My Animation Era

Chapter 844: Bugs Bunny? Bunny Bugs! (seeking subscription)

   Some time ago.

  Because of the company's financial constraints, Gu Miao rejected Guo Hongwei's project proposal for "The Adventures of Little Carp".

  But when the time came to the end of December, after the end of the year, many arrears came in one after another, and the balance cash flow of Wanbao Group was not as tense as before.

  Although there is not much money left, it is still possible to squeeze out the production budget of an animation.

  So, Gu Miao took the time to call the apprentice to the office, told him the good news, and explained some precautions to him.

   The first is cost control.

   Extravagance and extravagance have always been the bad behaviors that Wanbao Animation resists.

  Gu Miao can approve the note to the apprentice, but the premise is that Guo Hongwei must give a reasonable budget range, once it exceeds his psychological expectations, it will be impossible to approve.

  The second is to arrange the time properly.

  Guo Hongwei is just married after all, and his wife is still pregnant with a child, and the due date is estimated to be soon. For him, how to arrange work and life time will be a top priority.

   "Actually, you can take a vacation."

   "There's no need to work so hard. I'll definitely approve your leave. At worst, I'll leave this animation to other people." Gu Miao persuaded.

   People's hearts are made of flesh.

  Work can be done at any time. Xiao Guo is newly married and his wife is about to give birth. He can take a period of marriage leave to spend time with his family.

  Generally, for such a reasonable request, Gu Miao will not only not get angry, but will even give him good treatment, such as paid vacation, reimbursement of medical expenses, inspection fees, etc. at public expense.

  He just couldn't figure it out, why didn't Guo Hongwei ask for leave? Is it necessary to work so hard? There is no loss for him to start work after taking a few months off, so why bother?

   "Who said there is no loss?"

  Guo Hongwei said speechlessly: "There is a salary for vacation, but that is only the basic salary for signing a contract, and there is no additional bonus!"

   "Are you short of money?"

  Gu Miao was speechless after hearing this. After all, he is a well-known animator of Wanbao Animation, and he is considered a high-income group in the whole country. Why is he still thinking about that little bonus?

   "It must be missing!"

"With a child, the room at home is not enough, and we have to buy a bigger house." Guo Hongwei calculated with his fingers, "Jiangchuan's current housing prices are outrageous, and the communities I looked at before are all 40,000 to 50,000 yuan. , my deposit is not enough.”

   "After buying a house, you have to decorate it? After the baby is born, what kind of milk powder confinement baby diapers are a big expense..."

   "All right, all right!"

  Gu Miao surrendered and said: "You can figure it out, anyway, I'll put my ugly words up front, you're working overtime voluntarily, don't say that I'm oppressing you!"

  He really didn't expect that Xiao Guo would change so much after getting married.

  He would have considered these before?

Stop it!

  As Guo Hongwei's master and boss, Gu Miao knows better than anyone how unrestrained this guy's life was before he got married.

  As soon as the salary bonus arrives in the account, I immediately become a hand-chopping party, various hand-made models, favorite electronic digital products, game krypton gold draw cards...

   Spend money like water!

  But it is just such a hairy person. After getting married and having a family, he immediately becomes a different person. Not only does he not spend money recklessly, but he even learns to plan carefully and think more long-term.

   This can't help but make people sigh, the fastest way to change a man and make him mature and stable is to let him be a father.


  New Year's Day holiday just passed.

  As the calendar turns over the old page and enters the brand new 2016, associations, organizations and non-governmental organizations are also holding their own year-end summary meetings one after another.

  Gu Miao rushed to the capital for a meeting.

   Along with them were Ma Kui and Qiu An. As project leaders of "The Lion King" and "Crayon Shin-chan" respectively, they attended a series of official commendation activities.

   Originally, Du Hao was supposed to go, but he couldn't leave because of some personal matters, so he asked Ma Kui to attend the meeting on his behalf.

  On the flight from Jiangchuan to Beijing, Gu Miao and Qiu An chatted about the reorganization of Konjac Studio and the second original animation after "Crayon Shin-chan".

   Mr. Qiu has a lot of ideas.

  Since Konjac Studio decided to take the path of "funny animation", he went to supplement a lot of knowledge and watched a lot of classic funny and nonsensical animations.

   Then he draws conclusions.

  In this genre, although the ultimate goal is to make the audience laugh, you can’t just be funny for the sake of being funny, you should add something deeper into the plot.

"you're right."

   "Purely funny, you may forget it after watching it." Gu Miao agreed with him and explained, "Those things worth aftertaste are the key to making classics."

   "This key may be a line, it may be an extremely vivid character performance, or it may be a scene that is still fresh in my memory..."

   "So I thought about it and decided to learn from the work "Tom and Jerry" to add some artistry to the animation."

  Qiu An said with a smile: "It's easy to simply pile up jokes, just extract a few jokes or jokes from the Internet. But I think it's still difficult to make art."

   "So what do you think?"

  Gu Miao raised her eyebrows and said, "There are no outsiders now, just speak out your thoughts, and I will give you advice."

   "It's actually nothing..."

  Qiu An touched the bridge of his nose, and said with embarrassment: "When I was looking through the company's internal files, I saw a draft plan called "Shaobaogu"."

  Shao Bao Gu?

   Oh yes! Gu Miao suddenly remembered that this was Bugs Bunny's plan.

  When he was working on "Tom and Jerry", he wrote it by hand, and then threw it into the internal archives to eat ashes.

   Unexpectedly, Mr. Qiu found out this plan from the archives.

  Although it was unexpected, it made sense after careful consideration. After all, the classification of "Bugs Bunny" is a funny theme, and it was expected that Mr. Qiu would follow him.

   "The so-called Shaobaogu, the accurate name should be Bugs Bunny."

  Gu Miao coughed, and then slowly explained to Mr. Qiu: "The name Shaobaogu is just a name in the Yunnan dialect that I got confused for a while."

   "So that's how it is." Qiu An patted his forehead, and suddenly realized, "I just said that this name is so weird, it turns out to be a dialect from Yundian."

   This is not important.

  Whether it is Shaobaogu or Bugs Bunny, although the names are different, they all refer to the same rabbit, so don’t mind.

   "Why would you want to do this?"

  Gu Miao smiled wryly and said, "Didn't you pay attention to the planning? "Bugs Bunny" is not as simple as you think. It is very difficult to create this character."

  Arrogant demeanor, outlier and superiority, these are all the distinctive character labels of Bugs Bunny.

   How to create such a character and make it come alive on the screen is a very challenging thing.

  Is Mr. Qiu confident to do well?

   Facing Gu Miao's question, Qiu An seemed very unconfident. Before he actually did it, he didn't know if he could make the "Bugs Bunny" described in the plan.

  He just likes it, simply likes it.

  From the archives to the planning documents, he was completely fascinated by the witty and humorous rabbit after realizing that he even dreamed of that rabbit.


   This is his favorite cartoon character, and it is also an animation work that meets the creation needs of Konjac Studio.

  He had a hunch.

   It’s not just him who is so fascinated. After this animation is produced, the audience will also fall in love with this rabbit.

  Because of this, even though he was not sure about making this animation well, and he didn’t have the confidence to portray the character of “Bugs Bunny” well, Mr. Qiu still wanted to try to challenge it.

  Gu Miao supported him very much.

   This kind of support is not only financial support, but also based on his own understanding of the original animation, he gave some suggestions to Mr. Qiu.

   "If you really want to do "Bugs Bunny", then I suggest that you don't think about the storyboard role, but first conceive the lines..."


   "Yes! It's the lines!" Gu Miao said confidently.

  Why is the character of Bugs Bunny so charming? Do you think it's because of his handsome appearance?

   Not really!

   This rabbit does not rely on his looks for his food. Although he has a good looks, he still chooses to rely on his talent and eloquence.

  Who is Bugs Bunny?

  Spoken talk, quick-witted, often unexpected, can always bring surprises and joy to the audience.

   To create such an animated character, the lines are definitely the core of the core. If the writing is not good enough, Bugs Bunny will not be so charming and funny.

   "What's up, buddy?"

  This famous catchphrase, why is it not so funny for other characters to say it, but as long as Bugs Bunny said it, the audience all smiled?

  On the one hand, when Bugs Bunny utters this sentence, his movements and expressions will be very funny, and at the same time, the environment he is in also makes the audience want to laugh.

  On the other hand, this sentence fits a wide range of scenes and events. No matter what happens, you can say this sentence to promote the development of the subsequent plot.

   Didn't see anything funny?

  The description of language and text is very pale, and this needs to be viewed in combination with practical examples.

   For example, in the original Bugs Bunny cartoon, there was an episode with a baseball game.

  During the game, a group of mighty and strong baseball players were bullying an old baseball player in his nineties. The referee said a fair word, and then he was punched into the ground.

   At this time, Bugs Bunny, who was gnawing on a carrot while watching the game, expressed his displeasure, and waved his arms to express that he could defeat all these despicable guys with just one hand.

   Just finished the big talk, I saw the group of baseball players who were doing evil on the field gathered in front of Bugs Bunny's hole, gearing up and staring at him.

   "What's up, buddy?"

  Under a specific place and a specific time, this ordinary line has played a wonderful role. It is obviously not deliberately funny, but it is more funny than deliberately funny.

   This is the wonderful use of lines!

  The lines are the soul of Bugs Bunny, without his provocative words, the charm of the whole animation will be greatly reduced.

  That's why Gu Miao will ask Mr. Qiu that if he really wants to make "Bugs Bunny" animation, then he must work **** the lines.

  "You have to substitute yourself into Bugs Bunny, imagine what ridiculous words he would say out of his mouth in this situation?"

  Gu Miao then added: "Besides Bugs Bunny, other people's lines are also very important."

   Actors who talk about cross talk have to be a supporter during the performance, so as to improve the effect of the performance!

  No matter how humorous and interesting Bugs Bunny’s lines are, if the other supporting actors can’t catch up, or if they don’t catch up well enough, then the performance and humor will not be very good.

"I understand."

   "I'll think about the lines later on, and see how to write them to suit Bugs Bunny." Qiu An nodded first, and then asked, "Apart from the lines, is there anything else that needs attention?"


   "What kind of rabbit do you think Bugs Bunny is?" Gu Miao asked jokingly.

   "Eh? Witty, kind, humorous, personable..."

   "Stop, stop, stop!"

  Gu Miao rolled her eyes and said, "What you said is correct, but you missed a very important point, that is his ability!"

   "Ability? What ability?"


  Gu Miao said without hesitation: "Just like Big Big Wolf who knows everything except catching sheep, and Bald Qiang who knows everything except chopping trees, Bugs Bunny is also a peerless master who is proficient in all eighteen martial arts."

  Is Rabbit Bug making trouble with you?

  As the protagonist of funny animations, Bugs Bunny is the "supreme rabbit". Among countless animations featuring rabbits as the protagonist, Bugs Bunny is one of the most perverted.

  Before time travel, Gu Miao saw a very interesting question on the Internet.

  The original words are that as long as Popeye eats spinach, he will become very fierce, infinitely powerful, and become a superman-like existence.

   And as long as Bugs Bunny eats carrots, he will become very smart and powerful, and he can do all kinds of shocking tricks at his fingertips.

   So here comes the problem.

  Eating spinach and fried carrots every day, will you gain the strength of Popeye and the wisdom of Bugs Bunny?

  Let’s not discuss whether this guess is true or not, and don’t delve too deeply into the taste of stir-fried carrots with spinach. The point is that as a well-known cartoon character, Bugs Bunny’s “perverted” ability is also one of the reasons why many children love him.

  This cannot be ignored.

  If he hadn't reminded, the Wanbao version of Bugs Bunny turned into a goofy bunny with a lot of talk, it would be so disappointing.

   Sassy words + Sassy operations = Bugs Bunny!

  If you just talk about flirtatious things and act flirtatiously, at most you will get a comment of "You are so flirtatious" from others, and you will not be able to become the supreme rabbit like Bugs Bunny.

   "From what you've said, this rabbit is quite powerful! It's wandering around in the human world, using its intelligence to make fun of everyone." Ma Kui praised.

   "No no no! You misunderstood."

  Hearing this, Gu Miao quickly explained: "The targets of Bugs Bunny's teasing are not everyone, but those villains with a bad nature."

   "So this work is actually a positive energy animation with a bit of the nature of punishing evil and promoting good..."

   When it came to this point, before Ma Kui and Qiu An said anything, Gu Miao took the lead to live in Bengbu.

positive energy?

  It’s true to say that, Bugs Bunny’s actions are indeed positive and positive, but this word is associated with Bugs Bunny, which always makes people want to laugh.

  Shaobaikuai and Shaobaogu. I only ate Shaobaogu. Can someone tell me that Shaobaitiao is delicious?

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