If a person commits a crime for money, he is guilty; if a person commits a crime for bread, the society is guilty; if a person commits a crime for dignity, the whole world is guilty. We are all in the same boat, if one person is desperate, then everyone is not safe, so never attack others' suffering, because no one can guarantee that the next one will not be you.

  Chapter 731, cited by many readers as a stain in my writing career.

I don't think so, because very few people have experienced the fear that the last side gives people... This book does not focus on the three-year relationship between Zhaoyang and Jianwei. In the subconscious of many readers, these three More than a year is a vacuum! But does it exist? It exists, and it has existed unforgettable.

If it was really the last time for Yu Zhaoyang, he still endured himself, helped Mi Cai put on the wedding ring, and then said rationally: Jian Wei is dying, please be generous and let me see her for the last time , or you can go with me... Sorry, this is not the Zhaoyang I want to write about, this kind of performance, Fangyuan can, Xiangchen can, but Zhaoyang can't.

   Some readers always say that I abuse for the sake of abuse, but some readers spray for the sake of spraying. Forcibly pressing the word abandonment on Zhaoyang's body... At best, it was stranded. From the beginning to the end, Zhaoyang did not show the idea of ​​abandonment. If she really abandoned it, Mi Cai would not be acting like she is now... At least, the characters in the book are all showing respect for life and working hard for Jian Wei's survival. Why do most readers only care about imposing on Zhao Wei? Yang's divorce, but not many people care about Jian Wei's life and death. Is this a deviation from human nature? Or did you grow up in the greenhouse and have never experienced the pain of life and death?

  I used to love the web writing industry deeply, and hoped that what I wrote could give people some rational thinking and avoid the misery of the mundane world... But I didn't do it, and I didn't do it well! In addition to attacking my father, some people even suspected that I used my own father to hype, and then a chapter 731 incident broke out. . This kind of suspicion is chilling. Many readers who are doctors have read my father's pathology report and have been giving me some advice on treatment. Even my father's hospital transfer certificate was done with the help of a brother who is a doctor in Yangzhou. I use my father to hype?

I am an idealistic person, when I think of my work, being watched, scolded, and attacked by these inhuman people, I feel sick...so I said yesterday that I would quit this circle If so, I don't regret it!

  Every network author has been attacked viciously, so everyone advises, which author has not been attacked? It is this kind of connivance that makes the bottomless attacks and abuse of those who have lost their humanity...Why do we have to sacrifice our dignity to bear this vicious and bottomless attack when we are engaged in this industry. Why can't the network development system be improved and a real-name system be implemented? .......The existence of this kind of people tramples on the construction of spiritual civilization and is a shame to a society, but the Chinese people's submissive character has made these people show their teeth and claws.

  After the incident of Chapter 731, someone persuaded me to rewrite it, but I will not rewrite it after it is published. This is the principle. I admit that there are flaws in the handling, but I agree with 90%. . .

The world is impermanent, and there is no sign of bad luck really coming to you. Don’t blame the plot for being far-fetched. I still remember that on the evening of the 30th, I still talked with my father about this year’s plan. I said that I will go to Gansu where he works in the summer. Looking for him, he said, he wants to invite me to eat and drink. But bad luck came suddenly on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. This is a vivid example of what happened to me.

On the verge of collapse, I have more reverence for life. I understand the panic and pain of life and death. Fortunately, my father's lymphoma is only partial, and the situation is relatively optimistic. But before knowing the result, people will It's like frying in the frying pan of hell...... I understand Zhaoyang and the past he and Jianwei had, before parting with life and death, they will definitely be inspired. . . . If you have experienced it, you will understand! Without experience, I, the author and protagonist, are just a distorted person in your eyes,

  Thanks to the readers who have been with me and supported me. I really want to continue writing for you. . I also hope that being a human being can be unfriendly, but there must be a bottom line. . . I will definitely finish this book! If I still love this industry deeply and long to communicate with everyone in soul, maybe there will be a next book. Now, like Zhaoyang, I have no direction and are full of doubts... Don't place too high demands on me, I'm just a flesh and blood body.

  I don’t want much from this world, no disasters, no troubles, just having food and clothing is enough!

  Thank you to every reader who has touched me. We have never met, but books are our best bridge of communication. . There will be no special circumstances tomorrow, and we will update it.

   Good night, thank you!

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