My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 399: Pool mermaid

Chapter 399: Pool Mermaid

Xu Qingmo quietly walked out of the reed all the way, her chest was painful, her injury was not good, and she needed to find a quiet place to rest.

However, he had just stepped out, and for a moment, in the distance, the old man was carrying a group of excalibur fighters and was pointing at himself with a gun.

Blocked up!

"I brought black, and I don't know what kind of character she is." The old man said to Xu Qingmo, "Hold your hands, you can't run away."

Xu Qingmo grinned and was still caught. It seems that he and Hei Hei's method of hiding first did not make any difference.

Xu Qingmo shook her head and glanced around.

The old man said: "Your status is special. It is impossible for the country to let you go free. Going back with us is your only way out, and I don't want to do anything to you."

"Sorry, I may surrender, but not now, I have my business." Xu Qingmo said.

"This is not your mercenary battlefield! This is Huaxia!" The old man yelled.

Xu Qingmo shrugged, saying that he could not obey, and the old man no longer said much, directly raised the gun in his hand, and the remaining Excalibur fighters also aimed their guns at Xu Qingmo.

"Last chance, I hope you can come back, Hei also hopes that maybe you can still be together." The old man still couldn't help it.

"Say sorry to her for me." Xu Qingmo smiled bitterly.

The old man immediately fired, and the bullets whistled.

However, Xu Qingmo is no longer in place. The whole person is like a lightning, rushing to the river in twists and turns, within a short distance of less than ten meters, constantly doing tactical evasion.

Excalibur fighters fired, but none of them hit with information. Xu Qingmo was doing a dodge every second while running, making the Excalibur fighters unable to lock in at all.

The bullet passed by Xu Qingmo's side, and the hot traces he made even curled up Xu Qingmo's hair, but after all, he missed it.

After the old man fired a shot, he raised his gun a second time, but never pulled the trigger, because he knew that there was no chance.

"Tongtong." Xu Qingmo plunged into the river with a small splash.

"嗖 嗖 嗖 嗖" followed closely, and the bullets shot straight into the water, as if to pierce the heart.

"Chasing!" The old man personally led the team to the river, watching the calm river.

"This is a river in Huaxia. No one can escape in the hands of our Excalibur soldiers." A captain-like figure beside the old man said, "I also called the elite of the Frogman unit here. The team is assured that I will catch him live."

The old man said in a deep voice, "Catch it."

Excalibur fighters and frogmen, one by one, entered the river.

Xu Qingmo in the river just swam forward for a distance, then stopped the castration, and did not float up for ventilation, but directly sank.

Xu Qingmo knows that there are a lot of excalibur fighters tracking outside, maybe there are other special forces proficient in underwater combat, and his chest is still injured, so it is difficult and difficult to escape in this river.

However, Xu Qingmo remembered the time when Yu Jiaonu escaped her pursuit in the river, and immediately used it instead of diving, but sinking, and using a long period of closed air to move underwater.

Soon, Xu Qingmo came to the bottom of the river. Fortunately, the depth of the river was okay and somewhat turbid. Xu Qingmo at the bottom of the river was a natural cover.

There were waves coming from above, and many people were launching. Xu Qingmo squatted on the bottom of the river, holding a huge rock in both hands, and remained motionless. The immortal body in the body taught the Changsheng power to fully operate, trying to keep her breathless for as long as possible.

The last time Yu Jiaonu had been hiding at the bottom of the river, using the magic of painted skin to greatly extend the time of apnea, then Xu Qingmo on the river could not figure out her head, and did not even see her go up for ventilation, directly aggressive.

Xu Qingmo had no skin painting, so he could only use immortality to teach longevity. Originally, he could at least hold his breath for half an hour, but now that his chest is injured, everything is difficult to tell.

Xu Qingmo did not continue to stay, but holding the stone and started walking slowly.

After walking for a while, Xu Qingmo stopped, looked down, and began to shed a trace of blood on his chest.

No, the wound cracked and blood was squeezed out.

Xu Qingmo immediately threw away the boulder in his hand, drew a handful of bottom mud, and wiped it on his chest, then pressed it with his hands. Do not let the blood come out again, any **** smell can attract the attention of the people above.

Xu Qingmo covered her chest and didn't move. The whole person was like a stone and went silent. Even the swimming fish under the water did not find him, and freely swaggered his tail past him.

Xu Qingmo shot lightly, very slowly and slowly, but disappeared silently, swiping under the belly of the swimming fish, and then a blood flower spread out from the belly of the swimming fish.

Yuyu was terrified, and immediately swam away.

Xu Qingmo remained calm and continued to hurt a few swimming fishes to cover up the blood on his chest.

Soon, the **** smell of the river water caught the attention of the people above. Xu Qingmo felt the shadows of the people above and searched nearby.

Xu Qingmo remained motionless, but the Excalibur warrior and the frog people searched closer and closer. One person even swept past Xu Qingmo's body. Fortunately, Xu Qingmo had covered his body with mud, even if the other party was using infrared thermal imaging Yi, could not find him.

In fact, if Xu Qingmo actually did, these figures would all die in this river, but he did not.

He is also a Huaxia man. Those who arrested him were fighters who protected Huaxia. Xu Qingmo could not do anything to them. He had always avoided running away. Otherwise, Xu Qingmo had several ways to kill himself just in the reeds above. Come to escape.

He was a Huaxia first, and then a mercenary king!

Xu Qingmo changed constantly, and finally, the Excalibur and Frogman felt that the time was too long. It was impossible for a person to keep breathing for so long. Xu Qingmo could not be here again. It must have been diving to another place, so Began to leave.

After the figure above left, Xu Qingmo didn't leave immediately, and continued to be like a rock. Sure enough, another figure passed by from above.

After this figure passed, Xu Qingmo finally set off, his lungs were about to explode, and his chest was hurt more seriously. The river was very dirty, and the silt did not know if it contained any bacteria. Xu Qingmo only felt his own The chest began to get hot.


Xu Qingmo burst out of the water, breathing heavily, and even two streams of water flowed from his nose. Before he was at the bottom of the river, he inevitably drank a lot of water.

The lungs were tingling and the chest was burning. Xu Qingmo knew that he was not in good health, and he could not help but shake his head.

He was not injured in the pursuit of the Excalibur warrior, but he did not expect to plant a heel in the environment of the river embankment. The river water was so polluted and the bacteria in the silt were so powerful that he broke through the protection of immortal longevity and endangered Xu Qingmo Body, this was never thought of.

The ditch of the heavens is really well-deserved.

Down the river, you will definitely encounter excalibur fighters, so Xu Qingmo goes up against the current, goes in the opposite direction, re-enters the Jade City, and passes through an industrial zone on the road. Much more comfortable, but his body was even worse.

Ahead, the river is connected to the inner lake of a high-end community. Xu Qingmo quickly swam in, climbed up from a villa, turned over into the villa, and rested on a lounger by the pool. He must now rest well, otherwise There really is a problem. The river in the heavens is so powerful.

But afraid of what came, Xu Qingmo just lay down and heard a sound, the door of the villa opened.

Xu Qingmo rolled into the swimming pool, hiding in the corner.

Looking down from the clear swimming pool, there was a scull between them, wrapped in white bathrobes, and heading towards the swimming pool.

She's a woman and she's in great shape!

But Xu Qingmo doesn't have any shy thoughts now, he can't wait to stun the woman and take a good rest himself.

Because it was in her own home, the woman was very casual, did not check the swimming pool, unbuttoned the bathrobe directly, exposed the **** three-point style, and then jumped into the water.

Xu Qingmo squatted on the bottom of the water, looking at it from below, the sun was splashing in the pool of water. The pool of water seemed to be transparent. The woman's white body was slender and curvy. Like a mermaid, swimming freely and flexibly in the water.

Xu Qingmo looked at it, and it was also a heat in his lower abdomen, which actually suppressed the burning sensation in his chest.

No, Xu Qingmo can't hold it anymore, he can no longer hold his breath for a long time, so he kicks his feet on the ground, Xu Qingmo's body floats up and rushes towards the air outside.

The woman had no idea that there was another man in the pool, who was swimming, and suddenly felt that his thigh was hit by something.

Xu Qingmo was also dizzy, and his injuries were getting worse. He lost his head and turned into a woman's thigh.

Xu Qingmo quickly reached out and pushed away the woman's waist, but the woman also reacted violently, her legs kicked in disorder, making Xu Qingmo's fingers hook into her swimming trunks at once.

"Ah!" The woman screamed, thinking that the satyr she encountered.

Xu Qingmo tried to pull his hands, but the movement was chaotic, and actually tore off the cloth piece on the woman.

The woman was even more frightened. She floated up and screamed, and she called for help.

Xu Qingmo immediately caught up with him. He couldn't let the woman scream. In case there was a policeman nearby, even if there was no policeman, he was heard by a passerby. He kindly called the police and he would be finished.

Xu Qingmo hugged the woman with her legs open, clamped her soft waist, and then flipped her hands to cover the woman's mouth.

"Shh!" Xu Qingmo said to her, and then hesitated.

Women also hold back.

Xu Qingmo smiled, her hand slipped from the woman's red lips, and slid into her chest.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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