My 26-year-old Female Tenant

Chapter 581: : what is love

Le Yao, Cao Jinfei, and the heavyweight guests who participated in their wedding left surrounded by everyone. Although it was only a short hour or so from their appearance to their departure, the hidden business brought to Luku and Zhuomei The value is immeasurable. I believe that all the planners who participated in this event will regard this business event involving Le Yao and Cao Jinfei as one of the most proud planning cases in their lives, and it is also a way to increase their career qualifications. important chips.

The motorcade with Le Yao and Cao Jinfei at the core gradually disappeared from my sight, and I finally had a feeling of regaining freedom. I opened the car window for the first time and breathed the air generated under the sun. It was dry and a bit cold, but it also calmed my emotional turmoil. I leaned on the car seat and remained silent for a long time.

The woman in red didn't bother me. When I closed my eyes and couldn't see the whole world, she opened the car door and left quietly. Before she went far, I lit a cigarette for myself and felt the world In the world, no one will live a more luxurious life than me at this time... because there is smoke, loneliness, thinking that can be imagined wantonly, and a dizzying noon, the sun is shining filled my side.

After starting the car, I finally left Zhuomei. I ordered a bowl of hot dry noodles at a nearby snack street. It was today’s lunch. I don’t think Le Yao will invite me to her wedding banquet, even though she once said, She will give me a wedding invitation and let me verify her wedding, but when the wedding really comes, she changes her mind and abruptly turns me into a man who has nothing to do with her, and then isolates me in her wedding besides...

The hot dry noodles have been delivered to me by the old male boss. I took a bite with the chopsticks and felt that the taste was not bad, so I focused on eating the noodles and stopped thinking about those overly complicated things.. ...

Halfway through eating the noodles, a text message sounded from my trousers pocket. The chopsticks in my hand didn’t stop, and I took the phone out of my pocket with my left hand. I took a look, and it turned out to be a text message from Le Yao. ....

   "Zhaoyang, thank you for giving me this wedding, without you there would be no wedding."

I smiled and realized that I was following up and organizing Le Yao's entire wedding from planning to execution. In fact, I have been participating in her wedding all along and never really left. The flickering lights around Le Yao were all carefully designed by me, so I have always had a subtle connection with this wedding.

I put down the chopsticks in my hand and sent a message back to Le Yao: "Why are you so polite?...Although I put a lot of thought into planning this wedding, it is really insignificant compared to the help you gave me .”

I thought that after we exchanged messages, Le Yao would invite me to her wedding banquet to have a good time, but it was wishful thinking, and she didn't even reply to the message, so I ordered another bowl of hot dry noodles and continued. Fill your belly.


This afternoon, Robben brought the girl to meet me at the "Seaview Coffee" downstairs in Zhuomei. The girl sat with me, and Robben sat opposite alone. I asked him: "Why did you bring the girl?" Here, where is Le Yao?"

   "After the wedding banquet, I went back to Beijing with Cao Jinfei and left the girl to me and Manwen to take care of."

  I sighed: "Don't go in such a hurry!"

Robben glanced at the girl, and replied: "Who knows what she thinks... She said that she will notify me after the Beijing side is settled, and then let me send the girl there... Press I said, don't take the girl back to Beijing, she'll make it look like she has no roots, and she'll be floating around all day long."

  I nodded and said in agreement: "It's not bad for a girl to follow you and Teacher Wei. After all, Teacher Wei has stayed in that small mountain village and served as a teacher for a girl. There is no obstacle for the two of them to communicate."

   "That's what I meant...God knows if this little girl can get used to her wealthy life with Cao Jinfei when she goes to Beijing with her. I think it's better to live a more ordinary life with Man Wen and me."

  I smiled: "The main thing is to live a reliable life with Teacher Wei. You can forget it. The word plain has nothing to do with you at all."

  Lighting a cigarette, Robben seemed to think of his life that was not ordinary at all these years, and that cc who was wandering far away...

Taking advantage of his silence, I took out a bank card from my briefcase, handed it to him and said, "This card contains Cao Jinfei's remuneration for participating in our company's micro-movie, a total of 600,000 yuan. Yao made the decision for Cao Jinfei, and used this remuneration as the living expenses for the girl all the way to university...Since the girl will live with you and Teacher Wei in the future, I will trouble you and Teacher Wei to keep the money for the girl."

   "Girl, Manwen and I can afford it. You can keep this money for yourself. It will come in handy."

   "Aren't you joking, I keep this money, what is it?"

Robben shook his head resolutely and said: "Don't make me and Manwen raise the girl for this money. In fact, Manwen and I discussed it a long time ago. After the economic conditions improve, we can go to the mountains. It is the best thing to adopt a child, and now the girl will follow us."

   "You just have a mental cleanliness!"

Robben didn't say any more, picked up the card, threw it in front of me again, took a puff of cigarettes, and asked again: "CC has been gone for so many days, have you contacted me?... ..I always feel that on Le Yao's wedding day, she will ask you to give Le Yao something."

I sighed: "It's definitely your illusion this time... cc she walked away cleanly, don't cause estrangement between you and Teacher Wei because of this matter, persuade her when the time is right, and give the marriage to her as soon as possible." It's over, after all, she is a woman who really can't afford to delay, as for the pain of the past, leave it to cc, let her take it to the ends of the earth, and let it dissipate."

Robben nodded, leaned on the sofa a little tiredly, closed his eyes and said with emotion: "Time is a sharp knife, which cuts those who have had close contact with us from our world alive and never see them again. ...Now it's cc, I don't know who will be next!"

I feel the same way, because I have bid farewell to too many people over the years, and this time I bid farewell to Le Yao. Although we can still contact each other, it is not much different from forever. I believe: After the micro film shooting is over, If you want to meet again, you can only rely on chance encounters, because no one can find a legitimate reason to meet each other.


Robben and I have been sitting in the same place smoking and drinking tea without moving, and the girl, a good boy, chose a quieter corner to write homework for the holiday alone, which gave Robben and I a space to chat freely , we chatted about the woman in our life, the unsatisfactory life, and even some opinions on music... The sky outside the window dimmed unknowingly during our chat, and all kinds of light came and went. With a dazzling posture, it occupies every corner of the city, but the light is not a real thing after all. Although it brings a feeling of fullness, it also draws out the inner emptiness and loneliness.

During the brief silence between Robben and me, Zhuomei's sales data was fed back to me in the form of SMS again, which is still so exciting. Up to now, the sales volume has exceeded 80 million, which indicates that Note: Before 12 o'clock in the morning, the expected sales of 100 million can be steadily broken through. This event has created a sales myth that is difficult to surpass in Suzhou's retail history. That is to say, Fangyuan has succeeded and Zhuomei has succeeded. , all those involved in this event were successful.

  I put down my phone and suddenly felt tired. At this time, the part of our RoadCool participation has been successfully completed. I want to go back and rest. As for the sales data later, I don’t have such high expectations.

  When she was about to say goodbye to Robben, Wei Manwen walked slowly up the stairs of the coffee shop. Her body was still full of intellectual beauty, and it was not at all obvious that her emotions had fluctuated greatly because of the relationship between cc and Robben.

She didn't come to Robben and me, but went to the girl, handed her a warm hamburger, and then helped her put away her schoolbag, and then took the girl's hand, ready to leave , completely regarded me and Robben as nothing.

  I finally couldn't sit still, and shouted to her: "Teacher Wei, stop for me."

Wei Manwen turned her head and looked at me with a puzzled look on her face, but she didn't say anything. I immediately picked up my briefcase and ran towards her. Since I met her here, of course I want to persuade her not to let her hang around like this. Ben, after all, CC has left forever, and all emotional entanglements should be put down.

I asked the girl to sit with Robben for a while, then took Wei Manwen to the first floor of the coffee shop, chose a corner by the window, and before I sat still, I said to her: "Teacher Wei, in my heart You have always been an intellectual woman, why did you act so irrationally in the matter of CC?...I really don't think it is wise for you to choose to postpone your marriage with Robben Decide."

Wei Manwen looked at me and said after a long time: "Maybe you think I'm lying, but I really want to give Robben some space to think clearly about who he should be with. I don't want to wait until we get married." Finally, he regrets it... Maybe, cc is the most suitable woman for him, but I am not."

I was very surprised by her answer. After a while of silence, I asked: "Mr. Wei, let's make a hypothesis. If you give Robben space and let him choose cc in the end, what should you do?  … ..I don't think you will fall in love with any man after leaving Robben in your life!"

  Wei Manwen looked at the people coming and going outside the coffee shop, feeling a little lost...

  I just asked the waiter for a pot of hot tea, poured a cup for myself and her, and waited patiently for her answer.

She finally came back to her senses, and said to me without much expression: "Ever since I stayed in that small mountain village for 3 years, love is no longer the most important thing in my life...Wei Manwen is hard To be equal to the former Wei Manwen."

   "What was Wei Manwen like?"

"In the past, Wei Manwen would quarrel with Robben because she couldn't see the future, and would go to the bar to drink from dusk to late night because of his infidelity... would be overwhelmed by the loss of love, unwilling to be in the Survival in this world... But these are the past after all, if not a few years later, I was found by him in that small mountain village, I have already married someone there, living a quiet life, with those who are like flowers The children who are waiting for the blooming are also very good and very happy!"

I looked at her even more surprised. I couldn't imagine being as gentle as her. She would also go to the bar to get drunk, but time is really a very changeable thing. It has used its own magic power to completely transform it. Wei Manwen let her see through many things.

   "Mr. Wei, when you say that, can I understand that, in fact, you still have the doctor in the small mountain village who almost became your fiancé in your heart?"

   Wei Manwen's expression was a little confused, she looked up at me and said, "His name is Zhou Hang."

Because it's been a long time and I haven't had a close relationship with that man, I really can't remember his name, but he is deep and indelible in Wei Manwen's heart, that's why she told me the man's name so solemnly .

I let out a breath, curled my lips habitually, and said, "Mr. Wei, you care so much that I can't remember that man's name. You have actually told me the answer: you really have him in your heart, even No less than Robben."

Wei Manwen lowered her head, turned the tea cup gently with her fingers, and replied after a long time: "Yes, so I can understand that while Robben loves me, he also loves cc...Actually , there is no too real love in this world, what we like is the lifestyle brought by love... Zhou Hang and I have always had the same ideals and values, and I am looking forward to being with him in that small mountain village Do something for the children and the villagers, and live a quiet life."

  I was a little emotional: "But... But, why did you choose to be with Robben and leave that small mountain village?"

This time Wei Manwen quickly gave me the answer: "Maybe I love him from the bottom of my heart... But during the time I returned to Suzhou, I became more and more aware that I don't have to live for love , the lifestyle you like is the most important thing.”

  At this time, I finally understood why Wei Manwen delayed her wedding with Robben, and why she had to wait until cc appeared again.

Thinking back carefully, since she returned to Suzhou, there has always been something missing between her and Robben. No matter what achievements Robben has made, she is always so calm and indifferent, unable to be happy for Robben's joy, She didn't even go to Robben's first concert after becoming famous... because what she was going through had deviated from the kind of lifestyle she needed.

   "Teacher Wei, tell me, is that man named Zhou Hang still waiting for you to change your mind and return to that small mountain village?"


I nodded and said: "This matter is beyond the scope of my intervention, I will not ask any more questions, but I hope you can find an opportunity to have an open talk with Robben... ..At the same time, I also respect your feelings for Zhou Hang. After all, although we outsiders have never seen it during the years you have been with him, there must be a lot of emotional sweetness and warmth. This is also an extremely precious part of your memory .”

   "Thank you for understanding and respecting me with a mature mind."


After I finished talking with Wei Manwen, she and Robben took the girl and left the coffee shop peacefully with each other, but I fell into an unprecedented confusion, thinking over and over again what Wei Manwen just said... .. She said: There is no too real love in this world, what we like is the lifestyle brought by love...

For a long time, I couldn't understand the true meaning of this sentence, but I felt sorry for Robben in my heart. Even though I can respect Wei Manwen's feelings for Zhou Hang, she no longer regards Robben as everything in her emotional world after all. ...It seems that they are all just a colorful leaf in the love life, which can take on various colors, fall on the water, fall in the mountains, fall in the black light that never has an answer.


  This night, I sat alone in the "Seaview Coffee" until the wee hours of the morning, and then I heard the 12 o'clock bell from Zhuomei's clock tower, and then I realized that this Christmas is over...

The SMS ringtone also rang at the same time, and I received Zhuomei’s final sales data in this event again. By the end of the event, Zhuomei had completed a total of 116 million yuan in sales, exceeding the pre-set goal and creating The sales myth of the department store industry.

I raised my head, wiped my face heavily with both hands, and then my whole body was empty, completely empty. This day, my brain has received too many messages, and finally it was overwhelmed and paralyzed, so that the phone The bell rang for a long time, but I didn't reach out to answer it...


  This chapter is a big chapter of 5,000 words, so that’s all for today,,, Can everyone accept this kind of big chapter? I still like to cut it into small chapters, please leave a message in the book review area.

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