My Animation Era

Chapter 1085: Superman goes dark?

Chapter 1085 Superman turns black?

 “You are really good at it!”

“If I ask you to pick up the child, it would be better for you to hide in the office and blow on the air conditioner, and let Ma Kui pick it up for you…”

As soon as he got home, Gu Miao was criticized by his daughter-in-law: "Forget it, you said you are such an adult, how could you do such a thing as forgetting your child at the company?"

“If I didn’t ask you a question, would you have forgotten that you have a son who was left behind in the company?”

Gu Miao: “…”

 He really forgot!

He talked with the screenwriters at the company, and suddenly received a call to ask him when he went home for dinner. He was hungry. He didn't think so much, so he drove directly to the house.

 When he parked the car, locked the door, and was about to enjoy his dinner, he realized that he seemed to have forgotten something.

 “I was wrong, I’m sorry!”

Gu Miao passed the blame to her son and said, "But he was sitting in the corner playing with his mobile phone without saying a word. How could I notice it?"

 “Get out of here quickly…”

Coco was too lazy to talk to this guy, so he pulled Xiao Sensen, who was confused and had no idea what was going on, into the house, paying no attention to Gu Miao.

At this moment, she finally understood why some people on the Internet said that dad is the safest when there is danger, and the most dangerous when there is no danger.

Let Gu Miao take care of the child?

 Hurry up and pull it down! After this lesson, she would never let Gu Miao take care of her children alone again.

 What should I do if my wife is angry?

 After so many years of marriage, this was the first time Gu Miao saw Keke showing such an expression. It was obvious that she was very angry at Gu Miao's "forgetting the baby" behavior.

But this is normal.

 After all, Gu Miao was so careless that even a big child could forget. This would be outrageous to anyone.


Even more outrageous than this is Xiao Sensen. His father has even been forgotten by him. He doesn’t cry or fuss. Even after his cell phone ran out of battery, he went to the Dimension Studio downstairs to find Uncle Ma for a free work meal.

 The level of nerves is simply beyond imagination for someone of his age.

 “Magui is so damned good!”

The more Gu Miao thought about it, the angrier she became. If Ma Kui hadn't snitched and asked for credit, how would Coco know that she didn't pick up the child today?

 It’s all Magui’s fault!

After putting all the blame on Ma Kui, Gu Miao quickly entered the house, intending to clarify to his wife that it was not that he didn't want to pick up the child, but mainly because he was too busy at work...

  Such things as quarreling at the end of the bed and at the end of the bed do not exist in Gu Miao's family.

 Because under normal circumstances, the consequence of a bedside quarrel is that Gu Miao will be kicked out of the bed and go to sleep in the study or on the sofa. She laughs to death because there is no end of the bed to sleep at!

This time is no exception.

Keke, who was rarely angry, didn't give Gu Miao a chance to quibble. He pointed directly to the study. He immediately knew what to do.

Alright, a study is a study.

I just happened to borrow the computer in the study room to communicate with Dave on the other side of the ocean at noon to learn about the latest broadcast situation of "Superman Returns".

 Gu Miao, who was enjoying the hardships, quickly contacted Dave through video conferencing software.

 What he didn't expect was.

 I thought I would hear good news from Dave. After all, the ratings of "Superman Returns" have been very good, so there was no big problem.

But Dave told him that "Superman Returns" was in trouble!

Some viewers protested, dissatisfied that most of the villains in the "Superman Returns" animation were black characters, and demanded an explanation and a public apology from the production team.


Gu Miao was confused after hearing this and couldn't help but ask: "What did you say? They asked us to apologize publicly?"


"Are these people crazy?" Gu Miao said in disbelief, "We didn't do anything wrong, why should we apologize?"

The villain’s skin color?

Can this also be related to discrimination? Or do these people simply want to make Wanbao Animation disgusting? Want Wanbao to make a Black Uncle version of Clark Kent?

 “Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

Gu Miao expressed strong opposition: "It is impossible for us to succumb to such ridiculous remarks, and it is impossible for Clark Kent to become black."

Don’t even think about this kind of thing.

Unless Gu Miao is out of her mind, it is impossible to make such a ridiculous and outrageous decision. A black version of Clark Kent? Does the person who made this suggestion have an underdeveloped brain?

The example of the black mermaid, isn’t it obvious enough?

 It is true that such a change may win the love and support of some North American audiences, but worldwide, this behavior is tantamount to digging one's own grave.

“The skin color of the villain can be compromised a little bit, but Clark Kent’s skin color, as long as I’m alive, there’s no way he’s going to be dark!”

Gu Miao repeatedly warned Dave not to have any thoughts that he shouldn't have.

He knows that some producers in the North American animation industry deliberately add dark-skinned characters and dark-skinned protagonists to their animations in order to please certain fixed groups.

 Must be admitted.

Some dark-skinned characters are indeed interesting and are indeed loved by many audiences, but most of the skin color compromises made to cater to the market basically fail.

 If you want to add it, just add it in the original work.

  In an adaptation of a work, even if you change the plot, you also change the skin color of the protagonist. What does that mean?

Nick Fury, right?

 Gu Miao has never liked the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., even though the Marvel movies have become popular and the Avengers movies have higher box office each one, he still doesn't like it.

 Because he knows that Nick Fury is the product of compromise. Changing the skin color of the original character for the sake of compromise is really speechless.

 Fortunately, Marvel also has a bottom line.

 The supporting characters and passerby characters can be changed in any way, but in the choice of the protagonist, Marvel still sticks to the bottom line of the original work and does not blindly cater to the mainstream.

If one day, characters such as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America or Thor were all replaced by a different actor, and they were made like the Black Mermaid, Gu Miao might give up completely.

 This is a matter of principle.

The original comic is like this, and if you insist on changing it to another one, isn't this an act of betrayal?

 The same is true for Superman.

Even though Dave kept persuading and told Gu Miao how beneficial it would be to do so, Gu Miao never let go, saying that there was no need to talk about this matter.

Dave thinks so well.

He suggested that, in order to cater to the market, simply give Clark Kent a pair of black adoptive parents, while his own skin color would not change.

He felt that by doing so, he could not only cater to the preferences of some special groups of people, but also maintain the purity of Superman. It could be said to be the best of both worlds.

 But Gu Miao told him that with this change, the North American market might not have any problems, but in markets outside North America, the "Superman" IP might be completely out of date.

“Is it that exaggerated?” Dave still couldn’t understand why Mr. Gu was so resistant to this matter? After all, in his opinion, other companies are doing this, why can't Wanbao follow suit?

“You don’t understand even after I tell you. Anyway, you just need to remember that we will do what the original work of Superman is like. We must not change the original work into a **** because of other people’s opinions.”

If the original Superman had a black adoptive father, Gu Miao would not be so resistant, and would even strongly support it, and fans would not have much objection.

 But if the animated version or future movie versions have to add things that are not in the original work, that is definitely the stupidest behavior.

 It is impossible to apologize.

Gu Miao would not come forward to apologize to these people for this kind of thing. What kind of level is he? What level are these people?

 But it’s okay to explain it. After all, the animation has caused controversy, and the production team should come forward to explain it both emotionally and rationally.

 As for the reason…

“Just say that the establishment of these villains is mainly based on the adaptation of the original comics. If you don’t understand, you can read the original comics.” Gu Miao explained.

 “Huh? Original comic?”

Dave scratched his head and asked: "Aren't the plots of the animated "Superman Returns" mostly original? Where did the original comics come from?"

 “I said yes, then yes!”

“Even if it’s not available now, it will be available in the future. Wanbao Comics is already preparing a single comic book for the new series of “Superman”.

 Gu Miao said with a calm expression: "When people ask you later, just say that "Superman Returns" is adapted from the original comic. If you have any questions, you can ask the original author of the comic."

As for whether these people can find the original comic artist Nan Tong, Gu Miao thinks it is impossible.

Who is Nantong?

The night owl and squatting one at home. These reporters want to find him. The difficulty is not ordinary.

 And what if you find it? With Nantong's fiery temper, could he still tolerate these people? Even if he says he did it on purpose, there is nothing these reporters can do about him because of his discrimination!

At most, you can criticize him a few words on a moral level, but for an immoral guy like Nan Tong, even if he is scolded a few words, he will not lose a piece of meat.

 If that doesn’t work, you can still use matryoshka dolls.

The animation production team said they adapted it based on the original comic. If you have any questions, ask the comic author. The comic author can also say that they adapted it based on the original novel. If you have any questions, ask the novel author...

After going through this circle, I am afraid no one will care about why most of the villains in "Superman Returns" have dark skin.


 The criticism and criticism faced by "Superman Returns" have more to do with animation.

Still, some people are uncomfortable, and even if they are seriously ill, they want to see the Superman into black!

 But Gu Miao is not that kind of person.

 It is impossible for Superman to turn black, at least in Wanbao. No matter what the outside world says, he will maintain his current attitude.

 Maybe it will change in the future!

 The North American market is too special. If you want to win the support of the audience here, you may create a few original black characters to make everyone happy under certain circumstances.

But we’ll talk about the future later. At least now, Gu Miao doesn’t have the intention and won’t make such an attempt rashly.

 But if he doesn’t do it, someone else dares to do it.

 The famous Mardete Comics Company has made an extremely bold change in the latest comic "Electromagnetic Man".

 They set the new superhero characters to be black, hoping to gain support from special audiences.

This move immediately caused a sensation in the entire North American comics market.

 The first black superhero!

This title has made "Electromagnetic Man" attract the attention of readers across the United States from the day it was published. Many colleagues are also looking forward to the results and performance of this comic.

 But it’s a pity…

Since the release of "Electromagnetic Man", the total sales of comic books have only exceeded 500,000 copies. For Mardete Comics, which has average comic sales of one million copies in the past, this attempt is undoubtedly a huge failure.

You know, in order to promote the work "Electromagnetic Man", Mardete spent huge sums of money to purchase online advertisements on multiple platforms, as well as advertisements in offline shopping malls.

 As a result, sales were so dismal.

It can be said that with so many resources invested, "Electromagnetic Man" failed to produce the returns it deserved. The lesson learned this time is not unbearable.

The funniest thing is that the sales of the comic "Electromagnetic Man" are also dismal in other regions and countries.

 The only region where it sells well and has a little bit of popularity and discussion is actually Africa!

 “What a death!”

When Gu Miao learned the good news from Nantong, his expression immediately froze.

 Mardete Comics Company is about to die. This is Wanbao's biggest competitor in the American comic market. Gu Miao was happier than anyone else to learn that their new work failed miserably.


Mardete Comics is, after all, the leading company in the North American comics industry. The centipede will never die. Even if the new work dies in the cold, it will not fall for a while.

 Unless there is another more serious failure!

 This opportunity may fall on their upcoming film adaptation of "Dr. Night".

I heard that...

· Mardete Comics has cooperated with well-known Hollywood giants and jointly invested more than US$300 million in the movie "Doctor Night", aiming to create an "extremely cool" live-action superhero movie.

 This movie can be said to be the pinnacle of all the hopes of Mardete Company in the field of comic adaptation.

 Everyone is happy if it succeeds!

 Once Dr. Night is successfully adapted, many of Mardete's IPs will inevitably become popular and become a Hollywood upstart.

But if it fails, given the huge investment in "Dr. Night", Mardete will still be injured even if she doesn't die, and she won't be able to catch her breath for several years.

 “Snipe them!”

“Others have always come to snipe us. This time it’s finally our turn to take the initiative and snipe other people’s new works.” Gu Miao chuckled.

On the one hand, Mardete Company is the main competitor of Wanbao Comics. On the other hand, this company has also offended Gu Miao due to acquisitions, which caused a lot of unpleasantness.

 Calling all the old and new grudges into account, they are still competitors. It would be strange if Gu Miao doesn't deal with them!

It just so happens that Du Hao also wants to make a "Superman" movie. He can definitely take this opportunity to use a Superman movie to snipe Mardete's "Doctor Night".

Who is Dr. Night?

 So what if we invest $300 million? The original work relies on the defense, can it compare to Superman in terms of popularity and market appeal?

 Besides, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes.

Wanbao itself has never made a live-action movie, and the investment will not be too large. If it fails, it will fail, and the worst case scenario is to start over.

 Can "Doctor Night" have such confidence? With a total investment of US$300 million, do they dare to be like Wanbao and not care about the box office?

To be honest.

Gu Miao herself felt like she was at a big loss by using Superman movies to snipe something like this.

I have never heard of Dr. Night. If you want to snipe, you have to snipe at the level of Iron Man and Spider-Man!

  Sorry for coming back late.



 (End of this chapter)

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