My 26-year-old Female Tenant

Vol 2 Chapter 52: : Mi Cai shot

At this time, the Chinese New Year is approaching, and our company is getting more and more busy, especially the game company, which is making intense planning for the game activities of the Chinese New Year. It can be said that the rapid success of the game company has given me unlimited possibilities to realize my dreams. Idealism, and the road to literature and art, a project that is not favored by the outside world in terms of profitability, has also been confirmed in a recent financial inventory. It has achieved a profit of nearly 20 million. I am very glad that I am realizing idealism. , and be able to make a profit. I admit that I am a person who has gone relatively smoothly in my career. Of course, this is also related to the support of a group of like-minded friends around me, such as Zhang Yixi and Le Yao. , how difficult it would be for me without them, so the society is still very realistic, and having such a few friends who advance and retreat together in my life is the greatest wealth and harvest...Maybe this is the best thing I have ever done The place.

After the financial settlement, I convened the senior management of Wenyi Road and consulted the investor Zhang Yixi. We unanimously decided that we will use 10 million of the profit next year to continue to help those patients with depression. , Let them go on this path accompanied by a psychotherapist. At least for me, such public welfare behavior is not a gimmick, but a must, because people must live with a conscience! And this is the consensus of everyone in our company, so the group of us who gathered together because of this project all have a feeling of giving. From this point of view, idealists are really scourges in this world, and they are loved by the world. Are you disrespectful?

   No, we are not wrong, we are just good at thinking everything too beautifully, but the world is too realistic!

This noon, Chen Jingming and I found a restaurant outside the company for dinner. While we were summing up the year, we also chatted about the future of the company. I said to him: "Mr. Chen, I have something to ask you for." Views."

"you say."

"I have a friend who helped me find an abandoned factory building near the suburbs. I want to buy this land and the factory building, and then transform it into our new office location. It may require a lot of money, so I would like to solicit your opinion!"

Chen Jingming smiled and said: "I know your intentions, we shouldn't look at what we are doing from a worldly perspective, if you think it's right to do so, then go ahead and do it boldly, I support you! Because you have verified yourself in this market environment, you have done what others have not done."

"Mr. Chen, thank you for your support. The business we are doing is to materialize idealism, so I hope that our office environment will also have such an atmosphere.... Before the Chinese New Year, this matter will be approved. Then go do it!"

   "No problem, I look forward to Mr. Zhao, you can bring the imagined scene into reality and become our office location!"

"I'm more expected by everyone!" I responded with a nod, remembering the city in the sky that I want to build in reality. Yes, I want to transform the abandoned factory area into a city in the sky. Of course the effect will not be as realistic as I imagined, but it will be crystal clear. The most important thing is: there will be an indispensable back garden, where there are flowers blooming and some unharmonious weeds. When the wind blows, they will sway in the same posture, swaying out the various states of the world and the ups and downs, and then think about it, whether our life is good or not, in fact, the essence of life is nothing more than sometimes good and sometimes bad ...!


In the afternoon, I tried my best to improve my work efficiency, and then left the company early. I was going to the train station to pick up my father and mother. I called them before I went and learned that they had already entered the territory of Suzhou. It won't be long before we reach the train station.

At this time, I have already bought a house in Suzhou that is close to the suburbs, but the surrounding traffic is very convenient. I know that it is impossible for my father and mother to live in Xuzhou completely, but I also hope that they can come here often in the days to come. Suzhou, it will be much more convenient for them to have this house. As for me, I can live in the old house left by Mi Cai, or I can live with Ban Dae and the others. In short, this is much better than living alone, and these are My wishful thinking on the way to the train station!

When I arrived at the train station, my father and mother were already waiting for me in the square with my suitcase, especially my mother, who carried a lot of pickled products from Xuzhou, all of which I liked After eating, I finally realized the feeling of home that I have not seen for a long time.

Soon, I brought my father and mother to the newly bought house. Before they could wait for me to settle down, they went into the kitchen and started working on the evening dinner. Come on, I naturally think of Robben's sad donkey, I want to invite him to our house to have a meal together, so that he will not be too lonely in the coming night!

Sure enough, Robben was tormented by loneliness, so 20 minutes after answering my call, he rode his favorite motorcycle to my new home in Suzhou. I opened the door for him, and he was frozen like a grandson until Stamping his feet, when he felt the heating from the air conditioner in the house, he sighed that he had come to a paradise on earth.

During dinner, Robben, Dad, and I drank a lot of wine, and my mother would inevitably scold us for a while, saying that we are a negative example for young people, two people who don’t know how to live, and Robben is as forceful as ever Gao, he said that he is busy with his career and has no time to talk about relationships. Speaking of career, I am much busier than him, so I also use my busy career to complain about life, so that they suddenly mentioned Mi Cai, which made me feel sad.

  At nine o’clock in the evening, the three of us who were drinking finished the dinner, and my mother had already rested first due to the exhaustion of the boat. I asked my father to rest too, and then cleaned up the mess on the table with Robben.

This night, Robben and I didn't go back because we drank. We slept in the bedroom closest to the living room, lit a cigarette as usual, and chatted about some recent things. Said to him: "CC is about to give birth, do you plan to go to Shanghai to see?"

"talk later."

   "When did you become so unhappy?"

   "I don't know how to face her, maybe she doesn't want to see me too much."

"It's hard to say, but after a woman has a child, it really becomes very different. Last time I went to Shanghai to see her, she talked to me most about the child in her belly, and she even planned what to do in the future. Educate this child, can you imagine that she is the cc who used to drink, smoke, and get tattoos?"

   "Is this strange? After all, she is going to be a mother. It is a woman's destiny to breastfeed her child in the future, and she is no exception!"


   Robben took a deep puff of cigarette, and finally changed the subject and asked me: "Jian Wei is gone, how do you feel?"

  I was silent for a while, and then I squeezed out some lost smiles and replied: "The past is hard to get back...!"

   "Yes, we have been separated for too long, everyone understands life and love separately, and many ideas and concepts cannot be unified, so this is the root cause of the past!"

   "Don't analyze this sentence so scientifically. In my opinion, the so-called past is hard to get back, it's just mistakes and misses, it's not that complicated!"

Robben squinted his eyes, he smiled again, and exhaled heavily the smoke from his mouth. I wanted to scold him a little bit, but he brought up the topic, but in the end he put on a look that was more uncomfortable than me, but I was It suddenly dawned on me that there is a woman like Jian Wei who is unforgettable in my life, and there is no such thing in his life, but that woman is called Wei Manwen, and she treats feelings much more neatly than Jian Wei, she soon married herself That doctor named Zhou Hang has never heard any news about her since!

  I finally said to Robben: "Some things have passed for so long, you should also consider personal issues. It is not a very wise thing to live alone... because it is too lonely!"

   "You are not the same."

   "I'm alone because someone told me to wait... What about you, who are you waiting for?"

   Robben's expression is very lonely, I'm afraid he knows better than anyone else that CC is already a mother, and Wei Manwen is already someone else's wife, and now everything about these two women has nothing to do with Robben...

In fact, there are no more problems in his life, but he is still obsessed with creating problems for himself, unwilling to see through them. Fortunately, he recently wrote a song full of Zen, but he has no Zen state at all. Of course This is also a manifestation of his compulsion.

After a long time, he finally said to me: "I don't believe that Manwen and I have come to an end like this, and I also don't believe that there is no first love in this world that can be recovered. Even if she is already married to someone else, I am willing to wait for her." Come on, anyway, in our circle, no one regards getting married as a matter of urgency!"

  I looked at him in disbelief, then I snuffed out the unfinished cigarette in my hand, and replied: "Roben, your idea is very dangerous, Teacher Wei doesn't want you to do this!"

   "I can't stop her from leaving, and likewise, she can't stop me from waiting for her..."

   "You're crazy!"

   "I'm not **** crazy...she is the one I can't get over in my life, the person I can't let go of!..."

The struggle and tearing in Robben's tone made me not know how to persuade him, even though I knew he was wrong to do so...or maybe, he was not wrong, but the world is too convinced that the past is hard to get back !

Seeing that I was silent, Robben said again: "We all understand: Zhou Hang's body will not last long without a suitable kidney source. Suppose one day he is gone and I get married again, what do you ask Manwen to do? ...Find a man to start over? She can't do it, and I won't watch like I choose to wait. If Zhou Hang can recover completely, I, Robben, will also Don't wait any longer, watch Manwen live with him with peace of mind, and then go find the woman who can spend the rest of her life with him... Isn't that right?"

   I was shocked! ... and feel ashamed, I don't know what kind of force drove him to make this detached decision, I finally asked him: "The road in front of you is wider than the other, why is it Do you want to choose the most difficult path?"

  "Because she was the first woman I fell in love with, and because I knew she had a bad life!"

   "If cc is not married and she returns to you, do you have to do the same?"

"Yes...I have cc in my heart, but if I could really let go of Manwen, I would have married cc a few years ago. After all, I still can't let go!... Zhaoyang In the past, we always used each other as a reference, but in the end, you are you, I am still me...we are not comparable, so you chose rice color, but I can only live up to cc... ...However, you are not perfect, after all, you have failed Jian Wei and failed the original heart..."

I bowed my head and said after a long time: "As long as there is emotional entanglement, someone will be let down. We are all people who have been let cc is a smart woman. She made a decision a year ago. The smartest choice!... If she can see a little hope in you, she won't marry anyone else!"

"Yes, in fact, I am the same... If Manwen and Zhou Hang are really a fairy couple's life together, I will make a seemingly smart choice, but what I am facing now , It's not the same as I imagined...I can only guard and wait...I have no choice!"

While I was talking to Robben, my cell phone rang suddenly. It was my assistant Ye Luo. I answered the call in doubt. Before I could speak, she said urgently : "Mr. Zhao, Mr. Mi fought against the investor behind Wansen Group in the European market!"


   "Mr. Mi fought against Chu Xinrui in the European market!"

I haven't heard the name Chu Xinrui for a long time, but this woman is an existence that cannot be erased from my mind. It was her who disrupted the situation at the beginning that made An Qi of Tianyang Group unable to successfully invest in Zhuo Mei at that time. , then, the purpose of Mi Cai's confrontation with her group in the European market is self-evident!

In my thinking, Ye Luo said to me again: "Mr. Zhao, are you free now? I want to talk to you face to face, because this incident has revealed too many signals. At least I think Mr. Mi is forbearing. After one year, finally there is an action to take back Zhuo Mei..."

   "Okay, wait for me at the sea view coffee in the city center now, I will be there in about 20 minutes!"

   "Well, let's talk when we meet!"


On the way to meet Ye Luo, I fell into deep thinking. I was wondering: how will Mi Cai carry out this battle, and what role should I play in this battle? ?

I really did not expect that Mi Cai would have such courage to confront Chu Xinrui in the European market where the foundation of new green energy is very weak, but I believe she will not do things that are not sure, and I have a premonition in my heart that in this battle After that, many unknown upheavals will occur!

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