

He was a little anxious and was about to make some random remarks. Just when he was about to speak, he heard the sound of an airplane in the distance.

Listening to the movement, the plane seemed to be in a hurry. It was traveling very fast, making a "buzzing" sound and creating a piercing force in the air.

"Why is there still a plane?"

Gu Zhuo was confused, but Huang Tian quickly hid in the small plane and closed the door tightly.

"This old fox doesn't have any good intentions. He really has a trap!"

Seeing this, Gu Zhuo knew that it was best not to believe a word of Huang Tian's words.

He pressed Gatling's button and shot in the direction of the plane.

Before the poor pilot could react and had no time to hide on the plane, he was shot into a sieve by Gatling. His body was covered with bullet holes and he fell twisted in a pool of blood.

Huang Tian nestled inside the plane, listening to the sound of bullets hitting the plane. The steel plates were shot by bullets, making a "bang bang bang" sound, like a dense rainstorm.

He put his head in his hands, squatted on the ground, trembling, swallowed, and shouted in his heart:

"High Priest, come quickly! I have found the woman you want!"

Everything he just said did not completely deceive Gu Zhuo.

On his way to escape, he was discovered by a helicopter sent by the high priest. He surrendered immediately and sold everyone he could.

Later, he was escorted to see the high priest, a thin man who was about to die at any time. When he handed him the picture of the woman on his mobile phone, he suddenly grasped the straw that saved his life.

Huang Tian told the high priest that he had seen this woman in Qidong, when she was sitting in a large black car with another man beside her. It was the two of them who destroyed the black market and caused him to flee here.

At that time, the high priest seemed angry and excited when he heard this. He spared Huang Tian's life, gave him a plane, and gave him a task to guard in Qidong.

Even if the chance of them coming back was very small, he couldn't let go of any possible opportunity.

Now, he actually waited for it.

Gu Zhuo and the others could never guess that the woman Huang Tian was talking about was none other than Chao Ying.

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