"Chairman, all countries have sent support. Here is the list. Do you want to take a look?"

The secretary stood next to the leader of China, holding a blue-covered document in his hand.

"Bring it here."

Wang Zhian, a middle-aged man who has been the leader of China for many years, is rubbing his temples and frowning, looking very tired. He hadn't had a good night's sleep in an unknown amount of time.

He looked at the list. It was full of armed support sent to him by various countries. It was a lot less, but definitely not a lot. Moreover, these weapons are nothing more than helicopters, fighter jets, and new tanks. After truly facing those powerful infected people, Wang Zhian knew that these things were as fragile as paper.

The more he watched, the more he felt a headache. The fiasco of several helicopters that day was still imprinted in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Throwing the document on the table, he even had an incredible thought in his mind:

Use strategic weapons and hit a nuclear bomb. No matter who he is, all living beings are equal in front of the nuclear bomb and will be destroyed directly!

However, as soon as this idea came up, he rejected it again.

Not to mention whether the use of strategic weapons will trigger a crazy counterattack from those guys, but will instead make themselves passive. It is not said whether it will cause panic and resistance among the remaining people, making other countries suspicious.

When the apocalypse first occurred, the satellites launched into the sky had lost all contact with the ground, and they had already lost control of the nuclear bombs deployed in different places by various countries.

Even if he really wanted to use it, he couldn't use it at all.

"What a fuck."

Wang Zhian cursed in a low voice.

His identity means that he rarely curses like this, but after all, he is also a normal person, and he can't help but swear when he encounters an unsolvable problem.

The secretary looked at him and silently put away the documents he threw on the table. He knew it was best not to disturb Wang Zhian at this time, otherwise he would easily become his punching bag.

With the document in hand, the secretary was about to quietly leave the office and let Wang Zhian calm down for a while, when the phone in his inner pocket suddenly rang.

He took out his phone and saw that the caller turned out to be President Bip.

This guy didn't know why he called in person at this time. Generally speaking, it was him and Baipu's secretary, the woman named Linda.

But now that the call from Baipu has come, I have to answer it. Secretary Zhang hesitated for a moment and answered the call:


He said respectfully.

"Ask your leaders to quickly gather all the countries for a meeting. Hurry up, don't delay! Something happened!"

Baipu's voice sounded very anxious. Secretary Zhang had never heard him behave so rudely towards people below the leadership level.

There was no way, even if Wang Zhian was at the breaking point, Secretary Zhang had no choice but to bite the bullet and hand the phone to him:

"Chairman, President Baip called..."

"This guy, why are you calling me now! Don't you think I'm annoying enough!"

Wang Zhian whispered, took the phone, and said angrily to the other end:

"Hey, it's me."

"Chairman Wang, hurry up and hold an international conference. I must have something to show you!"

"An international conference is being held now? Wasn't it just held a few days ago? Everything that needs to be said has been said. What should we say now?"

Baipu was also very anxious at the moment. He was like an ant on a hot pot. He no longer even used formal and polite English, but switched to English slang:

"This matter is really important and an international conference must be held. I will say this!"

Wang Zhian hammered the table, tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart, and answered in a low voice:

"Okay, let's have a meeting. We'll have a meeting soon!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone without hesitation and threw the phone on the table.

"Meetings, meetings, meetings all day long, can we come up with something good?"

He looked at Secretary Zhang who had his head lowered and did not dare to speak, and said:

"Secretary Zhang, you have heard it, right? There is a meeting going on. Go notify the secretaries of the leaders of various countries to convene an international parliament immediately."


Secretary Zhang carefully picked up the phone that was almost thrown away from his desk and began to notify the secretaries of the leaders of various countries.


About half an hour later, Wang Zhian looked at the livid faces of the leaders in front of him and knew that they were in a very bad mood just like him.

They all focused their anger on Baipu. No one knew what kind of medicine this guy was selling. Now that the situation is urgent and everyone is in danger, he is still here all day long thinking about having some useless meeting.

"You better really have something to say, otherwise, I will severely reprimand you!"

The Prime Minister of England had taken off his disguise as a gentleman. He unbuttoned the collar of his suit and said through gritted teeth. He said what everyone present wanted to say except Bip.

Baipu ignored his threats because he knew that the next few things he was going to say were more important than any other threats or any other possible troubles.

Baipu coughed first, and then asked:

"You all remember my secretary, right, Linda?"

"Linda, what's wrong with Linda? No one wants to hear what happened to her."

Wang Zhian said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Baipu sent an audio clip to several leaders present.

Turn on the audio and hear Linda's powerful voice. Her voice sounds trembling and like crying, but it contains a kind of determination that no one can explain.

"Everyone, at the beginning of this audio, please allow me to introduce myself. I am the secretary to President Bip of the United States. My name is Linda."

What on earth is this guy going to say?

After listening to the first few sentences, Wang Zhian didn't know what Linda was going to do. She is just like her boss, annoying and full of nonsense.

"It has been so long since the apocalypse occurred, and I believe that all survivors must have many doubts. Why did the government not help us, why was there no early warning of the apocalypse, and why did all the leaders just disappear out of thin air.

“Here, I want to tell everyone all the truth I know.

"The truth is that the government has abandoned all of you. Everyone, except the elites they recognize, everyone else in the world is cannon fodder for them to sacrifice."

At this point, Linda stopped talking and played a recording, a recording of her and Bip. In the recording, you can clearly hear what Bap said:

"The disappearance of those people should allow the earth to decompress!"

After playing the recording with Baipu, Linda continued:

"The propaganda from the top and the so-called fairness are all scams! They only show us what they want us to see, and then use any means to cover up what is not good for them. We have always been kept in the dark, and the same is true in the past life, after the apocalypse even more!"

"This bullshit Linda, what else is she going to say!?"

This time several leaders were angry, and this guy sounded like he was just trying to make someone angry. Doesn't she think the current situation is not enough?

"I live in privilege, and I am protected by privilege. Everyone advises me not to care about the life or death of those under privilege, we just need to protect ourselves, because history has always been like this.

“But it’s always been like this, right?

"I want to tell everyone the truth, all the truth, all the truth I can get, all the truth I can know."

The content of the next recording is that Linda read out all the information from the Beip Laboratory according to the script, starting from the report on abnormal weather conditions before the apocalypse, the drafting of the construction of bunkers, and the documents signed by leaders of various countries.

And all the experimental data, all the confusing and complicated situation analysis and analysis until now...

The recording lasted for a full hour, and leaders from various countries listened in silence for an hour. The air was unusually solid, as if something was about to explode in the air.

An hour later, Linda left her last words:

"What I hope for is not a privileged society for some people. What I hope for is the unity of all mankind. It is for all mankind to unite to face this unprecedented disaster. So I will publish all the truth.

"What we want, what we crave, if they don't give it to us, we will get it ourselves!"

After saying this, the recording ended quickly.

Baipu took a long breath and said before the leaders of various countries could say anything:

"When we found Linda, she was already dead, with a sickle and hammer next to her covered in bright red blood.

"And that recording, when we discovered it, had already been sent out. It was a broadcast channel that could be received all over the world. There was no time to stop it."

Hearing this, Wang Zhian clenched his fists. He had suppressed his temper for a day, and now he finally couldn't help it and vented it all:

"You and your men are just mess-makers, both before the doomsday and after the doomsday!"

"You can't blame me, I didn't know there would be a traitor among us!"

"I can't blame you!? The people under your command told the people all these things. What if the people unite? How are you going to bear their anger!? What your people did will undoubtedly put us into a bigger crisis. In trouble!"

Baipu was also anxious. He slapped the table and stood up, pulling his neck and shouting:

"Do you think I think about it? Do you think I won't be afraid!? Do you know that outside our bunker, in a world full of dangers, there are people with superpowers!"

As soon as these words came out, another stone stirred up waves, shocking everyone present.


It was an unfamiliar word they had never heard before.

Baipu gasped, his face turned red, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Don't you all know that the world outside has completely changed?"

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