My 26-year-old Female Tenant

Chapter 571: : Value is touted by desire

Just like that, Xiang Chen and I drank half of the bottle of Lafite from 1982, and Xiang Chen suggested again: "Zhaoyang, it's too wasteful to finish this bottle of wine in this place, why don't you continue drinking in another place?" .”

  I looked out the window at the sky where the freezing rain was still falling, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I've always heard that the moat in the north of the city has a nice view. Going there and drinking this bottle of Lafite can be regarded as realizing its value. What do you think?" After Xiang Chen finished speaking, he looked at me and smiled, then shook his hand again. The goblet, swallowed the remaining wine in it.

There are many places with good night views in Suzhou. It seems very deliberate for Xiang Chen to suggest drinking by the moat, but I can understand his intentions. So remind me in this cryptic way: Jian Wei is his fiancée...Maybe I worked with Jian Wei in the company and never gave him a sense of security.

  In order to dispel his doubts, I agreed to go to the moat to drink this bottle of red wine, but the freezing rain was really bad, which made my mood bad, and also the view by the moat!

   Xiang Chen brought the driver and sat in his Land Rover all the time, so I believe that it is his deliberate arrangement that we can drink face to face after a few years.


After a while, we arrived at the moat, but it was not the section of the river where Jian Wei and I often met, so this also proved that Jian Wei never let Xiang Chen find her by the moat, so Xiang Chen chose the best scenery The section of the river, but deviated from the section of the river that was supposed to go.

By the guardrail of the moat, Xiang Chen and I stood with umbrellas, the freezing rain "crackling" on the umbrella, dripping down along the umbrella ribs, we no longer had the exquisite goblet in our hands, only the Xiang Chen took a sip of the half-bottle of Lafite, closed his eyes and tasted it, and said to me: "I have drunk all Lafite produced after 80 years, except for the 1982 ones. , because of the year and the climate of the place where the grapes were planted, there is indeed some difference in taste, but this difference is very subtle. I can taste it today in 1982, but I don’t think it is compared with Lafite in other years. What a unique advantage, but its value has been multiplied several times, even dozens of times... Hehe, people! Animals born for desire, like to live in the blinded by vanity, self-deception In the world of..."

Xiang Chen handed me the wine bottle in his hand, and motioned for me to drink it too. I took a sip, and he said, "So under the control of desire, we men are obsessed with women who are beautiful in appearance and outstanding in temperament, and infatuated with the brands of cars." , the year of being obsessed with Lafite...this **** obsession is simply superstition!"

  I said to Xiang Chen who had stopped, "Go on."

   "Zhaoyang, do you think my pursuit of Jian Wei these years is particularly like a distorted desire, the more I can't get it, the more I want it?"

I was a little surprised that he said this to me, so that he fell into silence without psychological preparation. More importantly, Jian Wei, a woman, has always been a taboo between us. I don't like him talking about it with me. Jian Wei, she was even more unwilling to bring it up.

Did not get my answer, Xiang Chen smiled as if he understood, took the bottle of red wine from my hand, drank the expensive bottle of Lafite into his body in one go, and said Looking at the frozen river surface silently, I lit a cigarette to cope with the silence that made people unable to speak.

Finally, Xiang Chen threw the red wine bottle in his hand into the moat as if venting, and said a little out of control: "There is one less bottle of 82-year-old Lafite in this world, and that's it! It should rain or rain, The wind should be blown or blown, the sun will not rise from the west and set from the east... All the values ​​are **** touted by desire..."

   "You drink too much!"

Xiang Chen turned around and looked at me, put his left hand on my shoulder after a while, and said to me in a self-deprecating tone: "Zhaoyang, I proposed to Jian Wei a few days ago... In the end, you should know... career is still her best shield, after all, she still doesn't love me enough... it doesn't matter, I have waited all these years, and I don't care about wasting my youth to wait with her ...But you, when are you going to marry Zhuo Mei's President Mi?"

   "It shouldn't be too long after she returns to China."

   Xiang Chen nodded and said, "I look forward to having a few drinks with you at your wedding banquet in the future."

   "Come on, drink as much as you want."

Xiang Chen raised the corner of his mouth, then put down the hand on my shoulder, turned around and looked around the moat, after a long time, he smiled with a complicated complexion, and sighed: "The scenery of this moat is really good, it's freezing rain , and can't wash away the charm of this place, but I don't know, is it here that Jian Wei likes? Or is it some other scenery along the river that I don't know?"

I smoked the cigarette in my hand, and as always, I was unwilling to talk about Jian Wei with Xiang Chen. I even had a faint hope in my heart, hoping that Xiang Chen and Jian Wei would have a good relationship sooner, and I wanted to get rid of Luku. I founded the company with my own hands, but it is a company invested by Jian Wei. In fact, even though I was persuaded by Jian Wei, I never stopped thinking about leaving Luku. I have always been looking forward to the project of Road Cool and the Road to Literature and Art, and it can even be said to be a dream. Maybe, one day I can rely on my own efforts to do it in a down-to-earth manner, and I no longer have to be afraid of this soaring queen. the height of.


I parted from Xiang Chen on the bank of the moat. He left in his own Land Rover under the **** of the driver. I held an umbrella and waited for a passing taxi by the side of the road. I refused his offer to see me off because At this time, I would rather be alone in this freezing rain, even if I can't wait for the car, I can just walk back.

On this freezing rainy night, after all, I couldn’t wait for a passing taxi by this inaccessible moat. I lit a cigarette and thought about something while walking, and then I had a strong premonition that I don’t have to wait until this year During the Chinese New Year, my life will undergo a qualitative change, and this qualitative change must begin after Mi Cai returns to China.

Tired from walking, I sat on the bus platform by the side of the road, avoiding the traffic lights from both sides of the road, still thinking about my own thoughts, I thought of cc again, and I don’t know where she is now, I hope it is a place with sunshine and not as cold as Suzhou, so that I can envy her and her courage to give up everything... So, I took out my mobile phone and found the photos I had taken with her. In the intimate group photo below, her smile is still so contagious, and the smoke between her fingers is even more her charm... I pray: tonight, she will have a peaceful sleep, and hope that in the future One day, we will run into each other in a completely strange place... She is still playing the guitar, singing, and there is a glass of beer by her side that can be picked up at any time.

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