My 26-year-old Female Tenant

Chapter 134: : Message from Le Yao

  Responding to Mi Zhongde's question, Mi Cai smiled and said, "Well, he is my friend."

  Mi Zhongde responded to Mi Cai with a smile, and then the people behind him respectfully called Mi Cai "President Mi", and Mi Cai nodded with them.

  Mi Zhongde said to Mi Cai again: "I'm going to Nanjing for a meeting these few days, and you should pay more attention to the affairs in Shanghai." After speaking, he looked at me again.

  I hated Mi Zhongde from the bottom of my heart, but I still smiled at him. At the same time, Mi Cai nodded and said to Mi Zhongde: "Uncle, you should also pay attention not to overwork yourself!"

  Mi Zhongde patted Mi Cai on the shoulder lightly to signal her reassurance, and then walked towards the exit amidst the crowd.

Mi Zhongde had gone far away, and I looked at his back again, and felt that this person was unfathomable, while Mi Cai, on the other hand, was so weak in front of him, it was not a level of competition. Of course, this comparison was just a comparison. As far as appearance is concerned, Mi Cai has her own means, otherwise Mi Zhongde's conspiracy against her would not have been disintegrated within a week last time.

However, judging from the situation just now, Mi Cai and Mi Zhongde have not really broken their faces, which also shows that they should be in a state of evenly balanced balance, but they are restraining each other. As for who can completely control Zhuo Mei, it is hard to say. But subconsciously, I always feel that Mi Zhongde has a better chance of winning, after all, his foundation in Zhuomei is much deeper than that of Mi Cai.

  I followed Mi Cai to her office again, and asked jokingly, "When you asked Mi Zhongde to pay attention to your body, what were you thinking?"

   "No thinking."

   "Impossible, he treats you like that, do you really hope that he will live a long life? ... That's right, ordinary evils can live for thousands of years!"

  Mi Cai stopped, frowned and said, "I forbid you to say that about him."

  I was shocked by Mi Cai's attitude, and after a long pause, I asked, "He's not worth your maintenance, is he?"

  Mi Cai's expression was a bit sad, and she replied after silence: "He is always my uncle."

  I looked at Mi Cai, helpless at her answer, because her kindness is fatal in a battle at the mall, but what can I say? A highly educated and assertive woman like her will not be easily influenced by others in her value orientation. Furthermore, from the perspective of an outsider, of course I can despise Mi Zhongde's character to the utmost extent, but the fact is that he is indeed Mi Cai's uncle.


  When I came to Mi Cai's office, I still didn't regard myself as an outsider. I sat on Mi Cai's office chair, and then brazenly opened her drawer to take out the unstolen photos and examine them carefully.

   "Zhaoyang, don't you think it's impolite to rummage through someone's drawer?" Mi Cai asked me in a bored tone.

   "I know, but don't you often say that I am a primary school student, so it's normal that my restraint is weak!"

  Mi Cai glanced at me speechlessly, as if she was too lazy to pay attention, she lowered her head and continued eating.

  In my boredom, I took out her camera and took out her camera, and then took random pictures of her eating. A typical villain who succeeds, but never gets tired of it...

  After stuffing all the photos I took into my pocket, I finally asked Mi Cai seriously: "Comrade Xiaomi, have you started the plan to help Wei Xiao's grandfather set up a cabinet in Zhuomei?"

  Mi Cai nodded: "This morning, the planning department has been notified to come up with a plan..." After a short pause, he asked me again: "By the way, do you have any ideas for publicity and marketing after the bar reopens?"

  I replied helplessly: "Not yet, you also understand that many marketing ideas are difficult to realize in the poor overall marketing environment!"

  Mi Cai nodded and said: "This is indeed a very difficult challenge, but it is also the most challenging, isn't it?"

  I smiled: "If you are willing to sing in residence every night, I can focus on this point and use very few resources to make a sensational marketing effect!"

  Mi Cai had a half-smile expression: "It's fine for me to sing as a resident, as long as you pay me the performance fee."

  Of course I knew that Mi Cai was joking with me, but I followed her words and said, "You can offer me a price. Money is not a problem for me at all."

   "The problem is no money, right?"

   "You know me too well... But, is it a bit hurtful for us to talk about money, after all, we are still friends."

   "Who is your friend." Mi Cai choked me subconsciously.

  I didn't care, and asked: "Then we are not friends, what is the relationship?"

   "I am the landlord, you are the tenant..."

   "Is that all?"

   Mi Cai looked up at me and said after a long time, "What do you think?"

   "Actually, such a definition is quite good. I am your male landlord, and you are my female tenant..."

Although I deliberately confused the identities of the landlord and the tenant, Mi Cai was habitually indifferent, and continued to eat with his head down without saying anything, but I felt a little lost in my heart. If it was just a tenant and a landlord, why would it be like this? What about worrying?


After leaving Zhuomei, I spent the whole afternoon supervising the work at the bar. Currently, the renovation progress of the bar is more than halfway through. It won’t be long before it will be opened to the public with a new image. This is a good thing and what we are looking forward to, but it also makes me anxious , because so far, I have no ideas for marketing and publicity. If this continues, I am worried that the bar after spending a lot of money on redecoration will still follow the old path before, and then die in a dismal operation.

I thought: It’s hard for me to bear such a blow. After all, this bar has placed too many people’s hopes, and it owes Jian Wei and Mi Cai 500,000 each. The best result is to repay it with the profit of the bar, because I'm very worried that Le Yao will go down the wrong path with such a heavy debt, her character is the most unstable among the women I know.

  This evening, I was a little lonely playing racing cars in the square, and this loneliness will continue until late at night, because Mi Cai went to Shanghai for a business trip in the afternoon, so naturally I was with Weiran at night.

  Thinking of the picture of her and Weiran together, I feel inexplicably uncomfortable. I know this kind of discomfort should not happen, but who can control my thinking? So I condemned myself, but in the self-condemnation, I seemed to be even more lonely! <'s WeChat, she asked me to watch today's entertainment news, I was a little surprised, but I still took out my phone.

   Then I saw a piece of news about Le Yao in a prominent place on the entertainment section of a certain website. The news broke the news that she had spent a night in a hotel with a well-known actor in China, and she was suspected of having an affair.

  Of course, the breaking point of this news is the well-known actor, after all, Le Yao is just a newcomer who is not well-known.

I couldn't confirm the authenticity of this news, so I immediately dialed Le Yao's cell phone, ready to ask her for confirmation. I hope this is just a hype news in the entertainment circle, but if it is hype, why is the name Le Yao targeted? What about newcomers who don't transfer? After all, her hype value is not high, and her status in the entertainment industry is far from that of another hype target, which obviously does not conform to the law of hype.

  So in the notification tone after the phone dialed, I was even more eager to know the truth!

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