My 26-year-old Female Tenant

Vol 2 Chapter 20: : a lot of help

The name change ceremony of Zhuomei is getting closer and closer. When passing by Zhuomei again, the original two-storey signboard has been replaced, and the brand-new Wansen Shopping Plaza continues to stand in the city of Suzhou with incomparable momentum. Standing tall, the imprint on Zhuomei will become weaker and weaker, and no one will remember it after a few years except those of us who remember it deeply.

Maybe, before Zhuomei changed its name, I should take a photo to remember how it has been for decades, but after all, I didn’t do it. If I really couldn’t give up like Mi Cai in my heart, I should block Wan The wheel of Sen Group moving forward will not let Zhuomei be annihilated in the river of history.

I opened the car door and got out of the car. I looked up at the Jumey logo on the last corner under the March sun with my sunglasses on. I saw installers from several advertising companies strapping safety The rope was approaching that sign, and soon, there would be no traces of Zhuo Mei left here, and after tomorrow's renaming ceremony, history would also be completely rewritten.

At some point, Zhang Yixi also got out of the car. He stood beside me and looked at the Wansen Building from the same angle as me. He smiled and said, "It doesn't look like a very Good ending!"

   "It's like this for me and Mi Cai."

  Zhang Yixi took off his sunglasses, looked at me and asked: "You put the media conference of the road of literature and art on the same day as their name change ceremony, do you have something in mind?"

  I nodded, but didn't specifically express what I thought, because Zhang Yixi must understand, so he asked this question.

Perhaps, there is a tacit understanding between us as collaborators. He didn't continue this topic, but said to me: "By the way, I have some news to tell you that Angie and I are getting married, and the wedding is just a week away." Hold!"

"Congratulations... I wish you a happy wedding in advance." I finally said with a smile, but I still couldn't help but think of the promise I made with Mi Cai to attend their wedding together, and the one we gave up halfway. It seems that these sentiments are lingering in my heart, and I am easily touched.

Zhang Yixi patted me on the shoulder, and seemed to regret the lack of Mi Cai at the wedding... I finally asked him: "Since Mi Cai went to the United States, An Qi and her Contact?"

   "Should not be."

This is an expected answer, but I still feel a little lost in my heart. I know that An Qi will come to our media conference tomorrow. If she still has contact with Mi Cai in private, I have thought about asking her. There are really too few ways to know the news of Mi Cai at this moment. I don't know what joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys she has experienced in the past period of time, and whether she is as attached as I am to the life we ​​used to be together.

The last signboard about Zhuomei has been removed by the staff of the advertising company. I finally took off my sunglasses and stared silently for a long time. Just as I was about to leave, I saw the senior management of Wansen Group. When they arrived downstairs, they were full of smiles and whispered in praise of Zhuo Mei's aura after changing her name.

  I didn't stop any longer, and got into our own car with Zhang Yixi one left and one right. I should also prepare for our media conference tomorrow!


Today, I met the senior Yang Congrong again. His was once one of the investors of the Road to Literature and Art. Unfortunately, because of the incident with Jian Wei’s parents, he was disheartened and later accepted another group. According to the conditions of the acquisition, he transferred the easy travel website that he had worked so hard for many years, and prepared to enjoy his old age. This time he came to Suzhou specially to participate in the media conference to be held tomorrow on the road of literature and art.

I took him to visit the new office building of the Road of Literature and Art, and he was in a good mood. He spoke highly of the series of marketing activities after the restart of the Road of Literature and Art, and then I took him to my office and asked the assistant After brewing a pot of good Pu'er tea, the two sat on the sofa and continued to chat.

After talking about business issues, Yang Congrong took out a bank card from his briefcase, handed it to me and said, "Xiaowei transferred 5 million to me before Lao Jian and his wife had an accident. I know that this money is for her to guarantee her life in the end... Although it is a bit embarrassing, I still follow her request, apply for a bank card in my name, and set the password specified by her... ... She suddenly encountered such an unfortunate thing, as an uncle who watched her grow up, the pain in my heart is beyond words..." Yang Congrong sighed deeply at this point, and after a long silence, he continued: "Now you have been staying by Xiaowei's side to take care of her. It is also when you need money, so I will make a decision on my own. I will leave the money to you. The password of the bank card is:  … "

The password reported by Yang Congrong surprised me. The string of numbers that make up the password seems to be the date when Jian Wei and I first met, and the last number of our respective birthdays. Suddenly a thought flashed into my mind, Can this string of passwords open the encrypted folder? ...maybe actually open!

Just as I was in a daze, Yang Congrong said to me again: "Zhaoyang, Xiaowei once told me that a heart that never gives up is more precious than diamonds, so even if there is such a big crisis in her family Due to the accident, she is still struggling to support this project. I really hope that her spirit can continue to you. Manage and develop this project well. Lost to a woman!"

Thinking of Jian Wei's persistence, I felt a hot feeling on my face. After a long time, I nodded and said deeply: "Uncle Yang, I understand...I will spend my whole life doing it. Good job for this project!"

Yang Congrong patted me on the shoulder like a tolerant elder, and said: "Well, work hard, I hope you can really open up a way out for idealism in this world full of reality. In you, I can always see You have the temperament of being helpful, but I also hope that you will be cautious in your future entrepreneurship, and don't let some people with ulterior motives take advantage of your kindness... In fact, these words are also what Xiaowei once told me about you I said so!"

I raised my head and closed my eyes, feeling an indescribable feeling in my heart. If there is anything I care about more than Mi Cai's return, it is Jian Wei's waking up. I really want to be with you As before, I can look at her smile and talk to her casually... I suddenly want to take some time to go to Shanghai to meet her this evening.


In the afternoon, the boy also returned from abroad. This time he was not the only one who came back, he also brought back a game development team, because I had already learned the news beforehand, and I had already prepared a small game for the development team. At the studio, Zhou Zhaokun and I have reached the stage of implementing the investment discussion, and we will be able to officially operate this project soon.

My conversation with Tongzi is still going on in my office. He is most concerned about Jian Wei's recovery, because he has special feelings for Jian Wei. He can change from an ignorant student who has not yet graduated from college to the present Promising young people largely came from Jian Wei's giving, and even Xiao Yun, whom he loved so much, received a lot of favor from Jian Wei. Jian Wei's misfortune also made them feel deeply distressed.

In the dull atmosphere, the boy finally raised his head and said to me: "Brother Yang, I have already applied for a one-year leave of absence from the school. When I come back this time, I don't plan to go back for the time being. I want to stay by your side and do this together with you." Game company."

  I didn't raise any objections, I just asked: "Have you considered this matter carefully?"

The boy nodded without a trace of hesitation, and replied: " is very important to me, but without you, Brother Yang, I still don't know where I am at a loss, where would I have the opportunity to gain Such a big room for development...I am really satisfied with everything I have now!...I will spend more time with Xiaoyun when I stay in China in the future, I also want to get married with her earlier, so that she will not be self-confident."

"If this is a decision you made on the premise of being very careful, of course I welcome you to return to China, so that our brothers can still have the opportunity to start a business together." My hands were held together. At this moment, I saw the diversity of human nature. If I get it, it will help a lot. Not everyone will take advantage of my kindness, and some will give sincere feedback after getting my help. , such as Tongzi, such as Le Yao!


In the evening, I invited my friends who came to the media conference to have a meal at the hotel. When I left the hotel, I thought about the password of the encrypted folder again. I think this password is very likely to be Yang The bank card password calmly provided to me, I was hesitant to use this password to try again, I decided to shelve this matter temporarily, this is the critical period of starting a business, I don’t want my mood to be disturbed by these external factors, and now It's not a few years ago, many things have no room for turning back, if I'm smart enough, I shouldn't have to explore any more, let alone go against Jian Wei's wishes, if she is willing to let me know this, as early as one You should have told me years ago.

On the way to Shanghai, I received another call from Yu Leyao. She told me: Those famous people from all walks of life she invited have successively promoted our road to literature and art on platforms like Weibo. The media conference will definitely attract wide attention, and she also strives to end the filming in South Korea as soon as possible, so that she can personally help me when the next time there is an external event on the road of literature and art.

I am really grateful to her in my heart, but there is no need to say any more words of thanks between us. What I can do at this time is to try my best to deal with every challenge in front of me, and to live up to myself and my friends their trust!


   I will chat with you on Weibo tonight. If you are interested in knowing more, please follow my Sina Weibo.

  Search: I have medicine to sell, so it’s ok. !!

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