My 26-year-old Female Tenant

: Chapter 698: Shut up

The rain is still falling one after another. This uninterrupted stretch seems to tell the people in this city that today, it will occupy everything in this city, wet the eaves, wet the streets, and wet our mood …

In the living room, the air conditioner was blowing hot air on us. The two bowls of fragrant preserved egg and lean meat porridge worked hard to create warmth for us, and let us slow down the speed of eating breakfast tacitly. Don't want to leave here too soon.

After breakfast, Mi Cai and I washed the pots and bowls together, we drank a glass of boiled water together, sat on the sofa and waited together... We didn't talk about any relationship issues anymore, so between us There will be no quarrels during this time, which allows us to have a peaceful mind to deal with Yan Zhuomei who is about to return, but peace does not mean that we are sure that she will accept me and Mi Cai together.

I smoked another cigarette, and Mi Cai went to the window sill to dry the laundry we had changed. At this time, someone knocked on the door outside, and Mi Cai looked back at me subconsciously. I also looked at her full of surprise, because we I can't imagine who will come to visit at this time...

  Mi Cai put down what she was doing, approached the door and asked, "Who is it?"

   "Xiao Cai, it's my aunt."

When I got this answer, I subconsciously left the sofa and stood up. Maybe Mi Cai’s aunt had brought Yan Zhuomei here, and I was about to face this situation that I had never met before but to a certain extent determined the future fate of Mi Cai and me. woman.

  Mi Cai paused for a while, this pause proves that she has the same thoughts as me...

The door of the house was finally opened by Mi Cai, to our surprise, only her aunt was standing outside the door, Mi Cai invited her into the house, but she said to us: "I won't go in, Xiao Cai, Zhaoyang , get ready, and go to the airport with us to pick up my sister-in-law, she arrives in Shanghai at 11:00 noon."

  I checked the time, and it was already nine o'clock. If Mi Cai and I were really going to pick up the plane, we would indeed be ready to leave soon.

  Mi Cai was not in a hurry to reply, she asked: "Auntie, who else is going to pick up the plane?"

   "Your uncle, as well as Mi Lan and Fang Yuan, they are already preparing to leave in Zhuomei... I came to inform you, I hope you can go with us, after all, we are still a family, right, Xiao Cai?"

Mi Cai seemed to have concerns, or didn't want to be with Fang Yuan, she shook her head and replied, "Auntie, Zhaoyang and I will not go, we will wait for her in Suzhou, we will meet again at night...... "

Mi Cai's aunt didn't let her go on, took her hand, and said: "Xiao Cai, don't you understand your mother's temper? The person she wants to see most is you, so why embarrass her in the first place? ...Listen to auntie, go with us, I will take your car later, I just want to have a good chat with you on the way."

   "Auntie, if you are acting as my mother's lobbyist, then there is no need to talk."

"Xiao Cai, you are wrong. Instead of being your mother's lobbyist, my aunt will persuade her..." At this point, Mi Cai's aunt was already a little choked up. She held Mi Cai's hand He tightened his grip, and said emotionally: "You are a very miserable child...Auntie really misses you, I hope your happiness comes from the heart, not imposed on you by others... ....Your personality is too similar to that of your elder brother. I know that you take your feelings very seriously. It is impossible for you to drop everything and go to the United States. Therefore, I very much hope that you can live a married life with the man you admire , I don't approve of sister-in-law interfering too much in your life... But the power of aunt alone is too meager!"

  When relatives talked about her fragility, Mi Cai could see the sadness from her back, she was silent... This kind of silence seemed to be accumulating strength!

  Her aunt said again: "Go with aunt, and give your mother a step down. Don't set the tone of this hostility before meeting, it will be counterproductive."

  Mi Cai finally looked back at me and asked for my opinion. I thought what her aunt said was reasonable, so I nodded, indicating that I would go to the airport with her and face Yan Zhuomei immediately.

Only then did Mi Cai nod to her aunt, and when Mi Cai and I were changing shoes together, her aunt looked into the old house for a long time with a very complicated expression, but she didn't say anything about the house and Mi Cai. According to the exchange, perhaps for her, this old house is also a memory that can only be kept in the heart and cannot be talked about.


  I went to the open-air parking lot of the community to pick up the car, Mi Cai and her aunt sat in the back seat, and then I drove in the direction of Zhuomei, because I was going to meet Mi Zhongde and others there...

After about 20 minutes of driving, we finally arrived at Zhuomei. I saw Mi Lan's r8 and Mi Zhongde's Mercedes. Mi Cai and I didn't get out of the car, but after her aunt pressed the window to signal, Mi Lan's r8 was the first to start and leave, followed by Mi Zhongde's car, and our car followed at the end, and this also reflected our mentality, we are the most repulsive and Yan Zhuomei in this group people to meet.

After a while, the car drove onto the expressway bound for Shanghai, and Mi Cai's aunt got to the point. She said to Mi Cai, "Xiao Cai, remember what your aunt told you, don't talk to your mother." As a frontal confrontation, you can give her some promises that will make her see hope. Even if she can't accept your marriage for a while, at least she can't use means to obstruct it... When she returns to the United States, Auntie will definitely find a way to help you get the household registration book from your uncle, this is a guarantee from Auntie."

   "Auntie, I understand what you mean, I will try my best to restrain myself."

"Well..." After a little silence, she said to Mi Cai again: "Xiao Cai, Auntie also hopes that you can take this opportunity to let go of everything your uncle has done, you know, he has always loved you very much , It’s just...he and sister-in-law have common interests, and he also hopes that you can go back to the United States to inherit the property of sister-in-law, so that the Zhuomei group can be better developed in the he has no position to let you Give up the American industry and stay at home to compete with him for excellence."

   "Auntie, do you mean... all these years, everything I have done is wrong? It is my paranoia that makes the relatives around me so unsatisfactory?"

   "Xiao Cai, don't get me wrong. Auntie doesn't mean that. It's understandable that you can't untangle your heart. However, after so many years, things always have to have an explanation..."

"Of course there will be an explanation for things, but there is a premise. The premise is that she can realize that everything she has done is a great harm to us and is wrong...not like what she is doing now. , knowing the mistake and not correcting it, and based on this mistake, she forced me to accept the life she set for me... Back then, when she resolutely left, she had already severed her motherhood from me. I have no obligation to cooperate with her, and she has no right to ask me!"

Mi Cai's uncompromising attitude made me feel more deeply the pain she has accumulated in her heart over the years. At this moment, I really don't know if she can restrain herself and face Yan Zhuomei with a pandering attitude. .....From the perspective of my consciousness, I hope that there will be no conflict between them, and that being able to stabilize Yan Zhuomei and not let her obstruct it is the best result. I did not count on this extremely egoistic Women, can change their position in a moment to accept our marriage.

  After Mi Cai expressed her grievance and resentment for so many years, her aunt was consoling her again...and we were gradually approaching the Shanghai International Airport at this time.


We parked the car in the parking lot one after another. Mi Lan and Fang Yuan got out of the car first, followed by Mi Zhongde, and I, Mi Cai and her aunt were the last to get out of the car. The group of people finally stood together strangely. , and then face each other.

Mi Lan is a very strange woman, she never seems to feel that she has done something wrong to Mi Cai, she still said to Mi Cai without barriers: "Sister, I never thought you would really come to pick up the eldest mother... ..Have you figured it out and are ready to forgive her and go to America with her?"

   "Xiao Lan, just because I'm here doesn't mean I can accept everything she's done... I hope you don't over-interpret it!"

Mi Lan replied indifferently: "Ah, sister, can you not be so official when you talk to me... And I really don't understand why you don't want to take over such a large energy industry in the United States. , but insisted on fighting for life and death with us for Zhuo Mei...Why do you do this? I really don't like you! You are too paranoid! In the end, it made the whole family unhappy..... .”

  Mi Zhongde reprimanded sharply: "Xiao Lan, don't talk nonsense..."

Mi Lan retorted: "Am I wrong? It's just like this, okay?...I don't think my sister will argue with me. She loved me the most since she was a child, and I'm just telling the truth , the eldest mother is helpless in the United States alone, shouldn't she go to accompany the eldest mother?...Why should I guard a messy man in China and live a messy life!"

   Mi Cai stared at Mi Lan, reprimanded him with a stern expression: "Shut's not your turn to dictate my affairs!"

Mi Lan looked at Mi Cai in astonishment, maybe she had never been reprimanded by Mi Cai in her life, but Mi Cai was intimidating in front of her, she didn't say anything, Fang Yuan beside her also hugged her at this time Shoulder, to signal her not to stimulate Mi Cai's emotions.

Of course I know that Mi Cai’s anger is more due to Mi Lan calling me a messy man... In addition to being moved, I blame myself more, because I used to be a messy guy As a man, he still has no career and has no fantasies, so because of this, Mi Cai, like me, can't hold his head up...

  I was a little shaken. The squeeze around me made me dare not live in my own world. The desire for career gradually rose in my heart...


   I want to say sorry to everyone today, my body is malfunctioning again. Recently, I have been overloaded with writing books and doing things, so let's make an update today. The missing chapters will be added later! ~

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