party breakup (2)

Harley ran through the forest at high speed.

Unlike when I came, it was a pleasant hike without a single monster attacking me…

It was also after hunting all the nearby monsters, and above all, the overwhelming madness radiating from his body gave them a sense of unity.

“Well! I love this!”


Harley mutters hard even while running.

With Yongin, the storage capacity also increased significantly, so I was eating meat with the intention of replenishing my energy.

One peculiar thing was that he was not using both hands now.

“Almost everyone has arrived. So, shall we eat one last time?”

Harley, who had eaten all the meat floating in front of her mouth, took a bite out of her mouth and took another piece of meat from the Aspace Magic Tool.

Immediately after that, a green flash of light flashed across his left eye.

A large chunk of meat escaped his hand and was fixed in the air.

Up to this point, it wasn’t much different from before, but this ability didn’t end there.


The temperature of the dragon’s meat rose rapidly, and soon it became golden brown and began to emit an appetizing smell.

The evolved “Gem Plan: Coercion” was not just a telekinetic force, but a force that forced the phenomenon in conjunction with the “Heart of the Light Dragon” that synchronizes with the surrounding mana.

“Uh-huh—! After all, if you are a civilized person, you should cook the meat! It is very sweet!”

The savage warrior Harley smiled contentedly and ate the meat fixed in the space in front of his mouth again.

‘It’s also convenient in many ways.’

The ability to be activated by will and to increase the output at will.

But, of course, this also had its drawbacks.

It is not a sophisticated method like magic, but the phenomenon that can be exhibited is not only monotonous, but above all, the energy efficiency was not very good.

In other words, Harley was now grilling meat using energy to replenish her energy.

‘…But to get used to it, you have to use it often. If we improve efficiency in the future, it will get better.’

Also, the current energy supply and demand situation was not so bad.

Since it was dragon meat full of vitality in the first place, the energy contained therein was also abundant.

It wasn’t long before I ate up all the freshly brought out meat.

Harley, whose equipment had been tattered due to the battle with the dragon, was finally reunited with the party that had been separated.


A three-story house built in the middle of a large garden surrounded by a high fence.

This place in the suburbs of Seoul was my new home.

The space is spacious and there are many rooms, so each room is filled with all the necessary equipment.

So that you can enjoy enough leisure life without going out, such as exercise equipment and entertainment facilities.

‘Now I can go out as I want. It’s because I’m used to it, so this is more comfortable.’

Was it the influence of being confined to the house?

I decorated the house as if decorating a hideout, filled with the romance I had only been thinking about.

‘If you use the natural power of Harris to use “Object Projection” about once a week, garden management would be no problem.’

Dealing with nature like this was nothing to the elf Harris, so no matter how large the garden was.

As it is a suburban area, the air was not as bad as in the city center, so I was able to survive to a certain extent.

‘Just in case you don’t know, I’ll have to install a lot of security devices. You should lay them all down as much as you can.’

Of course, that included not only electronic devices, but also magical barriers.

You can borrow the power of various talented people such as Hans, Heinz II, and Heinrich, but there is no reason not to use it.

You just have to choose the ones you need and use them in moderation.


I straightened my back and looked to one side as I was organizing the things I had brought from the basement storage room.

In fact, it took a long time to prepare the facilities so far, so it was not long after I moved in, so I was very busy…

I have some work to do now.


At that time, Han In-young quietly appeared in front of me, who was alone in the silence.

A handsome man with a cold impression in a black tailcoat with red eyes and pale skin.

It was Heinz II, a vampire who had just returned from another world.


Heinz took out the dwarf Zhaonic’s attachment pickaxe, ‘Eline’, from his subspace bracelet and handed it over here.

I took it naturally without saying anything and looked at it slowly.

The metal with a blue luster had countless minor scratches. It felt like it had been used for a long time, but it didn’t feel old because it was well cared for.

It’s like a well-maintained antique.

‘I’m sorry, Zhaonic. Still, you should think of it as the price of your life.’

At the same time, on the Auterica side, Harley was just joining the party.

Seeing him returned to his tattered appearance, Zhaonic was hurriedly looking for a pickaxe, but when he saw that he slumped down, his conscience was pricked…

Instead, thanks to Harley, we were able to return safely!

When I heard the story, it seemed that they had a little less attachment than the equipment in the blacksmith, but if it wasn’t for myself, I would never have seen them again, so this was a win-win for each other.


After struggling to rationalize myself, I secretly ignored the situation and coughed lightly.

‘Let’s see, Heinz can help with this, and then send it to Heterosys.’

Heinz had already gone out quietly and was setting up a barrier using “Blood Mystery” and “Concealment” around the garden.

If the energy leaked out unnecessarily, it could attract some attention, so we strengthened security by thoroughly emphasizing secrecy.

‘There is no problem with Hans’ Bone Dragon.’

Originally, the Bone Dragon needed a dragon heart to be its nucleus, so it was true that I was a little worried, but as expected, nothing is impossible to our Hans.

“Heart of Immortality”, “Evil Wisdom”, “Forbidden Knowledge”, “The Way of Magic”, “Eye of the Abyss”, “Magic Domination”…

As all the skills he had were directly or indirectly related to black magic, if he was serious, it wasn’t even a slight twist of necromancy.

Taking inspiration from Lich’s method of transmitting black magic remotely from the extracted source, he connected himself and the Bone Dragon Heratos more closely.

Instead of Dragon Heart, so that he can supply the energy he needs.

In other words, Hans himself became the source of Heratos.

‘Instead, it became difficult for the two of us to move alone because we couldn’t be far apart, but in that case, it wouldn’t really matter if we send other guys.’

Instead of Enthracio, Heratus was supposed to be used as Hans’ private car.

“Then, let’s start the settlement!”

To create a new avatar, you need to increase the number of avatars you have by strengthening your unique skills.

It took a lot of karma to do that, but I wasn’t really worried about that.

Because a lot of big things have happened in the past.

‘It’s been a while since I last got “Object Projection”…’

First of all, Harris was able to successfully plant the seeds of change in the Elven Kingdom.

The new music and instruments he presented at the festival were a great inspiration to the elves, who had been subtly wet with inertia, and allowed them to try new things.

Read at

Just as a stone falling into a calm lake creates ripples, the influence gradually grew in size and affected their entire culture.

It came back as his karma.

‘It is still at a small level, but it is encouraging that it will increase steadily in the future.’

And Heinrich became the master of the holy sword through trials and received great blessings and was recognized as a saint.

Being a saint of one of the largest powers on the continent, the Holy Spirit Church, was a big event that was recorded in the history books, so this was also enough to become a big achievement.

‘Also, after the abyss was opened, Hans collided with the Shinju Church and imprinted his name again… Afterwards, the legacy of the Immortal King began to appear on the continent.’

In addition, the confusion caused by this must have been known to be Hans’ fault, so the influence was nagging to say the least.

The most recent work was Harley’s northern expedition and hunting the dragon Heratos.

Of course, hunting a creature about the size of a light dragon must have been a significant achievement.

‘So, the karma that has been gathered in the meantime is…!’

『Karma Shop』

『Enhance Unique Skills (1,000,000)』

『Status Enhancement – View Details』

『Retained Karma – 1,608,961』


It has been less than a week since Earth time has passed since the “Object Projection” was obtained, but his karma has increased by a whopping one million.

‘After all, there are many things to see.’

A lot of people are bursting with big events here and there, so don’t they easily sweep away the hard-to-collect karma?

‘Ugh, how did you get through this difficult world with one body? It is not for nothing that it is said that even ten bodies are not enough.’

In that sense, I, who has seven bodies, still lacked a lot, so I needed to make ten bodies as soon as possible.

More than that is even better.

And, this was the key to becoming his eighth body.

I grabbed the pickaxe, Elinne, and looked into it.

I felt that “customization” reacted strongly to the fact that I could create a new avatar using this item.

“I hope the ‘increase in the number of avatars’ will not come out again this time.”

Of course, the “Object Projection” I got last time was a good ability, but it would be very disappointing if the number of avatars didn’t increase this time as well.

There is no way to express that to anyone.

“Then… strengthen.”

So, a whopping 1 million points of reinforcement began.

As a result.

《The potential of your avatars increases. The learning ability of the object is further improved.”

《The unique skill grows and the potential blooms. Acquire the special skill 「Avatar Cloud」.」

Along with the headache, I felt something open in my head.

And the increase in the number of avatars that I wanted so much was…


The information was right there on the side of my head.

You can always use it to create a new clone.

At the same time, his mental and thinking abilities increased dramatically.

Even taking into account that the number of avatars would increase by one, it seemed that the amount of mental power allocated to each individual would be greater than before.

‘Well, it’s fine so far. Then the additional things you get are…’

With the desired results, my attention was now directed to the content of the system message.

Increasing the potential of the avatar has long since passed.

‘If I fight with my alter ego, I’ll lose if it’s a hundred.’

Even compared to Hubert, who had no special fighting power, it was the same.

Of course, given that there is “object projection”, it is correct to prioritize the growth of the avatar rather than strengthening the body…

‘Ah, what are you doing now? How many times have I been stronger than Avatar?’

At most, it was right after the creation of the avatar at the beginning of the entry into the other world.

Now, as the children are moving towards the top from their respective positions, they have not even dared to compare.

‘Would you like to check out the newly acquired skills? 「Avatar Cloud」d.’

Cloud refers to a database that can be accessed from anywhere through the Internet.

And “Avatar Cloud”, which seems to have taken its name from there…

It was the ability to share necessary items with each other without limiting the distance between avatars through a small common subspace.

‘Five! I thought it would be nice to have something like this. Also, the reinforcement effect is certain once.’

With this ability, there is no need to exchange items face-to-face with each avatar like now.

‘Now I can finally give Hans the source of the Acrich Dwell that Heinrich had.’

They had prepared gifts at the most, but it was not easy for the two of them to meet each other as there was a difference in their positions.

As the cast has a cooldown, I can’t use it at will, so it was difficult to use another avatar as an errand.

‘Just the right ability came out.’

Also, you can get some items directly from the merchant Hubert, so it was safe no matter where they fell!

‘I’ll have to test how much Earth stuff I can send to Hubert through Heinz. Because there is a limit to the amount that can be transmitted.’

It could not be a satisfactory reinforcement in many ways.

Of course, there was still one main event left.

I immediately grabbed a pickaxe and used “Customize”.

Now it was time to make a real Dwarf.

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